35 research outputs found

    Bio-inoculated Nutrient Management Influence on Soil Nutrient Availability Pattern and Growth of Hybrid Pigeonpea (ICPH 2740) under Establishment Methods and Crop Geometry

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    Background A two-year field study was conducted at the ICRISAT research farm during the rainy seasons of 2021 and 2022 to investigate the impact of crop geometry, crop establishment method and sustainable nutrient management practices on nutrient availability pattern and growth of hybrid pigeon pea. Methods The experiment followed a split-split plot design. The collected data was analysed using radar graph and heat maps for nutrient availability and dry matter respectively. Result Data revealing that transplanted plots registered higher nutrient availability and proportionate root and total dry matter production at various growth stages. Among plant geometry the root and total dry matter production was higher with 100×100 cm. when considering planting methods, transplanting with a square system of 100×100 cm, combined with an integrated nutrient management approach consisting of 150% (or) 100% soil test based NPK, vermicompost at a rate of 5 t ha-1, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and seed treatment with Rhizobium, resulted in average of 31.5% higher dry matter production over alone inorganic nutrient management practices. Thus, a square geometry of 100×100 cm, along with sustainable integrated nutrient management (100% soil test based NPK, vermicompost at a rate of 5 t ha-1, PSB and seed treatment with Rhizobium), resulted in higher nutrient availability and dry matter production. These findings highlight the importance of careful selection of planting methods, crop geometry and nutrient management practices for maximizing the nutrient mining for production of high dry matter production of hybrid pigeonpea

    Development of expressed sequence tag resources for Vanda Mimi Palmer and data mining for EST-SSR

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    Vanda Mimi Palmer (VMP) is a highly sought as fragrant orchid hybrid in Malaysia. It is economically important in cosmetic and beauty industries and also a famous potted ornamental plant. To date, no work on fragrance-related genes of vandaceous orchids has been reported from other research groups although the analysis of floral fragrance or volatiles have been extensively studied. An expressed sequence tag (EST) resource was developed for VMP principally to mine any potential fragrance-related expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) for future development as markers in the identification of fragrant vandaceous orchids endemic to Malaysia. Clustering, annotation and assembling of the ESTs identified 1,196 unigenes which defined 966 singletons and 230 contigs. The VMP dbEST was functionally classified by gene ontology (GO) into three groups:molecular functions (51.2%), cellular components (16.4%)and biological processes (24.6%) while the remaining 7.8% showed no hits with GO identifier. A total of 112 EST-SSR(9.4%) was mined on which at least five units of di-, tri-,tetra-, penta-, or hexa-nucleotide repeats were predicted.The di-nucleotide motif repeats appeared to be the most frequent repeats among the detected SSRs with the AT/TA types as the most abundant among the dimerics, while AAG/TTC, AGA/TCT-type were the most frequent trimerics. The mined EST-SSR is believed to be useful in the development of EST-SSR markers that is applicable in the screening and characterization of fragrance-related transcripts in closely related species

    An Incubation Experiment on Screening of Black Gram Varieties for Tolerance to Saline Irrigation Water

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    Water is a second most important resource in agriculture followed by land. The water availability for irrigation is often scarce, is one of the most critical input for agriculture production in most areas. Productivity in these areas can be enhanced by better management of rainwater and /or development of groundwater. So the present investigation was carried out to study the effect of saline water irrigation on the growth of blackgram. The various treatment included in the study were three ruling varieties of blackgram as factor V viz., V1- VBN 6, V2- VBN 4 and V3- VBN 3 and four salinity levels as factor S viz., S1-EC-3 dS m-1 and Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) - 4; S2-EC- 3 dS m-1 and SAR-6; S3-EC-3 dS m-1 and SAR-8; S4-EC-6 dS m-1 and SAR-6. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) with three replications. The results of the study concluded that the soil application of saline water (EC-3 dS m-1 and SAR-4) irrigation to saline tolerant blackgram variety VBN 3 (S1V3) was identified as best treatment combination to realize the maximum germination of blackgram under saline water irrigation

    Antioxidant status in polycystic end-staged renal diseased patients and antihemolytic effect of <i style="">Boerhaavia diffusa</i>

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    269-272Chronic renal failure (CRF) induces anaemia by shortening the life-span of erythrocytes, due to an increase in oxidative stress, which is considered to be one of the major risk factors in CRF patients undergoing hemodialysis. In the present study, the antioxidant status of the end-staged renal disease (ESRD) patients was investigated. The antihemolytic activity of Boerhaavia diffusa on the erythrocytes of the patients was also studied. Protein, lipid peroxides (LPO), reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities were measured in the hemolysate from 55 polycystic ESRD patients (Group II) and compared with normal subjects (Group I). The antioxidant status was found to be significantly reduced in the patients as compared to normal healthy volunteers, due to increased oxidative stress. Also, aqueous extract of B. diffusa showed a significant antihemolytic activity on the erythrocytes of the polycystic ESRD patients.

