143 research outputs found

    Automating the measurement of physiological parameters: a case study in the image analysis of cilia motion

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    International audienceAs image processing and analysis techniques improve, an increasing number of procedures in bio-medical analyses can be automated. This brings many benefits, e.g improved speed and accuracy, leading to more reliable diagnoses and follow-up, ultimately improving patients outcome. Many automated procedures in bio-medical imaging are well established and typically consist of detecting and counting various types of cells (e.g. blood cells, abnormal cells in Pap smears, and so on). In this article we propose to automate a different and difficult set of measurements, which is conducted on the cilia of people suffering from a variety of respiratory tract diseases. Cilia are slender, microscopic, hair-like structures or organelles that extend from the surface of nearly all mammalian cells. Motile cilia, such as those found in the lungs and respiratory tract, present a periodic beating motion that keep the airways clear of mucus and dirt. In this paper, we propose a fully automated method that computes various measurements regarding the motion of cilia, taken with high-speed video-microscopy. The advantage of our approach is its capacity to automatically compute robust, adaptive and regionalized measurements, i.e. associated with different regions in the image. We validate the robustness of our approach, and illustrate its performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art

    Promising pre-clinical validation of targeted radionuclide therapy using a [131I] labelled iodoquinoxaline derivative for an effective melanoma treatment

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    Targeted internal radionuclide therapy (TRT) would be an effective alternative to current therapies for dissemi- nated melanoma treatment. At our institution, a class of iodobenzamides has been developed as potent melanoma- seeking agents. This review described the preclinical vali- dations of a quinoxaline derivative molecule (ICF01012) as tracer for TRT application. It was selected for its high, specific and long-lasting uptake in tumour with rapid clear- ance from non-target organs providing suitable dosimetry parameters for TRT. Extended in vivo study of metabolic profiles confirmed durable tumoural concentration of the unchanged molecule form. Moreover melanin specificity of ICF01012 was determined by binding assay with syn- thetic melanin and in vivo by SIMS imaging. Then, we showed in vivo that [131I] ICF01012 treatment drastically inhibited growth of B16F0, B16Bl6 and M4Beu tumours whereas [131I] NaI or unlabelled ICF01012 treatment was without significant effect. Histological analysis showed that residual tumour cells exhibit a significant loss of aggres- siveness after treatment. This anti-tumoural effect was associated with a lengthening of the treated-mice survival time and an inhibition of lung dissemination for B16Bl6 model. Results presented here support the concept of TRT using a [131I] labelled iodoquinoxaline derivative for an effective melanoma treatment.<br /

    Topological data analysis reveals genotype-phenotype relationships in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    Background: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a heterogeneous inherited disorder caused by mutations in approximately 50 cilia-related genes. PCD genotype-phenotype relationships have mostly arisen from small case series because existing statistical approaches to investigate relationships have been unsuitable for rare diseases. / Methods: We applied a topological data analysis (TDA) approach to investigate genotype-phenotype relationships in PCD. Data from separate training and validation cohorts included 396 genetically defined individuals carrying pathogenic variants in PCD genes. To develop the TDA models, twelve clinical and diagnostic variables were included. TDA-driven hypotheses were subsequently tested using traditional statistics. / Results: Disease severity at diagnosis measured by FEV1 z-score was (i) significantly worse in individuals with CCDC39 mutations compared to other gene mutations and (ii) better in those with DNAH11 mutations; the latter also reported less neonatal respiratory distress. Patients without neonatal respiratory distress had better preserved FEV1 at diagnosis. Individuals with DNAH5 mutations were phenotypically diverse. Cilia ultrastructure and beat pattern defects correlated closely to specific causative gene groups, confirming these tests can be used to support a genetic diagnosis. / Conclusions: This large scale multi-national study presents PCD as a syndrome with overlapping symptoms and variation in phenotype, according to genotype. TDA modelling confirmed genotype-phenotype relationships reported by smaller studies (e.g. FEV1 worse with CCDC39 mutations), and identified new relationships, including FEV1 preservation with DNAH11 mutations and diversity of severity with DNAH5 mutations

    Ultrastructural pathology of primary ciliary dyskinesia: report about 125 cases in Germany

