900 research outputs found

    The B -- TAU FCNC connection in SUSY Unified Theories

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    In the context of SUSY grand unification a link is established between the hadronic and leptonic soft breaking sectors. Such relation is here exploited in particular for FCNC processes in B physics. It is shown how bounds on leptonic FCNC involving the third generation translate into constraints on FC B decays. In the second part of the contribution we show that tests of lepton universality in K and B decays can represent an interesting handle to obtain relevant information on the amount of FCNC in the second and third fermion generation.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Based on talks given at: DIF06, International Workshop on discoveries in flavour physics at e+e- colloders, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Italy), February 28- March 03, 2006; XLIst Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, 5-11 March 2006; CORFU2005, Corfu Summer Institute on EPP, Corfu, Greece, September 4-26, 200

    The challenge of brain complexity: A brief discussion about a fractal intermittency-based approach

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    In the last years, the complexity paradigm is gaining momentum in many research fields where large multidimensional datasets are made available by the advancements in instrumental technology. A complex system is a multi-component system with a large number of units characterized by cooperative behavior and, consequently, emergence of well-defined self-organized structures, such as communities in a complex network. The self-organizing behavior of the brain neural network is probably the most important prototype of complexity and is studied by means of physiological signals such as the ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG). Physiological signals are typically intermittent, i.e., display non-smooth rapid variations or crucial events (e.g., cusps or abrupt jumps) that occur randomly in time, or whose frequency changes randomly. In this work, we introduce a complexity-based approach to the analysis and modeling of physiological data that is focused on the characterization of intermittent events. Recent findings about self-similar or fractal intermittency in human EEG are reviewed. The definition of brain event is a crucial aspect of this approach that is discussed in the last part of the paper, where we also propose and discuss a first version of a general-purpose event detection algorithm for EEG signal

    Constraints on SUSY Lepton Flavour Violation by rare processes

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    We study the constraints on flavour violating terms in low energy SUSY coming from several processes as li -> lj gamma, li -> lj lj lj and mu -> e in Nuclei. We show that a combined analysis of the processes allows us to extract additional information with respect to an individual analysis of all the processes. In particular, it makes possible to put bounds on sectors previously unconstrained by li -> lj gamma. We perform the analysis both in the mass eigenstate and in the mass insertion approximations clarifying the limit of applicability of these approximations.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures. Typos corrected, several references and equations added. Results and conclusions completely unchanged. Accepted version for publication in JHE

    Climate change assessment for Mediterranean agricultural areas by statistical downscaling

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    In this paper we produce projections of seasonal precipitation for four Mediterranean areas: Apulia region (Italy), Ebro river basin (Spain), Po valley (Italy) and Antalya province (Turkey). We performed the statistical downscaling using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) in two versions: in one case Principal Component Analysis (PCA) filter is applied only to predictor and in the other to both predictor and predictand. After performing a validation test, CCA after PCA filter on both predictor and predictand has been chosen. Sea level pressure (SLP) is used as predictor. Downscaling has been carried out for the scenarios A2 and B2 on the basis of three GCM's: the CCCma-GCM2, the Csiro-MK2 and HadCM3. Three consecutive 30-year periods have been considered. For Summer precipitation in Apulia region we also use the 500 hPa temperature (T500) as predictor, obtaining comparable results. Results show different climate change signals in the four areas and confirm the need of an analysis that is capable of resolving internal differences within the Mediterranean region. The most robust signal is the reduction of Summer precipitation in the Ebro river basin. Other significative results are the increase of precipitation over Apulia in Summer, the reduction over the Po-valley in Spring and Autumn and the increase over the Antalya province in Summer and Autumn

    Enantio-Complementary Continuous-Flow Synthesis of 2-Aminobutane Using Covalently Immobilized Transaminases