    Evaluation of Sapota genotypes for growth, yield and quality attributes

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    A study on evaluation of sapota genotypes collected from different parts of India was carried out at the Department ofFruit Crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam during the year 2008-2009. Observation onquantitative traits viz., tree height (m), canopy spread (m2), number of fruits/tree, mean fruit weight (g) and yield offruits/tree (kg) were recorded. In addition, data on the qualitative traits viz., total soluble solids (◦Brix), total sugars (%)and ascorbic acid content (mg/100g) were recorded. The highest tree height (11.2 m) and canopy spread (116.8 m2) wasrecorded by the hybrid CO1 followed by the variety Cricket Ball. PKM1 had more number of fruits/tree (1690); CricketBall registered the highest mean fruit weight of 135 g. The highest yield of 139 kg/tree was recorded by PKM4followed by Virudhunagar local which recorded an yield of 135.75 kg/tree. Correlation analysis revealed that there wasa positive correlation between tree height and canopy spread. The attributes like number of fruits per tree and canopyspread had positive correlation with fruit yield per tree. The quality traits, viz., total sugars and ascorbic acid contenthad negative correlation with fruit yield indicating that simultaneous improvement of yield and quality was notpossible


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    ABSTRACT: The effect of ethanolic extract of Cinnamomummacrocarpum (CM) leaves on the functions of hyperglycemia, protein and serum marker enzymes were evaluated in Alloxan induced diabetic male Swiss Albino mice. After 15 days of administration of CM extract at an oral dose of 100 mg/kg body weight, significant increase in the levels of blood glucose in group II and decrease in the blood glucose level in group III, IV and V were observed. A decrease in the activities of serum protein, HDL and triglycerides in group II diabetic mice and these levels were increased in CM treated group III and IV. The marker enzymes SGPT, SGOT and ALP levels were significantly increased in group II animals and decreased in Alloxan treated groups and compared to normal. The groups treated with CM extracts showed significant decrease in the serum marker enzymes. The antidiabetic effect of CM extract was compared with the standard antidiabetic drug, glibenclamide

    Se-lection and Screening of Superior Genotypes for Quality Planting Stock Based on Vegetative Growth Performance of Some Selected 12-Year-Old Acacia Species

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    Abstract Production of quality wood is a big problem in forestry plantation since trees grown in plantation of some high value temperate and tropical hardwood species tend to produce low value, short butt logs and bolts due to crooked stems, low fork heights and delayed shedding of lower branches. Result from existing Acacia plantation in Malaysia indicated that most existing Acacia plantation trees especially Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium, fork very heavily which leads to the formation of multiple leaders more than one and some are fork so close to the ground that they will produce little to no merchantable wood. In this context, a research study was initiated to select and recommend the best performing tree species or provenance suited for timber production in Malaysia with respect to growth and other characteristics. Species/provenance/progeny test was conducted on four species of Acacia namely, A. mangium, A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa and A. aulococarpa, each with 4 provenances originated from Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Queensland (QL). The growth performance of the provenances was monitored in terms of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics to evaluate the genetic variation and growth performance of a base breeding population. 20 progenies for each species were selected and randomly planted with 16 trees representing each progenies in a trial plot laid out in a randomized complete block * Corresponding author. M. S. Kumar et al. 218 design consisting of four blocks as replication. The study showed that there were significant different (p &lt; 0.05) between species, provenance and progenies for their growth performance. Generally with regard to growth, A. mangium performed better compared to other Acacia species in all of the aspect tested and it was followed by A. crassicarpa, A. aulococarpa and A. auriculiformis. There were also significant differences between provenance within regions and progenies within provenances in all quantitative and qualitative traits tested in this study. Generally, provenance and progenies selected from PNG excelled those from QL both in quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The top performing progenies of Acacia species are CG 1854 of (Bensbach WP) and KN000107 (SW of Boset WP) of A. mangium, BVG2609 (Bensbach WP) of A. crassicarpa, BVG 00835 (WP Morehead) and MM1016 (Arufi E Morehead WP) of A. aulococarpa and JSL363 (Wenlock River) and BVG 2657 (Bansbach) of A. auriculiformis

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    Not AvailablePlant viruses are subjected to purifying selection, which is the major selection force shaping their evolution and P0 of SCYLV is no exception. Using more number of methods and P0 sequences to detect the recombination, IND isolates from India were shown as major contributor in genome architecture of all other genotypes of the virus. The maximum sequence variability observed in the P0 genes of Indian SCYLV isolates and involvement of Indian isolates in genetic recombination with all other genotypes suggest an ancestral Indian origin of this virus.Not Availabl