8,267 research outputs found

    First-order transition in small-world networks

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    The small-world transition is a first-order transition at zero density pp of shortcuts, whereby the normalized shortest-path distance undergoes a discontinuity in the thermodynamic limit. On finite systems the apparent transition is shifted by Δp∌L−d\Delta p \sim L^{-d}. Equivalently a ``persistence size'' L∗∌p−1/dL^* \sim p^{-1/d} can be defined in connection with finite-size effects. Assuming L∗∌p−τL^* \sim p^{-\tau}, simple rescaling arguments imply that τ=1/d\tau=1/d. We confirm this result by extensive numerical simulation in one to four dimensions, and argue that τ=1/d\tau=1/d implies that this transition is first-order.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Incremental Recompilation of Knowledge

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    Approximating a general formula from above and below by Horn formulas (its Horn envelope and Horn core, respectively) was proposed by Selman and Kautz (1991, 1996) as a form of ``knowledge compilation,'' supporting rapid approximate reasoning; on the negative side, this scheme is static in that it supports no updates, and has certain complexity drawbacks pointed out by Kavvadias, Papadimitriou and Sideri (1993). On the other hand, the many frameworks and schemes proposed in the literature for theory update and revision are plagued by serious complexity-theoretic impediments, even in the Horn case, as was pointed out by Eiter and Gottlob (1992), and is further demonstrated in the present paper. More fundamentally, these schemes are not inductive, in that they may lose in a single update any positive properties of the represented sets of formulas (small size, Horn structure, etc.). In this paper we propose a new scheme, incremental recompilation, which combines Horn approximation and model-based updates; this scheme is inductive and very efficient, free of the problems facing its constituents. A set of formulas is represented by an upper and lower Horn approximation. To update, we replace the upper Horn formula by the Horn envelope of its minimum-change update, and similarly the lower one by the Horn core of its update; the key fact which enables this scheme is that Horn envelopes and cores are easy to compute when the underlying formula is the result of a minimum-change update of a Horn formula by a clause. We conjecture that efficient algorithms are possible for more complex updates.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Classical simulation of commuting quantum computations implies collapse of the polynomial hierarchy

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    We consider quantum computations comprising only commuting gates, known as IQP computations, and provide compelling evidence that the task of sampling their output probability distributions is unlikely to be achievable by any efficient classical means. More specifically we introduce the class post-IQP of languages decided with bounded error by uniform families of IQP circuits with post-selection, and prove first that post-IQP equals the classical class PP. Using this result we show that if the output distributions of uniform IQP circuit families could be classically efficiently sampled, even up to 41% multiplicative error in the probabilities, then the infinite tower of classical complexity classes known as the polynomial hierarchy, would collapse to its third level. We mention some further results on the classical simulation properties of IQP circuit families, in particular showing that if the output distribution results from measurements on only O(log n) lines then it may in fact be classically efficiently sampled.Comment: 13 page

    System Identification of Constructed Facilities: Challenges and Opportunities Across Hazards

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    The motivation, success and prevalence of full-scale monitoring of constructed buildings vary considerably across the hazard of concern (earthquakes, strong winds, etc.), due in part to various fiscal and life safety motivators. Yet while the challenges of successful deployment and operation of large-scale monitoring initiatives are significant, they are perhaps dwarfed by the challenges of data management, interrogation and ultimately system identification. Practical constraints on everything from sensor density to the availability of measured input has driven the development of a wide array of system identification and damage detection techniques, which in many cases become hazard-specific. In this study, the authors share their experiences in fullscale monitoring of buildings across hazards and the associated challenges of system identification. The study will conclude with a brief agenda for next generation research in the area of system identification of constructed facilities

    Spin-injection Hall effect in a planar photovoltaic cell

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    Successful incorporation of the spin degree of freedom in semiconductor technology requires the development of a new paradigm allowing for a scalable, non-destructive electrical detection of the spin-polarization of injected charge carriers as they propagate along the semiconducting channel. In this paper we report the observation of a spin-injection Hall effect (SIHE) which exploits the quantum-relativistic nature of spin-charge transport and which meets all these key requirements on the spin detection. The two-dimensional electron-hole gas photo-voltaic cell we designed to observe the SIHE allows us to develop a quantitative microscopic theory of the phenomenon and to demonstrate its direct application in optoelectronics. We report an experimental realization of a non-magnetic spin-photovoltaic effect via the SIHE, rendering our device an electrical polarimeter which directly converts the degree of circular polarization of light to a voltage signal.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Settling Some Open Problems on 2-Player Symmetric Nash Equilibria

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    Over the years, researchers have studied the complexity of several decision versions of Nash equilibrium in (symmetric) two-player games (bimatrix games). To the best of our knowledge, the last remaining open problem of this sort is the following; it was stated by Papadimitriou in 2007: find a non-symmetric Nash equilibrium (NE) in a symmetric game. We show that this problem is NP-complete and the problem of counting the number of non-symmetric NE in a symmetric game is #P-complete. In 2005, Kannan and Theobald defined the "rank of a bimatrix game" represented by matrices (A, B) to be rank(A+B) and asked whether a NE can be computed in rank 1 games in polynomial time. Observe that the rank 0 case is precisely the zero sum case, for which a polynomial time algorithm follows from von Neumann's reduction of such games to linear programming. In 2011, Adsul et. al. obtained an algorithm for rank 1 games; however, it does not solve the case of symmetric rank 1 games. We resolve this problem

    Biased random satisfiability problems: From easy to hard instances

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    In this paper we study biased random K-SAT problems in which each logical variable is negated with probability pp. This generalization provides us a crossover from easy to hard problems and would help us in a better understanding of the typical complexity of random K-SAT problems. The exact solution of 1-SAT case is given. The critical point of K-SAT problems and results of replica method are derived in the replica symmetry framework. It is found that in this approximation αc∝p−(K−1)\alpha_c \propto p^{-(K-1)} for p→0p\to 0. Solving numerically the survey propagation equations for K=3 we find that for p<p∗∌0.17p<p^* \sim 0.17 there is no replica symmetry breaking and still the SAT-UNSAT transition is discontinuous.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum annealing and the Schr\"odinger-Langevin-Kostin equation

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    We show, in the context of quantum combinatorial optimization, or quantum annealing, how the nonlinear Schr\"odinger-Langevin-Kostin equation can dynamically drive the system toward its ground state. We illustrate, moreover, how a frictional force of Kostin type can prevent the appearance of genuinely quantum problems such as Bloch oscillations and Anderson localization which would hinder an exhaustive search.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear on Physical Review

    Euclidean TSP with few inner points in linear space

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    Given a set of nn points in the Euclidean plane, such that just kk points are strictly inside the convex hull of the whole set, we want to find the shortest tour visiting every point. The fastest known algorithm for the version when kk is significantly smaller than nn, i.e., when there are just few inner points, works in O(k11kk1.5n3)O(k^{11\sqrt{k}} k^{1.5} n^{3}) time [Knauer and Spillner, WG 2006], but also requires space of order kckn2k^{c\sqrt{k}}n^{2}. The best linear space algorithm takes O(k!kn)O(k! k n) time [Deineko, Hoffmann, Okamoto, Woeginer, Oper. Res. Lett. 34(1), 106-110]. We construct a linear space O(nk2+kO(k))O(nk^2+k^{O(\sqrt{k})}) time algorithm. The new insight is extending the known divide-and-conquer method based on planar separators with a matching-based argument to shrink the instance in every recursive call. This argument also shows that the problem admits a quadratic bikernel.Comment: under submissio
