1,587 research outputs found

    CNPq/INPE-LANDSAT system report of activities

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    The status of the Brazilian LANDSAT facilities and the results achieved are presented. In addition, a LANDSAT product sales/distribution analysis is provided. Data recording and processing capabilities and planned products are addressed

    The effects of solar incidence angle over digital processing of LANDSAT data

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    A technique to extract the topography modulation component from digital data is described. The enhancement process is based on the fact that the pixel contains two types of information: (1) reflectance variation due to the target; (2) reflectance variation due to the topography. In order to enhance the signal variation due to topography, the technique recommends the extraction from original LANDSAT data of the component resulting from target reflectance. Considering that the role of topographic modulation over the pixel information will vary with solar incidence angle, the results of this technique of digital processing will differ from one season to another, mainly in highly dissected topography. In this context, the effects of solar incidence angle over the topographic modulation technique were evaluated. Two sets of MSS/LANDSAT data, with solar elevation angles varying from 22 to 41 deg were selected to implement the digital processing at the Image-100 System. A secondary watershed (Rio Bocaina) draining into Rio Paraiba do Sul (Sao Paulo State) was selected as a test site. The results showed that the technique used was more appropriate to MSS data acquired under higher Sun elevation angles. Topographic modulation components applied to low Sun elevation angles lessens rather than enhances topography

    The INPE handouts to the 6th LANDSAT Technical Working Group (LTWG) Meeting

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    LANDSAT receiving and processing system in its present configuration and status are described, as well as the experience already obtained with LANDSATs 4 and 5. The revised table of station plans for TM reception and products and of implementation schedule for data formats employing superstructure conventions is updated. Standardization of the worldwide reference systems is proposed. The INPE preliminary TM products price list is included. A TM image received and processed is shown to illustrate the appearance of the products offered

    Automatic interpretation of MSS-LANDSAT data applied to coal refuse site studies in southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    The coal mining district in southeastern Santa Catarina State is considered one of the most polluted areas of Brazil. The author has identified significant preliminary results on the application of MSS-LANDSAT digital data to monitor the coal refuse areas and its environmental consequences in this region

    The Brazilian report to the 7th LANDSAT Technical Working Group (LTWG) meeting

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    Described is the current status of the INPE LANDSAT receiving and processing facilities, as well as the experience in the related activities during the period from June 1984 to February 1985

    Sampling system for wheat (Triticum aestivum L) area estimation using digital LANDSAT MSS data and aerial photographs

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    A procedure to estimate wheat (Triticum aestivum L) area using sampling technique based on aerial photographs and digital LANDSAT MSS data is developed. Aerial photographs covering 720 square km are visually analyzed. To estimate wheat area, a regression approach is applied using different sample sizes and various sampling units. As the size of sampling unit decreased, the percentage of sampled area required to obtain similar estimation performance also decreased. The lowest percentage of the area sampled for wheat estimation with relatively high precision and accuracy through regression estimation is 13.90% using 10 square km as the sampling unit. Wheat area estimation using only aerial photographs is less precise and accurate than those obtained by regression estimation

    Irrigated rice area estimation using remote sensing techniques: Project's proposal and preliminary results

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    The development of a methodology for annual estimates of irrigated rice crop in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using remote sensing techniques is proposed. The project involves interpretation, digital analysis, and sampling techniques of LANDSAT imagery. Results are discussed from a preliminary phase for identifying and evaluating irrigated rice crop areas in four counties of the State, for the crop year 1982/1983. This first phase involved just visual interpretation techniques of MSS/LANDSAT images

    A sampling system for estimating the cultivation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) from LANDSAT data

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    Using digitally processed MSS/LANDSAT data as auxiliary variable, a methodology to estimate wheat (Triticum aestivum L) area by means of sampling techniques was developed. To perform this research, aerial photographs covering 720 sq km in Cruz Alta test site at the NW of Rio Grande do Sul State, were visually analyzed. LANDSAT digital data were analyzed using non-supervised and supervised classification algorithms; as post-processing the classification was submitted to spatial filtering. To estimate wheat area, the regression estimation method was applied and different sample sizes and various sampling units (10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 sq km) were tested. Based on the four decision criteria established for this research, it was concluded that: (1) as the size of sampling units decreased the percentage of sampled area required to obtain similar estimation performance also decreased; (2) the lowest percentage of the area sampled for wheat estimation with relatively high precision and accuracy through regression estimation was 90% using 10 sq km s the sampling unit; and (3) wheat area estimation by direct expansion (using only aerial photographs) was less precise and accurate when compared to those obtained by means of regression estimation

    LANDSAT and radar mapping of intrusive rocks in SE-Brazil

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    The feasibility of intrusive rock mapping was investigated and criteria for regional geological mapping established at the scale of 1:500,00 in polycyclic and polymetamorphic areas using the logic method of photointerpretation of LANDSAT imagery and radar from the RADAMBRASIL project. The spectral behavior of intrusive rocks, was evaluated using the interactive multispectral image analysis system (Image-100). The region of Campos (city) in northern Rio de Janeiro State was selected as the study area and digital imagery processing and pattern recognition techniques were applied. Various maps at the 2:250,000 scale were obtained to evaluate the results of automatic data processing

    Geologic mapping of the Bauru Group in Sao Paulo state by LANDSAT images

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    The occurrence of the Bauru Group in Sao Paulo State was studied, with emphasis on the western plateau. Regional geological mapping was carried out on a 1:250.000 scale with the help of MSS/LANDSAT images. The visual interpretation of images consisted basically of identifying different spectral characteristics of the geological units using channels 5 and 7. Complementary studies were made for treatment of data with an Interative Image (I-100) analyser in order to facilitate the extraction of information, particularly for areas where visual interpretation proved to be difficult. Regional characteristics provided by MSS/LANDSAT images, coupled with lithostratigraphic studies carried out in the areas of occurrence of Bauru Group sediments, enabled the homogenization of criteria for the subdivision of this group. A spatial distribution of the mapped units was obtained for the entire State of Sao Paulo and results were correlated with proposed stratigraphic divisions
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