145 research outputs found

    Accent Attitudes: Reactions to English as a Lingua Franca

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    AbstractThe emergence of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and English as an International Language (EIL) has implored us to re-examine the relevance and necessity of the ideology of the native speaker as a model in English language teaching. ELF celebrates the diversity of the various varieties of Englishes that are used in non-native as well as native speaker environments. One obvious manifestation of the diversity of English spoken in the various parts of the world is the accent that is often ascribed to the various diverse speakers of English, wherever it is spoken and used. Generally, the aim of this paper is to examine how non-native speakers (NNS) of English view NNS accents in relation to NS accents. Specifically, the study will discuss the findings of a study that explored the attitudes and beliefs regarding ELF accents in relation to NS accents. The data for this study was collected using a questionnaire adapted from Jenkins (2007). The respondents were a group of trainee teachers of English in a Malaysian public institution of higher learning. The findings show that the respondents perceived the NS accents as being better and described them in more positive categories than the non NNS accents. The NS accents are preferred by the respondents. The findings here reveal biasness towards NS accents as being more correct and proper as opposed to NNS accents. Although there is a shift in the number of users and uses of English in recent times, these teachers still think and believe that ‘proper’ English remains the preserve of inner circle countries

    Effect of potash and sulphur on yield and quality parameters under different planting methods in onion

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    A field experiment was carried out to examine the effect of potash and sulphur on yield and quality parameters under different planting methods in onion (Allium cepa L.) during Rabi 2014 and 2015. The experiment consists of 8 treatment combinations viz. 2 planting methods (bed and flat), 4 treatments of fertilizer viz. S1-N100 P50 K0 S0 (control), S2 - N100 P50 K50 S0, S3 - N100 P50 K0S40, S4 - N100 P50 K50 S40. The experiment was laid in factorial randomized block design and replicated thrice. Uniform dose of farm Yard manure (50 t ha-1) was applied to all the treatments. Data on plant height (cm), leaves /plant (No.), neck thickness (mm), fresh bulb weight (g), fresh bulb yield (q ha-1), total soluble solids (T.S.S), sprouting (%),rotting (%) and physiological weight loss (%) at 30 and 90 days after of harvest were recorded . It has been observed that planting methods and fertilizer treatments showed significant difference at 5% level of significance for plant height (cm), neck thickness (mm), fresh bulb weight (g), fresh bulb yield (q ha-1),total soluble solids (T.S.S), sprouting(%), rotting(%) and physiological weight loss (%) at 30 days after harvest. However their interaction was significant for Neck thickness (mm), fresh bulb yield (q ha-1) and rotting (%).It was found that application of potash and sulphur with recommended dose of Nitrogen and phosphorus gave better results in relation to yield as well as quality characters. The results revealed that application of potash and sulphur with recommended dose of nitrogen and phosphorus (S4 - N100 P50 K50 S40 ) gave better results in relation to yield (339.6 q ha-1) as well as quality characters like sprouting (2.38 %) and rooting (12.18 %) and physiological weight loss at 30 and 90 days of harvest(10.22 and 20.50 % respectively)

    Laproscopic evaluation in primary female infertility

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    Background: Infertility is defined as inability to conceive within one or more years of regular unprotected coitus. Infertility has now a days not only a medical but a social problem as well. Ignorance and illiteracy, coupled with hesitancy to discuss the problem, complicates the matter further. WHO has listed infertility as a global health issue.Methods: The present study was conducted on 64 patients with female factor primary infertility admitted in department of obstetrics and gynecology at Rajendra Hospital, Patiala over a duration of 1 year (December 2013- November 2014). All the patients had normal semen study of their partner.Results: In our study mean age was 27.87±4.57. No patient was above 40 years of age. Duration of infertility between 1-5 years was in 47 patients (73.43%), nine patients (14.06%) were infertile for 6-10 years. Out of 64 patients of primary infertility, majority of patients were of endometriosis 15(23.43%), followed by pelvic inflammatory disease14(21.87%), tubal blockade in 7(10.9%), PCOD in 6(9.37%). 14.08% patients had normal laproscopic study. 34 patients (53.12%) had bilateral spill while no spill was seen in 12 patients (18.75%). Unilateral spill was seen in seven patients (10.93%) while six patients (9.37%) had delayed spill.Conclusions: Prevalence of infertility is increasing, so is the awareness and treatment seeking behavior. The present study assures that in evaluation and workup of primary infertility patients, after baseline noninvasive investigations, endometrial sampling and HSG, the diagnostic and operative laproscopy is an excellent tool for evaluation of tubal factor. Least expected conditions like endometriosis on clinical evaluation, can be diagnosed and treated with ease on laproscopy. Although tubal factor has been considered to be responsible for a large percentage of cases with female secondary infertility since decades, but in present study laproscopic evaluation confirmed tubal factor in 85.01% cases with female factor infertility

    Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of groundnut and disease caused by Macrophomina phaseolina