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    Chiral amines are a common feature of many active pharmaceutical ingredients. The synthesis of very small chiral amines is particularly challenging, even via biocatalytic routes, as the level of discrimination between similarly sized R-groups must be exceptional, yet their synthesis creates attractive building blocks that may then be used to prepare diverse compounds in further steps. Herein, the synthesis of one of the smallest chiral amines, 2- aminobutane, using transaminases, is being investigated. After screening a panel of mainly wild-type transaminases, two candidates were identified: an (S)-selective transaminase from Halomonas elongata (HEwT) and a precommercial (R)-selective transaminase from Johnson Matthey (*RTA-X43). Notably, a single strategic point mutation enhanced the enantioselectivity of HEwT from 45 to >99.5% ee. By covalently immobilizing these candidates, both enantiomers of 2-aminobutane were synthesized on a multigram scale, and the feasibility of isolation by distillation without the need for any solvents other than water was demonstrated. The atom economy of the process was calculated to be 56% and the E-factors (including waste generated during enzyme expression and immobilization) were 55 and 48 for the synthesis of (R)-2-aminobutane and (S)-2-aminobutane, respectively

    "Flavored" Electric Dipole Moments in Supersymmetric Theories

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    The Standard Model (SM) predictions for the hadronic electric dipole moments (EDMs) are well far from the present experimental resolutions, thus, the EDMs represent very clean probes of New Physics (NP) effects. Especially, within an MSSM framework with flavor-changing (but not necessarily CP violating) soft terms, large and potentially visible effects to the EDMs are typically expected. In this Letter we point out that, beyond-leading-order (BLO) effects, so far neglected in the literature, dominate over the leading-order (LO) effects in large regions of the parameter space, hence, their inclusion in the evaluation of the hadronic EDMs is unavoidable.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Atmospheric Pressure Non-thermal Plasma for Air Purification: Ions and Ionic Reactions Induced by dc+ Corona Discharges in Air Contaminated with Acetone and Methanol

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    Atmospheric pressure mass spectrometry (APCI-MS) was used to investigate the positive ions in air containing acetone (A), methanol (M) and mixtures thereof (A + M), subjected to +dc corona discharges. The results of experiments with isotopically labelled analogues, perdeuterated acetone Adeu and methanol Mdeu, and relevant thermochemical data found in the literature allowed us to identify the main ionic reactions occurring in single component systems (A or M) and in binary mixtures (A + M). It is concluded that, thanks to its significantly higher proton affinity, A is very efficient in quenching M-derived ions at atmospheric pressure. These conclusions provide a rationale for interpreting the results of a parallel investigation on the reciprocal effects of M and A when treated together in air at atmospheric pressure with +dc corona in a non-thermal plasma reactor developed previously in our laboratory. Specifically, we observed a marked drop in the degradation efficiency of methanol when it was treated in the presence of an equivalent amount of acetone. This effect is attributed to acetone interfering with ion-initiated degradation processes of methanol, and supports the conclusion\ua0that ions and ionic reactions are important in dc+ corona induced oxidation of volatile organic pollutants in air

    Higgs-Mediated tau --> mu and tau --> e transitions in II Higgs doublet Model and Supersymmetry

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    We study the phenomenology of the mu-tau and e-tau lepton flavour violation (LFV) in a general two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) including the supersymmetric case. We consider several LFV decay modes of the charged fermion tau, namely tau-> l_jgamma, tau->l_j l_k l_k and tau-> l_jeta. The predictions and the correlations among the rates of the above processes are computed. In particular, it is shown that tau->l_jgamma processes are the most sensitive channels to Higgs-mediated LFV specially if the splitting among the neutral Higgs bosons masses is not below the 10% level.Comment: v2=published version: 13 pages, 4 figures, text improved and reference added. Two loop effects (relevant for tau->l_jgamma) added. Conclusions unchange

    Oxidation of clofibric acid in aqueous solution using a non-thermal plasma discharge or gamma radiation

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    In this work, we study degradation of clofibric acid (CFA) in aqueous solution using either ionizing radiation from a 60^{60}Co source or a non-thermal plasma produced by discharges in the air above the solution. The results obtained with the two technologies are compared in terms of effectiveness of CFA degradation and its by-products. In both cases the CFA degradation follows a quasi-exponential decay in time well modelled by a kinetic scheme which considers the competition between CFA and all reaction intermediates for the reactive species generated in solution as well as the amount of the end product formed. A new degradation law is deduced to explain the results. Although the end-product CO2_2 was detected and the CFA conversion found to be very high under the studied conditions, HPLC analysis reveals several degradation intermediates still bearing the aromatic ring with the chlorine substituent. The extent of mineralization is rather limited. The energy yield is found to be higher in the gamma radiation experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure
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