9 research outputs found

    Motivación y adherencia a la práctica de baloncesto en adolescentes

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    El objetivo del estudio fue examinar y profundizar en las motivaciones de los jugadores de baloncesto adolescentes para seguir practicando su deporte. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 6 jugadores de baloncesto (3 chicas y 3 chicos), con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 16 años. Se empleó una entrevista semi-estructurada con preguntas abiertas a cada deportista. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de las transcripciones de las entrevistas, en el que se empleó un procedimiento deductivo. Los resultados revelaron que los siguientes factores tienen una gran importancia para que los jugadores de baloncesto entrevistados mantengan su práctica: una motivación autodeterminada para practicar, la satisfacción de sus necesidades psicológicas, el clima de apoyo a la autonomía que genera el entrenador, así como la relación con éste, el apoyo familiar y la posibilidad de poder compatibilizar con los estudios. En esta línea, se pone de maniesto la necesidad de emplear estrategias para ayudar a que los deportistas adopten formas de motivación autodeterminadas, generar un clima de apoyo a la autonomía en los entrenamientos y en la competición, que facilite la satisfacción de las tres necesidades psicológicas y que, además, el adolescente cuente con el apoyo familiar en las diversas facetas de su vida; todo ello es fundamental para garantizar la adherencia a la práctica entre los jóvenes jugadores de baloncesto.

    A Functional Role of RB-Dependent Pathway in the Control of Quiescence in Adult Epidermal Stem Cells Revealed by Genomic Profiling

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    Continuous cell renewal in mouse epidermis is at the expense of a pool of pluripotent cells that lie in a well defined niche in the hair follicle known as the bulge. To identify mechanisms controlling hair follicle stem cell homeostasis, we developed a strategy to isolate adult bulge stem cells in mice and to define their transcriptional profile. We observed that a large number of transcripts are underexpressed in hair follicle stem cells when compared to non-stem cells. Importantly, the majority of these downregulated genes are involved in cell cycle. Using bioinformatics tools, we identified the E2F transcription factor family as a potential element involved in the regulation of these transcripts. To determine their functional role, we used engineered mice lacking Rb gene in epidermis, which showed increased expression of most E2F family members and increased E2F transcriptional activity. Experiments designed to analyze epidermal stem cell functionality (i.e.: hair regrowth and wound healing) imply a role of the Rb-E2F axis in the control of stem cell quiescence in epidermis

    Motivação e adesão à prática de basquete em adolescentes

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    El objetivo del estudio fue examinar y profundizar en las motivaciones de los jugadores de baloncesto adolescentes para seguir practicando su deporte. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 6 jugadores de baloncesto (3 chicas y 3 chicos), con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 16 años. Se empleó una entrevista semi-estructurada con preguntas abiertas a cada deportista. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de las transcripciones de las entrevistas, en el que se empleó un procedimiento deductivo. Los resultados revelaron que los siguientes factores tienen una gran importancia para que los jugadores de baloncesto entrevistados mantengan su práctica: una motivación autodeterminada para practicar, la satisfacción de sus necesidades psicológicas, el clima de apoyo a la autonomía que genera el entrenador, así como la relación con éste, el apoyo familiar y la posibilidad de poder compatibilizar con los estudios. En esta línea, se pone de manifesto la necesidad de emplear estrategias para ayudar a que los deportistas adopten formas de motivación autodeterminadas, generar un clima de apoyo a la autonomía en los entrenamientos y en la competición, que facilite la satisfacción de las tres necesidades psicológicas y que, además, el adolescente cuente con el apoyo familiar en las diversas facetas de su vida; todo ello es fundamental para garantizar la adherencia a la práctica entre los jóvenes jugadores de baloncestoAbstract: Te aim of the study was to examine and deepen the motivations of teenage basketball players to continue practicing their sport. Te sample consisted of a total of 6 basketball players (3 girls and 3 boys), aged between 14 and 16 years. A semi-structured interview with open questions was used each athlete. A content analysis of the transcripts of the interviews, in which a deductive procedure was used was performed. Te results revealed that the following factors are very important for players interviewed basketball maintain their practice: a self-determined motivation to practice, to satisfy their psychological needs, the climate of autonomy support generated by the coach and the relationship with it, family support and the possibility to reconcile with studies. In this line, it highlights the need for strategies to help athletes adopt forms of self-determined motivation, create a climate of support for autonomy in training and competition, to facilitate the satisfaction of the three psychological needs and also, the teenager has the family support in the various facets of his life; this is essential to ensure adherence to the practice among young basketball players.Resumo: O propósito do estudo foi aprofundar conhecimentos sobre as motivações dos jogadores de basquetebol adolescentes para promover a sua adesão esporte no futuro, en numa amostra de adolescentes de 6 jogadores de basquete (3 meninas e 3 meninos) e com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e 16 anos. Para tal, foi utilizado como instrumento de trabalho uma entrevista semi-estruturada com perguntas abertas par cada atleta. Foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo das transcrições das entrevistas. Os resultados revelaram que os seguintes fatores são muito importantes para manter sua participação de esportes: motivação auto-determinada para a prática, satisfazer as suas necessidades psicológicas, clima de apoio autonomia gerado pelo treinador eo relacionamento com ele, apoio familiar ea possibilidade de conciliar com os estudos. Nesta linha, destaca a necessidade de estraté- gias para ajudar os atletas adotam formas de motivação auto-determinada, criar um clima de apoio para a autonomia em treinamento e competição, para facilitar a satisfação das três necessidades psicológicas e também, o adolescente tem o apoio da família nas várias facetas da sua vida; isto é essencial para garantir a adesão à prática entre os jovens jogadores de basquet

    Toward Tumor Fight and Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling: PBA Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Reduces Tumor Hybrid Cells' Pluripotency in Bladder Cancer.

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    Bladder cancer (BC) is the second most frequent cancer of the genitourinary system. The most successful therapy since the 1970s has consisted of intravesical instillations of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in which the tumor microenvironment (TME), including macrophages, plays an important role. However, some patients cannot be treated with this therapy due to comorbidities and severe inflammatory side effects. The overexpression of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in BC has been correlated with macrophage polarization together with higher tumor grades and poor prognosis. Herein we demonstrated that phenylbutyrate acid (PBA), a HDAC inhibitor, acts as an antitumoral compound and immunomodulator. In BC cell lines, PBA induced significant cell cycle arrest in G1, reduced stemness markers and increased PD-L1 expression with a corresponding reduction in histone 3 and 4 acetylation patterns. Concerning its role as an immunomodulator, we found that PBA reduced macrophage IL-6 and IL-10 production as well as CD14 downregulation and the upregulation of both PD-L1 and IL-1β. Along this line, PBA showed a reduction in IL-4-induced M2 polarization in human macrophages. In co-cultures of BC cell lines with human macrophages, a double-positive myeloid-tumoral hybrid population (CD11b+EPCAM+) was detected after 48 h, which indicates BC cell-macrophage fusions known as tumor hybrid cells (THC). These THC were characterized by high PD-L1 and stemness markers (SOX2, NANOG, miR-302) as compared with non-fused (CD11b-EPCAM+) cancer cells. Eventually, PBA reduced stemness markers along with BMP4 and IL-10. Our data indicate that PBA could have beneficial properties for BC management, affecting not only tumor cells but also the TME

    Retinal Glia

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