938 research outputs found

    Optimal competitiveness for the Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence problem

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    We present optimal online algorithms for two related known problems involving Steiner Arborescence, improving both the lower and the upper bounds. One of them is the well studied continuous problem of the {\em Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence} (RSARSA). We improve the lower bound and the upper bound on the competitive ratio for RSARSA from O(logN)O(\log N) and Ω(logN)\Omega(\sqrt{\log N}) to Θ(logNloglogN)\Theta(\frac{\log N}{\log \log N}), where NN is the number of Steiner points. This separates the competitive ratios of RSARSA and the Symetric-RSARSA, two problems for which the bounds of Berman and Coulston is STOC 1997 were identical. The second problem is one of the Multimedia Content Distribution problems presented by Papadimitriou et al. in several papers and Charikar et al. SODA 1998. It can be viewed as the discrete counterparts (or a network counterpart) of RSARSA. For this second problem we present tight bounds also in terms of the network size, in addition to presenting tight bounds in terms of the number of Steiner points (the latter are similar to those we derived for RSARSA)

    Settling Some Open Problems on 2-Player Symmetric Nash Equilibria

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    Over the years, researchers have studied the complexity of several decision versions of Nash equilibrium in (symmetric) two-player games (bimatrix games). To the best of our knowledge, the last remaining open problem of this sort is the following; it was stated by Papadimitriou in 2007: find a non-symmetric Nash equilibrium (NE) in a symmetric game. We show that this problem is NP-complete and the problem of counting the number of non-symmetric NE in a symmetric game is #P-complete. In 2005, Kannan and Theobald defined the "rank of a bimatrix game" represented by matrices (A, B) to be rank(A+B) and asked whether a NE can be computed in rank 1 games in polynomial time. Observe that the rank 0 case is precisely the zero sum case, for which a polynomial time algorithm follows from von Neumann's reduction of such games to linear programming. In 2011, Adsul et. al. obtained an algorithm for rank 1 games; however, it does not solve the case of symmetric rank 1 games. We resolve this problem

    Euclidean TSP with few inner points in linear space

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    Given a set of nn points in the Euclidean plane, such that just kk points are strictly inside the convex hull of the whole set, we want to find the shortest tour visiting every point. The fastest known algorithm for the version when kk is significantly smaller than nn, i.e., when there are just few inner points, works in O(k11kk1.5n3)O(k^{11\sqrt{k}} k^{1.5} n^{3}) time [Knauer and Spillner, WG 2006], but also requires space of order kckn2k^{c\sqrt{k}}n^{2}. The best linear space algorithm takes O(k!kn)O(k! k n) time [Deineko, Hoffmann, Okamoto, Woeginer, Oper. Res. Lett. 34(1), 106-110]. We construct a linear space O(nk2+kO(k))O(nk^2+k^{O(\sqrt{k})}) time algorithm. The new insight is extending the known divide-and-conquer method based on planar separators with a matching-based argument to shrink the instance in every recursive call. This argument also shows that the problem admits a quadratic bikernel.Comment: under submissio


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    A PTAS for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Planar Graphs

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    The Capacitated Vehicle Routing problem is to find a minimum-cost set of tours that collectively cover clients in a graph, such that each tour starts and ends at a specified depot and is subject to a capacity bound on the number of clients it can serve. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for instances in which the input graph is planar and the capacity is bounded. Previously, only a quasipolynomial-time approximation scheme was known for these instances. To obtain this result, we show how to embed planar graphs into bounded-treewidth graphs while preserving, in expectation, the client-to-client distances up to a small additive error proportional to client distances to the depot

    An Innovative Approach to Achieve Compositionality Efficiently using Multi-Version Object Based Transactional Systems

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    In the modern era of multicore processors, utilizing cores is a tedious job. Synchronization and communication among processors involve high cost. Software transaction memory systems (STMs) addresses this issues and provide better concurrency in which programmer need not have to worry about consistency issues. Another advantage of STMs is that they facilitate compositionality of concurrent programs with great ease. Different concurrent operations that need to be composed to form a single atomic unit is achieved by encapsulating them in a single transaction. In this paper, we introduce a new STM system as multi-version object based STM (MVOSTM) which is the combination of both of these ideas for harnessing greater concurrency in STMs. As the name suggests MVOSTM, works on a higher level and maintains multiple versions corresponding to each key. We have developed MVOSTM with the unlimited number of versions corresponding to each key. In addition to that, we have developed garbage collection for MVOSTM (MVOSTM-GC) to delete unwanted versions corresponding to the keys to reduce traversal overhead. MVOSTM provides greater concurrency while reducing the number of aborts and it ensures compositionality by making the transactions atomic. Here, we have used MVOSTM for the list and hash-table data structure as list-MVOSTM and HT- MVOSTM. Experimental results of list-MVOSTM outperform almost two to twenty fold speedup than existing state-of-the-art list based STMs (Trans-list, Boosting-list, NOrec-list, list-MVTO, and list-OSTM). HT-MVOSTM shows a significant performance gain of almost two to nineteen times better than existing state-of-the-art hash-table based STMs (ESTM, RWSTMs, HT-MVTO, and HT-OSTM). MVOSTM with list and hash-table shows the least number of aborts among all the existing STM algorithms. MVOSTM satisfies correctness-criteria as opacity.Comment: 35 pages, 23 figure

    Measuring Coverage of Prolog Programs Using Mutation Testing

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    Testing is an important aspect in professional software development, both to avoid and identify bugs as well as to increase maintainability. However, increasing the number of tests beyond a reasonable amount hinders development progress. To decide on the completeness of a test suite, many approaches to assert test coverage have been suggested. Yet, frameworks for logic programs remain scarce. In this paper, we introduce a framework for Prolog programs measuring test coverage using mutations. We elaborate the main ideas of mutation testing and transfer them to logic programs. To do so, we discuss the usefulness of different mutations in the context of Prolog and empirically evaluate them in a new mutation testing framework on different examples.Comment: 16 pages, Accepted for presentation in WFLP 201

    Stable divisorial gonality is in NP

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    Divisorial gonality and stable divisorial gonality are graph parameters, which have an origin in algebraic geometry. Divisorial gonality of a connected graph GG can be defined with help of a chip firing game on GG. The stable divisorial gonality of GG is the minimum divisorial gonality over all subdivisions of edges of GG. In this paper we prove that deciding whether a given connected graph has stable divisorial gonality at most a given integer kk belongs to the class NP. Combined with the result that (stable) divisorial gonality is NP-hard by Gijswijt, we obtain that stable divisorial gonality is NP-complete. The proof consist of a partial certificate that can be verified by solving an Integer Linear Programming instance. As a corollary, we have that the number of subdivisions needed for minimum stable divisorial gonality of a graph with nn vertices is bounded by 2p(n)2^{p(n)} for a polynomial pp