19 research outputs found

    Anti-site defect-induced disorder in compensated topological magnet MnBi2x_{2-x}Sbx_xTe4_4

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    The gapped Dirac-like surface states of compensated magnetic topological insulator MnBi2x_{2-x}Sbx_xTe4_4 (MBST) are a promising host for exotic quantum phenomena such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect and axion insulating states. However, it has become clear that atomic defects undermine the stabilization of such quantum phases as they lead to spatial variations in the surface state gap and doping levels. The large number of possible defect configurations in MBST make studying the influence of individual defects virtually impossible. Here, we present a statistical analysis of the nanoscale effect of defects in MBST with x=0.64x=0.64, by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S). We identify (Bi,Sb)Mn_{\rm Mn} anti-site defects to be the main source of the observed doping fluctuations, leading towards the formation of nanoscale charge puddles and effectively closing the transport gap. Our findings will guide further optimization of this material system via defect engineering, to enable exploitation of its promising properties

    Hidden phase in a two-dimensional Sn layer stabilized by modulation hole doping

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    Semiconductor surfaces and ultrathin interfaces exhibit an interesting variety of two-dimensional quantum matter phases, such as charge density waves, spin density waves and superconducting condensates. Yet, the electronic properties of these broken symmetry phases are extremely difficult to control due to the inherent difficulty of doping a strictly two-dimensional material without introducing chemical disorder. Here we successfully exploit a modulation doping scheme to uncover, in conjunction with a scanning tunnelling microscope tip-assist, a hidden equilibrium phase in a hole-doped bilayer of Sn on Si(111). This new phase is intrinsically phase separated into insulating domains with polar and nonpolar symmetries. Its formation involves a spontaneous symmetry breaking process that appears to be electronically driven, notwithstanding the lack of metallicity in this system. This modulation doping approach allows access to novel phases of matter, promising new avenues for exploring competing quantum matter phases on a silicon platform

    Itinerant electrons, local moments, and magnetic correlations in the pnictide superconductors CeFeAsO 1 − x F x and Sr(Fe 1 − x Co x ) 2 As 2

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    A direct and element-specific measurement of the local Fe spin moment has been provided by analyzing the Fe 3ss core level photoemission spectra in the parent and optimally doped CeFeAsO{}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}Fx{}_{x} (xx == 0, 0.11) and Sr(Fe{}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}Cox{}_{x})2{}_{2}As2{}_{2} (xx == 0, 0.10) pnictides. The rapid time scales of the photoemission process allowed the detection of large local spin moments fluctuating on a 10{}^{\ensuremath{-}15} s time scale in the paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and superconducting phases, indicative of the occurrence of ubiquitous strong Hund's magnetic correlations. The magnitude of the spin moment is found to vary significantly among different families, 1.3{\ensuremath{\mu}}_{B} in CeFeAsO and 2.1{\ensuremath{\mu}}_{B} in SrFe2{}_{2}As2{}_{2}. Surprisingly, the spin moment is found to decrease considerably in the optimally doped samples, 0.9{\ensuremath{\mu}}_{B} in CeFeAsO0.89{}_{0.89}F0.11{}_{0.11} and 1.3{\ensuremath{\mu}}_{B} in Sr(Fe0.9{}_{0.9}Co0.1{}_{0.1})2{}_{2}As2{}_{2}. The strong variation of the spin moment against doping and material type indicates that the spin moments and the motion of itinerant electrons are influenced reciprocally in a self-consistent fashion, reflecting the strong competition between the antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction among the spin moments and the kinetic energy gain of the itinerant electrons in the presence of a strong Hund's coupling. By describing the evolution of the magnetic correlations concomitant with the appearance of superconductivity, these results constitute a fundamental step toward attaining a correct description of the microscopic mechanisms shaping the electronic properties in the pnictides, including magnetism and high-temperature superconductivity

    Controllable Strain-driven Topological Phase Transition and Dominant Surface State Transport in High-Quality HfTe5 Samples

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    Controlling materials to create and tune topological phases of matter could potentially be used to explore new phases of topological quantum matter and to create novel devices where the carriers are topologically protected. It has been demonstrated that a trivial insulator can be converted into a topological state by modulating the spin-orbit interaction or the crystal lattice. However, there are limited methods to controllably and efficiently tune the crystal lattice and at the same time perform electronic measurements at cryogenic temperatures. Here, we use large controllable strain to demonstrate the topological phase transition from a weak topological insulator phase to a strong topological insulator phase in high-quality HfTe5 samples. After applying high strain to HfTe5 and converting it into a strong topological insulator, we found that the sample's resistivity increased by more than two orders of magnitude (24,000%) and that the electronic transport is dominated by the topological surface states at cryogenic temperatures. Our findings show that HfTe5 is an ideal material for engineering topological properties, and it could be generalized to study topological phase transitions in van der Waals materials and heterostructures. These results can pave the way to create novel devices with applications ranging from spintronics to fault-tolerant topologically protected quantum computers

    Dinamica del trasferimento di carica ultra-veloce in film sottili e ultra-sottili composti di molecole organiche studiata con luce di sincrotrone

