90 research outputs found

    Politische Maschinen: Maschinelles Lernen für das Verständnis von sozialen Maschinen

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    This thesis investigates human-algorithm interactions in sociotechnological ecosystems. Specifically, it applies machine learning and statistical methods to uncover political dimensions of algorithmic influence in social media platforms and automated decision making systems. Based on the results, the study discusses the legal, political and ethical consequences of algorithmic implementations.Diese Arbeit untersucht Mensch-Algorithmen-Interaktionen in sozio-technologischen Ökosystemen. Sie wendet maschinelles Lernen und statistische Methoden an, um politische Dimensionen des algorithmischen Einflusses auf Socialen Medien und automatisierten Entscheidungssystemen aufzudecken. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse diskutiert die Studie die rechtlichen, politischen und ethischen Konsequenzen von algorithmischen Anwendungen

    The social emotional and behavioural difficulties of 8-12 year-old primary school children in Greece :an investigation of social interaction biases

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    A number of research studies on the prevalence and intensity of Social, Emotional\ud and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBDs) have expressed growing concern as\ud problems continue to worsen for children, adolescents, and a new "sample" of\ud preschoolers. 1 in 5 children and adolescents may have an identifiable mental\ud health disorder requiring treatment. The severity and nature of these problems\ud affect how children think, feel, and act, exposing them to seriously heightened risk\ud of school failure, family conflicts, child abuse, later juvenile delinquency, early\ud drug/alcohol abuse, violence, and even suicide. If untreated these factors may lead\ud to maladjustment in adulthood, aggressive and anti-social personality disorders,\ud alcohol dependency syndrome, criminal behaviour and marital breakdown.\ud The present study attempts to further the investigation of the effects of\ud variables of social cognition and emotion on psychopathology by using a\ud simultaneous design. Specific aims are to:\ud 1) Develop and test a school-based standardised model for better screening\ud of SEBDs in Greece for 8-12 year-old children. The predictive power of the\ud simultaneous "independent variables" (social-cognitive and self-esteem/self worth)\ud on "dependent" ones (psychopathology profiles) is explored by means of\ud improving variance prediction.\ud 2) Discover and analyze possible social interaction biases within groups of\ud experimental children with particular types of emotional and behavioural\ud problems.\u

    Generalized Sums over Histories for Quantum Gravity II. Simplicial Conifolds

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    This paper examines the issues involved with concretely implementing a sum over conifolds in the formulation of Euclidean sums over histories for gravity. The first step in precisely formulating any sum over topological spaces is that one must have an algorithmically implementable method of generating a list of all spaces in the set to be summed over. This requirement causes well known problems in the formulation of sums over manifolds in four or more dimensions; there is no algorithmic method of determining whether or not a topological space is an n-manifold in five or more dimensions and the issue of whether or not such an algorithm exists is open in four. However, as this paper shows, conifolds are algorithmically decidable in four dimensions. Thus the set of 4-conifolds provides a starting point for a concrete implementation of Euclidean sums over histories in four dimensions. Explicit algorithms for summing over various sets of 4-conifolds are presented in the context of Regge calculus. Postscript figures available via anonymous ftp at black-hole.physics.ubc.ca ( in file gen2.ps.Comment: 82pp., plain TeX, To appear in Nucl. Phys. B,FF-92-

    The Computational Complexity of Knot and Link Problems

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    We consider the problem of deciding whether a polygonal knot in 3-dimensional Euclidean space is unknotted, capable of being continuously deformed without self-intersection so that it lies in a plane. We show that this problem, {\sc unknotting problem} is in {\bf NP}. We also consider the problem, {\sc unknotting problem} of determining whether two or more such polygons can be split, or continuously deformed without self-intersection so that they occupy both sides of a plane without intersecting it. We show that it also is in NP. Finally, we show that the problem of determining the genus of a polygonal knot (a generalization of the problem of determining whether it is unknotted) is in {\bf PSPACE}. We also give exponential worst-case running time bounds for deterministic algorithms to solve each of these problems. These algorithms are based on the use of normal surfaces and decision procedures due to W. Haken, with recent extensions by W. Jaco and J. L. Tollefson.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figur

    Partisan US News Media Representations of Syrian Refugees

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    We investigate how representations of Syrian refugees (2011-2021) differ across US partisan news outlets. We analyze 47,388 articles from the online US media about Syrian refugees to detail differences in reporting between left- and right-leaning media. We use various NLP techniques to understand these differences. Our polarization and question answering results indicated that left-leaning media tended to represent refugees as child victims, welcome in the US, and right-leaning media cast refugees as Islamic terrorists. We noted similar results with our sentiment and offensive speech scores over time, which detail possibly unfavorable representations of refugees in right-leaning media. A strength of our work is how the different techniques we have applied validate each other. Based on our results, we provide several recommendations. Stakeholders may utilize our findings to intervene around refugee representations, and design communications campaigns that improve the way society sees refugees and possibly aid refugee outcomes

    COVID-19 vaccine perceptions in the initial phases of US vaccine roll-out: an observational study on reddit.

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    BACKGROUND: Open online forums like Reddit provide an opportunity to quantitatively examine COVID-19 vaccine perceptions early in the vaccine timeline. We examine COVID-19 misinformation on Reddit following vaccine scientific announcements, in the initial phases of the vaccine timeline. METHODS: We collected all posts on Reddit (reddit.com) from January 1 2020 - December 14 2020 (n=266,840) that contained both COVID-19 and vaccine-related keywords. We used topic modeling to understand changes in word prevalence within topics after the release of vaccine trial data. Social network analysis was also conducted to determine the relationship between Reddit communities (subreddits) that shared COVID-19 vaccine posts, and the movement of posts between subreddits. RESULTS: There was an association between a Pfizer press release reporting 90% efficacy and increased discussion on vaccine misinformation. We observed an association between Johnson and Johnson temporarily halting its vaccine trials and reduced misinformation. We found that information skeptical of vaccination was first posted in a subreddit (r/Coronavirus) which favored accurate information and then reposted in subreddits associated with antivaccine beliefs and conspiracy theories (e.g. conspiracy, NoNewNormal). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings can inform the development of interventions where individuals determine the accuracy of vaccine information, and communications campaigns to improve COVID-19 vaccine perceptions, early in the vaccine timeline. Such efforts can increase individual- and population-level awareness of accurate and scientifically sound information regarding vaccines and thereby improve attitudes about vaccines, especially in the early phases of vaccine roll-out. Further research is needed to understand how social media can contribute to COVID-19 vaccination services