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetically induced disorder of cilia inducing mainly respiratory diseases. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of ciliary ultrastructure is classically used for diagnosis. We report our experience of TEM investigations in a large series of patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>TEM analysis performed of 742 biopsies from patients with suspected PCD was reviewed retrospectively. Ultrastructural defects were analysized further in 125 cases with changes typical for PCD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 18.1% of patients diagnosis of PCD was made because of morphological alterations, in 68.2% secondary changes were seen. In 13.7% material was not feasible for analysis. Mostly defects of dynein arms were detected in PCD (96.8%). In particular defects of the inner arms (51.2%) and combined dynein defects (37.6%) were found. Total loss of dynein arms was dominant. Only in 3.2% deficiencies of central structures were found alone. Associated situs inversus or dextracardia was reported clinically in 21.4%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>TEM analysis is possible in most patients and a useful tool for diagnosis of PCD. Functional and genetic analysis should be done additionally. Registers should be installed to collect all available informations and push further research.</p

    Modeling of Intermediate Structures and Chain Conformation in Silica-Latex Nanocomposites Observed by SANS During Annealing

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    The evolution of the polymer structure during nanocomposite formation and annealing of silica-latex nanocomposites is studied using contrast-variation small angle neutron scattering. The experimental system is made of silica nanoparticles (Rsi \approx 8 nm) and a mixture of purpose-synthesized hydrogenated and deuterated nanolatex (Rlatex \approx 12.5 nm). The progressive disappearance of the latex beads by chain interdiffusion and release in the nanocomposites is analyzed quantitatively with a model for the scattered intensity of hairy latex beads and an RPA description of the free chains. In silica-free matrices and nanocomposites of low silica content (7%v), the annealing procedure over weeks at up to Tg + 85 K results in a molecular dispersion of chains, the radius of gyration of which is reported. At higher silica content (20%v), chain interdiffusion seems to be slowed down on time-scales of weeks, reaching a molecular dispersion only at the strongest annealing. Chain radii of gyration are found to be unaffected by the presence of the silica filler

    Enzymatic Mechanisms Involved in Evasion of Fungi to the Oxidative Stress: Focus on Scedosporium apiospermum

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    The airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) are frequently colonized by various filamentous fungi, mainly Aspergillus fumigatus and Scedosporium species. To establish within the respiratory tract and cause an infection, these opportunistic fungi express pathogenic factors allowing adherence to the host tissues, uptake of extracellular iron, or evasion to the host immune response. During the colonization process, inhaled conidia and the subsequent hyphae are exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) released by phagocytic cells, which cause in the fungal cells an oxidative stress and a nitrosative stress, respectively. To cope with these constraints, fungal pathogens have developed various mechanisms that protect the fungus against ROS and RNS, including enzymatic antioxidant systems. In this review, we summarize the different works performed on ROS- and RNS-detoxifying enzymes in fungi commonly encountered in the airways of CF patients and highlight their role in pathogenesis of the airway colonization or respiratory infections. The potential of these enzymes as serodiagnostic tools is also emphasized. In addition, taking advantage of the recent availability of the whole genome sequence of S. apiospermum, we identified the various genes encoding ROS- and RNS-detoxifying enzymes, which pave the way for future investigations on the role of these enzymes in pathogenesis of these emerging species since they may constitute new therapeutics targets

    Hypothermia-induced hyperphosphorylation: a new model to study tau kinase inhibitors

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    Tau hyperphosphorylation is one hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. Pharmaceutical companies have thus developed kinase inhibitors aiming to reduce tau hyperphosphorylation. One obstacle in screening for tau kinase inhibitors is the low phosphorylation levels of AD-related phospho-epitopes in normal adult mice and cultured cells. We have shown that hypothermia induces tau hyperphosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Here, we hypothesized that hypothermia could be used to assess tau kinase inhibitors efficacy. Hypothermia applied to models of biological gradual complexity such as neuronal-like cells, ex vivo brain slices and adult non-transgenic mice leads to tau hyperphosphorylation at multiple AD-related phospho-epitopes. We show that Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 inhibitors LiCl and AR-A014418, as well as roscovitine, a cyclin-dependent kinase 5 inhibitor, decrease hypothermia-induced tau hyperphosphorylation, leading to different tau phosphorylation profiles. Therefore, we propose hypothermia-induced hyperphosphorylation as a reliable, fast, convenient and inexpensive tool to screen for tau kinase inhibitors