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    2006/2007The increasing energy crisis has induced science and technology world to drive a lot of efforts in the study of new materials suitable to develop renewable and with a low environmental impact energy sources as an alternative to petroleum. In this context photo-voltaic cells are a good solution, nevertheless the high costs and the low light-to-current efficiency still inhibits a large production and a common usage. The employment of organic based materials, i.e. the materials inspired by biological processes, finds a place in this research field. The wide availability of these materials in nature, the ease in material processing and the intriguing chemical and physical properties places the organics as good candidates in the production of photovoltaic devices. Moreover, their electronic properties allow a usage as charge injector to enhance the light-to-current efficiency in inorganic-based photovoltaic devices (Gratzel-cells). The aim of this thesis is to study the growth, the electronic properties, and the chargetransfer dynamic in thin and ultra-thin film(single molecular layer) composed by zinc-tetraphenylporphyrin and C70 and thicker melanin films. We choose these molecules both because of their high visible light sensitivity and because porphyrins are electron donor and fullerenes are electron acceptors. In fact, it is well know in biology that the chlorophyll (Mg-poprhyrin) when illuminated with visible light, act as an electron injector in the biochemical environment supplying the amount of energy needed to activate the production of glucose starting from water and carbon dioxide (chlorophyll synthesis). The fullerene C70 consist in an arrangement of 70 carbon atoms in a closed cage structure and is a good electron acceptor. Then, the our purpose is to use the different electronic properties of these molecules to generate donor/acceptor junctions at the molecular scale. Melanin is a natural pigment present in living beings responsible, in human body, of the colour of skin and of its variation due to the exposition to the sun light; it is a semiconductor with electron donor properties. The combined usage of the properties of these molecules opens the way to the production of complexes to realize high-efficiency and low cost photovoltaic devices. In this context, and at the present state of the art in the production of organic-based photovoltaic devices, investigations about the basic mechanism of molecular interaction and electronic properties are needed to clarify the problems that are still open. In fact the light-tocurrent conversion is just one of the possible processes successive to the absorption of a visible photon in a material. In fact the large number of dissipative processes dissipates the charges excited by the light and inhibits the light-to-current conversion efficiency. In this context, two aspect are fundamental: the presence of empty states in the conduction band that are not allowed for dipole transitions from the valence band but energetically favourable with respect to the first allowed ones, in order to brake the excitonic bond and a good charge mobility in order to transport the excited charges up to the collecting electrodes of the device. because the mobility is higher in ordered systems instead of non ordered ones, the molecular interaction and the growth condition have a fundamental role because they determine the molecular packing in the film. In this sense we used soft X-rays and UV-rays photoemission to study the interaction between ZnTPP and C70 and between these molecules and the Si(111)7x7 surface, one of the most common substrate used to produce electronic devices. We studied the order in the various films in the sense of “orientational order” using Near Edge Absorption Fine structure Spectroscopy at SuperESCA and ALOISA beamlines at ELETTRA synchrotron radiation facility in Trieste. Because the NEXAFS spectra, obtained with linearly polarized radiation, are sensitive to the direction of the chemical bonds, the dependence of the absorption structures intensity on the angle between the electrical field of the incoming radiation and the direction of the empty states yields informations about the geometrical (orientational) arrangements of the molecules in the film. The films were produced by sublimation in ultra-high-vacuum in order to obtain a film as pure as possible. We produced a melanin film via “drop casting”, by in air deposition of a suspension of synthetic melanin powder in mineral free water on a polycristal copper surface and drying the water. We obtained the first photoemission data available in literature about this system. A particular attention was dedicated to the ultra-fast delocalization processes of the excited charges. We used Resonant Photoemission technique (SuperESCA beamline at ELETTRA) to study the excitation de-excitation processes: a core electron is pumped to an empty state in the conduction band, the following decay of the core hole (scale of fs) reveals time scale of the excited charge delocalization with a chemical sensitivity typical of core spectroscopiesLa crescente crisi energetica ha indotto la scienza e la tecnologia ad indirizzarsi verso lo studio di nuovi materiali da utilizzarsi per sviluppare fonti di energia alternative al petrolio che siano rinnovabili e a basso impatto ambientale. In questo ambito le celle foto-voltaiche sono una buona risposta, tuttavia i costi elevati e la bassa efficienza nella conversione luce-corrente fanno sì che esse non siano ancora di uso comune. Lo studio dei materiali organici, ovvero di quelli ispirati da processi biologici, trova spazio in questo ambito di ricerca. La larga diffusione in natura dei costituenti, la facilità nel processare il materiale, e le interessanti proprietà chimico-fisiche fanno dei materiali organici una delle possibili scelte nella