17 research outputs found

    Stabilization of Liquid Outflow Speed From a Slotted Spray Nozzle

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    Unequal distribution of the liquid outflow from the slotted spray nozzle forms a wide spectrum of drops. This affects the level and uniformity of spraying and the degree of drip drift compensation. The purpose of the work was to determine a method of stabilizing the speed of liquid outflow from the nozzle. The result of the study was construction of a speed stabilizer - an insert mounted in the nozzle. Advantage of the patented design is, besides stabilizing the liquid outflow speed, also a uniform flux of liquid flow over the entire length of the nozzle

    The effect of the type of sprayer bodies on the obtained coefficient of variation of sprayed liquid deposition

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    In this work, the study results of retention uniformity of sprayed liquid deposition obtained from three kinds of nozzles mounted in sprayer bodies of various constructions were presented. For the tests, a five-spray body with a rotation axis of a spigot parallel to the sprayed surface, a three-spray body with a retention axis perpendicular to the sprayed surface and one-spray body were used. Changes in individual spraying nozzles were done by three operators. It was stated that the biggest differences in repeatability and reproducibility of adjustments were noted for five-spray bodies, however, minimum changes not exceeding the value of one percentage point were noted for single bodies. For triple bodies repeatability of obtained CV regardless of mounted nozzles changed maximum up to 1,5 percentage point and reproducibility of measurement changed from 0,5 to 0,8 percentage point.In this work, the study results of retention uniformity of sprayed liquid deposition obtained from three kinds of nozzles mounted in sprayer bodies of various constructions were presented. For the tests, a five-spray body with a rotation axis of a spigot parallel to the sprayed surface, a three-spray body with a retention axis perpendicular to the sprayed surface and one-spray body were used. Changes in individual spraying nozzles were done by three operators. It was stated that the biggest differences in repeatability and reproducibility of adjustments were noted for five-spray bodies, however, minimum changes not exceeding the value of one percentage point were noted for single bodies. For triple bodies repeatability of obtained CV regardless of mounted nozzles changed maximum up to 1,5 percentage point and reproducibility of measurement changed from 0,5 to 0,8 percentage point

    The Use of the Permutation Algorithm for Suboptimising the Position of Used Nozzles on the Field Sprayer Boom

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    The worn-out nozzles of field sprayers cause agricultural treatment to be uneven and therefore ineffective. Spray nozzles are consumable elements of the field sprayer that are subject to inspection and in the event of their excessive wear should be replaced with new ones to ensure the proper execution of agricultural treatment. The aim of the study is to propose, using operational research methods, an expert methodology allowing further operation of worn-out and often expensive sprayer nozzles, including standard, universal, anti-drift, or ejector nozzles. The previous attempts, performed with the use of the random computer optimisation method, did not guarantee a global solution in the entire population of all possible permutations without repetitions of 24 worn-out nozzles (for a field boom with a width of 12 m) or even estimating approximation to this solution. The process of measuring the wear of nozzles, the simulation of the entire virtual field boom, and the permutation algorithm proposed here allow you to specify a suboptimal solution of an NP-hard problem separately for each sprayer, i.e., to indicate in a very short time such a permutation out of 24! ≈ 6.20448 × 10+23 permutations of nozzles with variable degrees of wear, which is close to the optimal permutation of used nozzles on the field sprayer boom, in terms of the coefficient of variation. The use of expert methodology allows for reducing the operating costs of sprayers by using a relatively cheap automated expert service instead of the costly purchase of a set of new nozzles for field sprayers. Many areas of application of this methodology have been indicated

    The Use of the Permutation Algorithm for Suboptimising the Position of Used Nozzles on the Field Sprayer Boom

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    The worn-out nozzles of field sprayers cause agricultural treatment to be uneven and therefore ineffective. Spray nozzles are consumable elements of the field sprayer that are subject to inspection and in the event of their excessive wear should be replaced with new ones to ensure the proper execution of agricultural treatment. The aim of the study is to propose, using operational research methods, an expert methodology allowing further operation of worn-out and often expensive sprayer nozzles, including standard, universal, anti-drift, or ejector nozzles. The previous attempts, performed with the use of the random computer optimisation method, did not guarantee a global solution in the entire population of all possible permutations without repetitions of 24 worn-out nozzles (for a field boom with a width of 12 m) or even estimating approximation to this solution. The process of measuring the wear of nozzles, the simulation of the entire virtual field boom, and the permutation algorithm proposed here allow you to specify a suboptimal solution of an NP-hard problem separately for each sprayer, i.e., to indicate in a very short time such a permutation out of 24! ≈ 6.20448 × 10+23 permutations of nozzles with variable degrees of wear, which is close to the optimal permutation of used nozzles on the field sprayer boom, in terms of the coefficient of variation. The use of expert methodology allows for reducing the operating costs of sprayers by using a relatively cheap automated expert service instead of the costly purchase of a set of new nozzles for field sprayers. Many areas of application of this methodology have been indicated

    Emission of Nitric Oxide during the Combustion of Various Forms of Solid Biofuels in a Low-Power Heating Device