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    Efficacy of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was evaluated for the biological control of soil-borne plant pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina in groundnut plant. For this investigation pot culture technique was followed. Soil based mixture of AM fungi (Glomus fasciculatum) was inoculated onto the root of groundnut. In results the colonization by mycorrhizal fungi significantly resulted into decreased incidence of disease caused by M. phaseolina. The growth of groundnut showed marked increase due to mycorrhizal colonization viz. shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight, leaf, nodule and pod number. In presence of pathogen mycorrhizal dependency was significantly higher but degree of colonization went down. The content of chlorophyll was found to be increased significantly due to inoculation of AM fungi. The various bio-chemical and defense related enzyme activities were investigated and the results obtained showed significant increase in their activities due to pathogen as well as AM fungi inoculation. But, highest activities were recorded where both pathogen as well AM fungi were involved. Thus, inoculation of AM fungi showed great bio-control ability as well as growth promoter. Moreover, it showed their efficacy in inhibition of damaging effect caused by pathogen M. phaseolina

    Exploring native speaker and non-native speaker accents: The English as a Lingua Franca perspective

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    The relevance of the ideology of the native–speaker (NS) as a model and target in English language teaching (ELT) has over the recent years been increasingly questioned with the emergence of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF).Accents that do not conform to NS standards are termed as ‘foreign’ and are usually considered to be something to get rid of by training.This study examines how non-native speakers (NNS) of English view NNS accents in relation to NS accents.The findings show that the respondents consistently ranked NS accents higher than NNS in terms of correctness, acceptability, pleasantness and familiarity

    Hysteroscopic evaluation in infertility and abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Hysteroscopy an endoscopic procedure for visualization of uterine cavity may be extensively used in both primary and secondary infertility and abnormal uterine bleeding for evaluating intrauterine pathology. The objectives of this study were to visualize and identity intrauterine pathology in both primary and secondary infertility and abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) by hysteroscopic evaluation and to perform hysteroscopic guided therapeutic procedures like endometrial currettage, polypectomy, adhesiolysis.Methods: Hysteroscopic evaluation of uterine cavity for any intrauterine pathology in AUB and Infertility. Adhesiolysis, polypectomy, endometrial biopsy misplaced copper T removal were carried out under hysteroscopic vision.Results: Intrauterine synechia in 20.51%, Submucous fibroid in 5.13%, bicornuate uterus, endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial polyp were seen in 2.56% patient each were detected in infertility group while 81.95% cases with AUB had abnormal intrauterine pathology commonest being endometrial hyperplasia in 33.33% followed by endometrial polyps in 23.81% cases, submucous fibroid and misplaced copper T in 9.52% each and intrauterine synechia in 4.76% patient. Endometrial biopsy and polypectomy was done in 23.80% each with AUB, misplaced copper T removal in 9.52% and adhesiolysis in 4.76% patient with AUB.Conclusions: Hysteroscopy remains gold standard for evaluating intrauterine lesions in abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility. A safe, simple minimally invasive procedure not only diagnostic but therapeutic modality for adhesiolysis, endometrial biopsy/curettage, polypectomy, misplaced copper T removal under direct vision with minimal complication within reach of every Gynaecologist thereby reducing burden of major surgical intervention

    Examining the role of the English literature component in the Malaysian English curriculum

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    This paper examines the role and the position of the English Literature component in the current Malaysian English curriculum.A brief historical overview of the role and the position of English literature in the Malaysian curriculum will be provided. English literature has been through volatile changes throughout the years and is often seen to play a secondary role to help increase English proficiency of students.In the preliminary National Education Blueprint (2013 – 2025), once again English literature is juxtaposed as a tool to help increase English proficiency.Given the many revamps the curriculum in Malaysia has undergone, this paper argues that there is a general state of ambivalence towards the role and position of English Literature in the curriculum.This paper proposes that English Literature as a subject should be reconceptualised given its potential to help educate and prepare young Malaysians for the impact of globalization and the vibrant changes and challenges in the Malaysian political and social context.Literature should no longer be considered merely as a tool to increase English proficiency; it should serve as a bridge to educate young Malaysians about their rich literary traditions, heritage and culture

    Upskilling English teachers in Malaysia: a critical pedagogy perspective

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    English language teachers play an integral role in shaping Malaysian citizens.Recently, the Ministry of Education introduced the upskilling of English teachers nationwide as it was found that of 70000 teachers, 70% were found to be unfit to teach the subject, based on the English Language Cambridge Placement Test. Selected English teachers are now required to attend courses to ‘upskill’ and hone their language proficiency and pedagogical skills.Selected English teachers attend a training programme run by the British Council to upgrade their linguistic and pedagogical competencies. Drawing on the concept of critical pedagogy and language teaching and learning, this paper examines how teachers involved in the Ministry of Education upskilling programme reposition and manage their identities as teachers and learners as well as how they view the programme in their lives as teachers.Fifteen teachers undergoing the upskilling training were interviewed using structured interviews.It was found that although most of the participants highly valued the programme, almost all felt that it was burdensome in terms of adding to their workload and some could not see how it would help them in their classrooms. It is important to analyse sociocultural perspectives of such programmes in order for us to understand the complexities that are involved in the development and training of teachers