723 research outputs found

    Hypermatter in chiral field theory

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    We investigate the properties of hadronic matter and nuclei be means of a generalized SU(3)×SU(3)SU(3)\times SU(3) σ\sigma model with broken scale invariance. In mean-field approximation, vector and scalar interactions yield a saturating nuclear equation of state. Finite nuclei can be reasonably described, too. The condensates and the effective baryon masses at finite baryon density and temperature are discussed.Comment: uses IOP style, to be published in Journal of Physics, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Strangeness in Quark Matter 1997, April 14-18, Thera (Santorini), Hella

    An improved multi-agent simulation methodology for modelling and evaluating wireless communication systems resource allocation algorithms

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    Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) constitute a well known approach in modelling dynamical real world systems. Recently, this technology has been applied to Wireless Communication Systems (WCS), where efficient resource allocation is a primary goal, for modelling the physical entities involved, like Base Stations (BS), service providers and network operators. This paper presents a novel approach in applying MAS methodology to WCS resource allocation by modelling more abstract entities involved in WCS operation, and especially the concurrent network procedures (services). Due to the concurrent nature of a WCS, MAS technology presents a suitable modelling solution. Services such as new call admission, handoff, user movement and call termination are independent to one another and may occur at the same time for many different users in the network. Thus, the required network procedures for supporting the above services act autonomously, interact with the network environment (gather information such as interference conditions), take decisions (e.g. call establishment), etc, and can be modelled as agents. Based on this novel simulation approach, the agent cooperation in terms of negotiation and agreement becomes a critical issue. To this end, two negotiation strategies are presented and evaluated in this research effort and among them the distributed negotiation and communication scheme between network agents is presented to be highly efficient in terms of network performance. The multi-agent concept adapted to the concurrent nature of large scale WCS is, also, discussed in this paper

    Chiral model for dense, hot and strange hadronic matter

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    An extended chiral SU(3) model is applied to the description of dense, hot and strange hadronic matter. The degrees of freedom are the baryon octet and decuplet and the spin-0 and spin-1 meson multiplets. The parameters of the model are fitted to the hadron masses in vacumm, infinite nuclear matter properties and soft pion theorems. At high densities the appearance of density isomers cannot be ruled out and extrapolation to finite temperature exhibits a first order phase transition at T≈150MeVT \approx 150 MeV. The predicted dropping baryon masses lead to drastically changed particle ratios compared to ideal gas calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the 15th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 99), Uppsala, Sweden, June 10-16, 199

    Hadrons in Dense Resonance-Matter: A Chiral SU(3) Approach

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    A nonlinear chiral SU(3) approach including the spin 3/2 decuplet is developed to describe dense matter. The coupling constants of the baryon resonances to the scalar mesons are determined from the decuplet vacuum masses and SU(3) symmetry relations. Different methods of mass generation show significant differences in the properties of the spin-3/2 particles and in the nuclear equation of state.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Twisted polarization domains and their dynamics

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    We provide a theoretical investigation of optical Poincar\'e beams that exhibit interwinding chiral polarized domains upon propagation. We employ both analytical and numerical methods in order to investigate this phenomenon. Specifically, we introduce the theoretical framework that elucidates the formation and spiraling behavior of chiral polarized domains of light. Additionally, we define dynamic quantities that help us understand and quantify the angular motion of these domains. We apply this method to cylindrically symmetric optical beams, thereby unveiling their distinct radial and longitudinal propagation dynamics

    Neutron star properties in a chiral SU(3) model

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    We investigate various properties of neutron star matter within an effective chiral SU(3)L×SU(3)RSU(3)_L \times SU(3)_R model. The predictions of this model are compared with a Walecka-type model. It is demonstrated that the importance of hyperon degrees are strongly depending on the interaction used, even if the equation of state near saturation density is nearly the same in both models. While the Walecka-type model predicts a strange star core with strangeness fraction fS≈4/3f_S \approx 4/3, the chiral model allows only for fS≈1/3f_S \approx 1/3 and predicts that Σ0\Sigma^0, Σ+\Sigma^+ and Ξ0\Xi^0 will not exist in star, in contrast to the Walecka-type model.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, 5 figs include