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    In this study, in terms of the mechanisms of nitric oxide (NO) emissions, research was carried out to consider the impact of physical and chemical properties of wood and herbaceous biomass processed into pellets and briquettes in the course of the combustion process (in individual phases) in a low-power heating device. Combustion tests in the grate heating device showed statistically significant differences in the combustion process and thus carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in the fuel form and the combustion phase. In terms of assessing the ecological and energy parameters of the combustion process, the nitrogen content in biomass was not the most important factor indicating the formation of NO emissions. Usually, the strongest correlations were observed with the formation of NO emissions in the first phase of combustion, which was related to the emissions of CO and SO2. In the second and third flame phases, a significant reduction in NO emissions was observed, which was poorly positively dependent on the nitrogen contained in the fuel. In addition, it has been shown that the fuel geometric features greatly influence NO content in the exhaust gases in the first combustion phase. It is also indicated that further research is required, considering the possibility of reducing volatile flue gas fractions, which will lead to the development of low-emission and highly efficient biofuel combustion technologies in low-power heating devices

    Evaluation of Different Internal Designs of Hydraulic Nozzles under an Accelerated Wear Test

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    The use of worn-out agricultural nozzles in pesticide application has a negative effect on the efficiency and cost of the application process. It also has an effect on environmental pollution due to an excessive amount of pesticide being applied when spraying with worn-out nozzles. In this paper, the resistance to wear of three different internal design hydraulic nozzles was ascertained. Changes in the flow rate and spray distribution as a result of this wear were also investigated. The wear test was done inside a closed system, and it was accelerated using an abrasive material to generate 100 h of wear. The tested nozzles were the Turbo TeeJet (TT)-twin chambered, Turbo Twinjet (TTj60)-dual outlet, and Drift Guard (DG)-pre-orifice. Wear rate, flow rate, and the virtual coefficient of variation (CVv) were measured at different wear intervals. The results showed that the TTj60 type was the most resistant to wear, followed by the TT type and DG. The latter two types showed an increase in the flow rate only in the first 45 h of wear. Virtual coefficient of variation (CVv) values were less than 10% after finishing the test (after 100 h of wear) for the three types of nozzles, which are acceptable values according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16122-2, 2015

    Porównanie dysz o różnym stopniu zużycia i pracujących z tą samą częstotliwością aplikacji różnych środków ochrony roślin w aspekcie stanu roślin

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    Three different types of nozzles (different wear rate) were used in this study. They are classified depending on the severity of their wear to three groups: new, worn and damaged nozzles. Those nozzles were spraying with the same application rate (303 l/ha) on two-year field trials; this was achieved by changing the spraying pressure for each group of nozzles in order to get the same application rate. This practice is usually done by operators of sprayers, who calibrate the sprayers on the same application rate every year without changing the nozzles, so they tend to reduce the spraying pressure in order to compensate the flow rate increase due to the nozzles yearly wear. Two types of plant growth regulators (PGR) agents were used in this study, namely: Moddus and Kelpak, they were applied to wheat plants field to reduce lodging. The results showed that applying PGR in the year 2015 produced an increase in the wheat yield and reduction in the plant height regardlessthe nozzle type, although there was not any occurrence of wheat lodging. In the year 2016, the new nozzles produced higher values of wheat yield than other two types of nozzles.W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań polowych, w których wykorzystywano trzy różne rozpylacze sklasyfikowane w zależności od stopnia ich zużycia w trzech grupach: dysze nowe, zużyte i uszkodzone. Podczas dwuletnich badań polowych rozpylacze pracowały z zachowaniem takiej samej dawki aplikacji (303 l/ha), którą uzyskano przez zmianę ciśnienia rozpylania dla każdej grupy rozpylaczy. Praktyka ta jest zwykle wykonywana przez operatorów opryskiwaczy, którzy corocznie kalibrują opryskiwacze przy tej samej dawce bez zmiany rozpylaczy, więc mają tendencję do zmniejszania ci- śnienia rozpylania w celu skompensowania wzrostu natężenia przepływu z powodu zużycia rozpylaczy. W badaniu wykorzystano dwa rodzaje środków regulujących wzrost roślin (PGR): Moddus i Kelpak. Zastosowano je na polu pszenicy w celu zmniejszenia wylegania. Wyniki pokazały, że zastosowanie PGR w 2015 r. spowodowało wzrost plonu pszenicy i zmniejszenie wysokości roślin bez względu na rodzaj stopień zużycia rozpylacza, chociaż nie wystąpiło wyleganie pszenicy. W roku 2016 wykorzystanie rozpylaczy nowych przyczyniło się do uzyskania większego plonu, niż stosując pozostałe dwa rodzaje rozpylaczy

    Matching the Liquid Atomization Model to Experimental Data Obtained from Selected Nozzles

