1,229 research outputs found

    The use of queueing theory for planning automated analytical systems

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    Effects of some ecological factors on Dothichiza populea Sacc. et Br. growth

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    The aim of the present work was to evaluate the mycelial growth and fruiting vigor of Dothichiza populea Sacc. et Br. under various temperatures, pH values, and light regimes. Effect of temperature on the fungus growth was examined by growing isolates in polythermostat at 5°C to 30°C. The best mycelial growth occurred at 20°C, while at 30°C it was inhibited. Fruiting of the fungus was not observed at 5°C, 25°C, and 30°C. However, the best fruiting of the isolates appeared at 20°C. The influence of different pH of the cultivation medium (3,5-10) on the fungus isolates growth was also evaluated. Optimal pH for the fungus growth ranged between 6 and 8, while formation of reproductive organs occurred at all pH values. The influence of two light regimes (light/dark regime and continuous dark) on the fungus growth was also studied. Obtained results showed that mycelial growth and fruiting of the fungus were considerably better under the light/dark regime

    Sexual dimorphism and population differences in structural properties of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) wing and tail feathers

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Sexual selection and aerodynamic forces affecting structural properties of the flight feathers of birds are poorly understood. Here, we compared the structural features of the innermost primary wing feather (P1) and the sexually dimorphic outermost (Ta6) and monomorphic second outermost (Ta5) tail feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) from a Romanian population to investigate how sexual selection and resistance to aerodynamic forces affect structural differences among these feathers. Furthermore, we compared structural properties of Ta6 of barn swallows from six European populations. Finally, we determined the relationship between feather growth bars width (GBW) and the structural properties of tail feathers. The structure of P1 indicates strong resistance against aerodynamic forces, while the narrow rachis, low vane density and low bending stiffness of tail feathers suggest reduced resistance against airflow. The highly elongated Ta6 is characterized by structural modifications such as large rachis width and increased barbule density in relation to the less elongated Ta5, which can be explained by increased length and/or high aerodynamic forces acting at the leading tail edge. However, these changes in Ta6 structure do not allow for full compensation of elongation, as reflected by the reduced bending stiffness of Ta6. Ta6 elongation in males resulted in feathers with reduced resistance, as shown by the low barb density and reduced bending stiffness compared to females. The inconsistency in sexual dimorphism and in change in quality traits of Ta6 among six European populations shows that multiple factors may contribute to shaping population differences. In general, the difference in quality traits between tail feathers cannot be explained by the GBW of feathers. Our results show that the material and structural properties of wing and tail feathers of barn swallows change as a result of aerodynamic forces and sexual selection, although the result of these changes can be contrasting.Peer Reviewe

    Criminal Justice and Ethnic Data Collection in Hungary

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    The paper analyzes ethnic data collection pertaining to criminal justice in Hungary. It shows that Hungary's approach to resist ethnic data collection by law enforcement authorities is not a good policy and it causes severe constitutional problems in other, non-criminal legal circumstances, where ethnic data is used in the context of additional rights and affirmative protection provided for ethno-national minorities. The paper follows a twofold analysis. First, it sets forth general problems relating to ethnic data collection, including a brief analysis of a uniquely Hungarian constitutional institution, the minority self-govern­ment structure. The focus of scrutiny then shifts to the criminal justice system, in particular the analysis of policing of racially motivated crime, and the question of police ethnic profiling.   

    Constitutional Ambiguities Regarding Anti-Terrorist Financial Enforcement Measures-The Case of Hungary

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    Thepolicy of “proscription” or “designation” of groups and individuals as “terrorist” has been deployed as acrucial legal weapon in the global war on terrorism. Despite its serious humanrights implications, judicial review is excluded from this highly politicisedprocess, which has been embraced uncritically by the international communityand member states' domestic legal system. The essay aims to survey certaincontradictions within legal regimes imposed by the UN Security Council, the EUand the Hungarian Government, aimed at freezing assets and financialtransactions of terrorist organisations and organs associated withanti-democratic political regimes. It is argued that legal regimes that wouldserve the thorough implementation of anti-terrorist sanctions brought by the UNSecurity Council or the European Council are extremely underdeveloped. In otherwords, the three normative levels of sanction measures-(1) legislation passedby the UN Security Council; (2) the implementing legislation of member statesand the EU; (3) sui generis EU sanction-regulations-arenot harmonized. Even though the examples are brought from Hungary, a newEU-member state that so far has not been directly affected by terrorism,arguably the scrutinized controversies point to general Rule of Law questionsthat presumably most European states are bound to face

    Humán albuminnal kezelt strukturális proximális tibialis allograft alkalmazása kiterjedt térdízületi periprotetikus csonthiány esetén és a késői szövődmény elhárítása

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    A szerzők 74 éves beteg kórtörténetét ismertetik, akinél kiterjedt szegmentális térdízületi periprotetikus csontvesztés műtéti kezelése során strukturális proximalis tibialis allograftot alkalmaztak és beszámolnak a műtét után kialakult késői szövődmény ellátásáról. Kiemelik, hogy az allograftokkal történő csontpótlás fiziológiás eljárás, amely lehetőséget ad stabil implantátum rögzítésére, lágyrész-rekonstrukcióra, kiterjedt csontvesztés pótlására, és a beavatkozás költsége is kevesebb. A liofilizált allograft albuminnal történő kezelése bizonyítottan javítja azt a képességet, hogy a csontvelő-eredetű mesenchymalis őssejtek az allograft felszínén megtapadjanak, azon proliferáljanak, valamint annak pórusaiba is beterjedjenek és ezáltal a graft mélyebb rétegeibe is eljussanak. Kimutatható osteoblast tevékenység alakult ki a graft felszínén és a belsejében is. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(2), 67–70

    Synthesis of Shape-Tailored WO3 Micro-/Nanocrystals and the Photocatalytic Activity of WO3/TiO2 Composites

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    A traditional semiconductor (WO3) was synthesized from different precursors via hydrothermal crystallization targeting the achievement of three different crystal shapes (nanoplates, nanorods and nanostars). The obtained WO3 microcrystals were analyzed by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). These methods contributed to the detailed analysis of the crystal morphology and structural features. The synthesized bare WO3 photocatalysts were totally inactive, while the P25/WO3 composites were efficient under UV light radiation. Furthermore, the maximum achieved activity was even higher than the bare P25's photocatalytic performance. A correlation was established between the shape of the WO3 crystallites and the observed photocatalytic activity registered during the degradation of different substrates by using P25/WO3 composites
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