realizzazione di dispositivi fotovoltaici. Inoltre, la versatilità di questi materiali li rende utilizzabili anche come iniettori di cariche per aumentare l’efficienza di conversione luce-corrente se accoppiati con semiconduttori inorganici (Gratzel-cells). Oggetto di questa tesi è lo studio della crescita e delle proprietà elettroniche di trasferimento di carica di film sottili e monostrati molecolari composti di zinco-tetrafenil-porfirina e C70, e film di melanina. La scelta di queste molecole origina sia dalle loro proprietà di sensibilità alla luce visibile che dalle loro proprietà elettroniche di essere donori ed accettori di elettroni. Infatti, è ben noto in natura che la clorofilla (magnesio-porfirina) svolge la funzione di iniettore di carica nell’ambiente biochimico per fornire l’energia necessaria all’attivazione della produzione di glucosio a partire da acqua e anidride carbonica, quando esposta a luce solare. Il fullerene C70 è una molecola costituita da settanta atomi di carbonio disposti in una struttura chiusa a gabbia ed ha la proprietà di essere un accettare di elettroni. Uno degli obiettivi è, quindi sfruttare le diverse proprietà elettroniche di queste molecole per realizzare delle giunzioni donore/accettore su scala molecolare. La melanina è il pigmento naturale presente negli esseri viventi responsabile, nel corpo umano, del colore della pelle e del suo cambiamento in seguito all’esposizione alla luce ed è anch’essa un semiconduttore con proprietà di donore di elettroni. L’uso combinato di queste caratteristiche apre la strada alla realizzazione di materiali complessi che possano essere utilizzati nella realizzazione di dispositivi fotovoltaici. In questo contesto, e all’attuale stato dell’arte della realizzazione di dispositivi fotovoltaici basati su molecole organiche è necessario lo studio di base delle proprietà elettroniche dei film composti di queste molecole per affrontare problematiche aperte. Infatti il processo di conversione della luce in corrente è solo uno di quelli possibili in seguito all’assorbimento di un fotone visibile da parte di un materiale. Infatti un gran numero di processi dissipativi rende le cariche eccitate in gran parte inutilizzabili ai fini della conversione della luce in corrente. Due aspetti sono fondamentali affinché il materiale possa essere efficiente nella conversione luce-corrente: la presenza di stati di conduzione vuoti non accessibili tramite eccitazione con radiazione elettromagnetica ma energeticamente favorevoli rispetto a quelli accessibili, e una buona mobilità delle cariche eccitate in modo da essere trasportate senza dissipazione verso gli elettrodi di raccolta. Dal momento che la mobilità delle cariche è maggiore in sistemi ordinati, diventano cruciali sia le tecniche di crescita che le interazioni molecolari che determinano l’impacchettamento delle molecole a formare il film. In questo senso ci siamo avvalsi della spettroscopia di fotoemissione nel regime dei raggi X soffici e di raggi UV per studiare sia l’interazione tra le due specie molecolari e substrato (superficie (111) del silicio) che tra porfirina e porfirina e porfirina e fullerene, crescendo films a spessori via via crescenti. Per quanto riguarda la crescita, e quindi l’ordine con cui sono stati cresciuti i films abbiamo utilizzato la spettroscopia di assorbimento vicino soglia (NEXAFS, esperimenti eseguiti sulla beamline ALOISA ad ELETTRA). Poiché gli spettri di assorbimento sono sensibili alla direzione di legami chimici qualora eccitati con radiazione polarizzata linearmente, la dipendenza dell’intensità dei singoli picchi di assorbimento dall’angolo tra il vettore campo elettrico della radiazione e la direzione del legame fornisce informazioni circa la geometria del sistema. I films sono stati ottenuti per sublimazione di polveri in ultra alto vuoto al fine di ottenere un sistema chimicamente puro. Per quanto riguarda la melanina, abbiamo realizzato un film utilizzando la tecnica del “drop casting” depositando una sospensione di acqua e melanina su una superficie di rame policristallino e lasciando evaporare l’acqua. Sono stati raccolti, quindi, i primi dati di fotoemissione presenti in letteratura riguardo questo sistema. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta ai processi ultraveloci di delocalizzazione delle cariche in stati eccitati. A tale scopo abbiamo utilizzato la tecnica di fotoemissione risonante (ResPES, esperimenti eseguiti sulla beamline SuperESCA ad ELETTRA), in cui un elettrone di core viene eccitato da radiazione di sincrotrone a riempire uno stato di conduzione, il successivo decadimento della buca di core (scala temporale dei fs) permette di individuare l’avvenuta delocalizzazione dell’elettrone eccitato ed ottenere una stima dell’efficienza di trasferimento di carica con specificità chimicaXX Ciclo197

    Electronic surface reconstruction and correlation in the fcc and dimer phases of RbC60

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    A combined photoemission and x-ray absorption study of a RbC60 crystalline film is presented. We find evidence for an electronic charge reconstruction of the film surface in both the fcc and the dimer phases of RbC60. We confirm the previous conclusion on less crystalline films that the dimer phase is insulating. Several observations, such as the presence of molecular features in the photoemission spectra, indicate that at least partial electron localization occurs in the high-temperature fcc phase. In the fcc phase, the surface consists in a half-charge C60(111) plane and appears weakly metallic, as found for the bulk. In the dimer phase, the charge reconstruction simply implies the presence of neutral C60 in the surface layer. The identification of neutral molecules in the surface layer drastically improves the agreement between calculations of the electronic density of states and photoelectron spectra in both phases.