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    The spraying procedure is one of the most difficult operations in agricultural production. Achieving the desired effectiveness of the procedure is dependent on obtaining an appropriate level and uniformity of liquid distribution. The aim of this paper was to present a liquid decomposition model generated on the basis of experimental data. The tests were carried out on a test stand, which consisted of a container with nozzles and a grooved table. The experiments were carried out with the use of selected standard, anti-drift, and air-induction single-stream nozzles at constant liquid pressure. The optimization process was carried out in Microsoft Excel Solver. Furthermore, in order to compare the data generated by the model with the data from the virtual boom, we applied an analysis of correlation and linear regression in the Statistica 13.1 software. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the model is a good fit to the experimental data (R2 > 0.95). The model, which was generated on the basis of experimental data, will facilitate control of the operation and degree of wear of nozzles, which will contribute to ensuring uniform spraying

    Wpływ stężenia adiuwanta na zmiany charakterystyki i parametrów opryskiwania dla wybranych typów rozpylaczy

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    The paper presents the results of the research on the influence of the adjuvant concentration on the size of the drops produced by the spray nozzles of agricultural sprayers. For the tests, adjuvant Normaton with the composition of total nitrogen, amide nitrogen (N-NH2) and phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) was used. The adjuvant was added to the water taken from the municipal water supply system of the city of Lublin. The tests were carried out for three concentrations, i.e. 75%, 100%, and 125% of the adjuvant concentration recommended by the manufacturer, and water without the adjuvant. The surface tension of water with adjuvant was examined for each nozzle. Then, the size of the obtained droplets was measured for each adjuvant concentration. Two types of nozzles were used for spraying, standard nozzle AP 120-03 and 6MSC injector nozzle, both with the same nozzle flow rate, but with a different design. The size of the droplets produced was measured on a HELOSVARIO laser diffractometer by Sympatec. The droplet measurement was performed at a pressure of 3 bar. The nozzle was placed 50 cm above the diffractometer laser light line. The droplet size was measured in three places of the sprayed liquid, i.e. in the position of the nozzle axis, 30 and 60 cm from the nozzle axis. It was shown that the addition of the adjuvant influenced the number of droplets produced in the indicated droplet size classes.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem stężenia adiuwanta na wielkość kropel wytwarzanych przez rozpylacze rolnicze. Do badań użyto adiuwantu Normaton o składzie: azot całkowity, azot amidowy (N-NH2) i pięciotlenek fosforu (P2O5). Adiuwant dodawano do wody pobieranej z miejskiej sieci wodociągowej z Lublina. Badania przeprowadzono dla trzech stężeń, tj. 75%, 100% i 125% stężenia adiuwanta zalecanego przez producenta, oraz dla wody bez dodatku adiuwanta. Dla każdego stężenia adiuwanta badano napięcie powierzchniowe, a następnie mierzono wielkość uzyskanych kropel adiuwanta. Do opryskiwania użyto dwóch typów rozpylaczy: rozpylacza standardowego AP 120-03 i rozpylacza eżektorowego 6MSC - oba o takim samym natężeniu przepływu, ale o innej konstrukcji. Wielkość wytwarzanych kropel mierzono za pomocą dyfraktometru laserowego HELOS-VARIO firmy Sympatec. Pomiar kropel przeprowadzono pod ciśnieniem 3 barów. Rozpylacz umieszczano 50 cm nad linią światła lasera dyfraktometru. Wielkość kropel mierzono w trzech miejscach rozpylanej cieczy, tj. w na osi rozpylacza oraz w odległości 30 i 60 cm od osi rozpylacza. Wykazano, że dodatek adiuwanta wpływa na liczbę wytwarzanych kropel we wskazanych klasach wielkości kropel

    Ocena wybranych cech fizycznych brykietów z biomasy odpadowej rajgrasu angielskiego (Lolium perenne L.)

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    The aim of the study was to assess the selected physical characteristics of the briquettes of English ryegrass waste biomass and its mixtures with waste components from the agri-food industry: pea husks and oat middlings. The raw materials used for the tests are characterized by high calorific value and low ash content. Among the tested raw materials, the most favorable values were recorded for oat middlings in this respect. The produced briquettes were characterized by high volumetric density and very diverse mechanical durability. At the same time, the results of the tests on the mechanical durability of briquettes indicated that the use of components of ryegrass mixtures selected for testing brought unsatisfactory results, as compared to other analyzed physical and energy features.Celem pracy była ocena wybranych cech fizycznych brykietów z biomasy odpadowej rajgrasu angielskiego po jego czyszczeniu oraz w mieszankach, wykorzystując do ich produkcji komponenty z przemysłu rolno-spożywczego w postaci odpadów po obłuskiwaniu grochu i śruty owsianej. Wykorzystane do badań surowce charakteryzują się wysoką wartością opałową i niską zawartością popiołu, a spośród badanych surowców w tym zakresie najkorzystniejsze wartości odnotowano dla śruty owsianej. Wytworzone brykiety charakteryzowały się dużą gęstością objętościową i bardzo zróżnicowaną trwałością mechaniczną. Przy czym wyniki badań trwałości mechanicznej brykietów najbardziej zweryfikowały, zasadne pod względem energetycznym, jak również analizowanych pozostałych cech fizycznych, wykorzystanie wybranych do badań komponentów w mieszankach z odpadami rajgrasu