124 research outputs found

    A case of acanthosis nigricans in a HIV-infected patient

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    Background: To date, very little information is available concerning the relationship between acanthosis nigricans (AN) and infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Case presentation: Herein, we report the case of a middle-aged man admitted for fever and progressively worsening dyspnea in the context of an opportunistic pneumonia and firstly diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). At the time of diagnosis, physical examination revealed the presence of a palpable, hyperpigmented skin lesion on the left areola with surface desquamation and velvety texture consistent with AN. Of note, the most common primary etiologies related to AN were excluded and the complete regression of the skin lesion was observed once antiretroviral therapy was started. Conclusion: This is the second report of AN found in patients with AIDS and apparently responsive to prolonged antiretroviral treatment. Possible explanations of this association are still not completely understood, probably related to virus-induced changes in lipid metabolism. Our experience suggests that HIV testing should always be considered in the setting of apparently idiopathic AN

    Multi-objective optimization determines when, which and how to fuse deep networks: an application to predict COVID-19 outcomes

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of cases and deaths and the AI-related scientific community, after being involved with detecting COVID-19 signs in medical images, has been now directing the efforts towards the development of methods that can predict the progression of the disease. This task is multimodal by its very nature and, recently, baseline results achieved on the publicly available AIforCOVID dataset have shown that chest X-ray scans and clinical information are useful to identify patients at risk of severe outcomes. While deep learning has shown superior performance in several medical fields, in most of the cases it considers unimodal data only. In this respect, when, which and how to fuse the different modalities is an open challenge in multimodal deep learning. To cope with these three questions here we present a novel approach optimizing the setup of a multimodal end-to-end model. It exploits Pareto multi-objective optimization working with a performance metric and the diversity score of multiple candidate unimodal neural networks to be fused. We test our method on the AIforCOVID dataset, attaining state-of-the-art results, not only outperforming the baseline performance but also being robust to external validation. Moreover, exploiting XAI algorithms we figure out a hierarchy among the modalities and we extract the features' intra-modality importance, enriching the trust on the predictions made by the model

    A comparative study between paired and unpaired Image Quality Assessment in Low-Dose CT Denoising

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    The current deep learning approaches for low-dose CT denoising can be divided into paired and unpaired methods. The former involves the use of well-paired datasets, whilst the latter relaxes this constraint. The large availability of unpaired datasets has raised the interest in deepening unpaired denoising strategies that, in turn, need for robust evaluation techniques going beyond the qualitative evaluation. To this end, we can use quantitative image quality assessment scores that we divided into two categories, i.e., paired and unpaired measures. However, the interpretation of unpaired metrics is not straightforward, also because the consistency with paired metrics has not been fully investigated. To cope with this limitation, in this work we consider 15 paired and unpaired scores, which we applied to assess the performance of low-dose CT denoising. We perform an in-depth statistical analysis that not only studies the correlation between paired and unpaired metrics but also within each category. This brings out useful guidelines that can help researchers and practitioners select the right measure for their applications

    Towards Incremental Parsing of Natural Language using Recursive Neural Networks

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    In this paper we develop novel algorithmic ideas for building a natural language parser grounded upon the hypothesis of incrementality. Although widely accepted and experimentally supported under a cognitive perspective as a model of the human parser, the incrementality assumption has never been exploited for building automatic parsers of unconstrained real texts. The essentials of the hypothesis are that words are processed in a left-to-right fashion, and the syntactic structure is kept totally connected at each step. Our proposal relies on a machine learning technique for predicting the correctness of partial syntactic structures that are built during the parsing process. A recursive neural network architecture is employed for computing predictions after a training phase on examples drawn from a corpus of parsed sentences, the Penn Treebank. Our results indicate the viability of the approach andlay out the premises for a novel generation of algorithms for natural language processing which more closely model human parsing. These algorithms may prove very useful in the development of eÆcient parsers

    MATNet: Multi-Level Fusion and Self-Attention Transformer-Based Model for Multivariate Multi-Step Day-Ahead PV Generation Forecasting

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    The integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into modern power systems has become increasingly important due to climate change and macroeconomic and geopolitical instability. Among the RES, photovoltaic (PV) energy is rapidly emerging as one of the world's most promising. However, its widespread adoption poses challenges related to its inherently uncertain nature that can lead to imbalances in the electrical system. Therefore, accurate forecasting of PV production can help resolve these uncertainties and facilitate the integration of PV into modern power systems. Currently, PV forecasting methods can be divided into two main categories: physics-based and data-based strategies, with AI-based models providing state-of-the-art performance in PV power forecasting. However, while these AI-based models can capture complex patterns and relationships in the data, they ignore the underlying physical prior knowledge of the phenomenon. Therefore, we propose MATNet, a novel self-attention transformer-based architecture for multivariate multi-step day-ahead PV power generation forecasting. It consists of a hybrid approach that combines the AI paradigm with the prior physical knowledge of PV power generation of physics-based methods. The model is fed with historical PV data and historical and forecast weather data through a multi-level joint fusion approach. The effectiveness of the proposed model is evaluated using the Ausgrid benchmark dataset with different regression performance metrics. The results show that our proposed architecture significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods with an RMSE equal to 0.0460. These findings demonstrate the potential of MATNet in improving forecasting accuracy and suggest that it could be a promising solution to facilitate the integration of PV energy into the power grid

    A Deep Learning Approach for Overall Survival prediction in Lung Cancer with Missing Values

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    One of the most challenging fields where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied is lung cancer research, specifically non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In particular, overall survival (OS), the time between diagnosis and death, is a vital indicator of patient status, enabling tailored treatment and improved OS rates. In this analysis, there are two challenges to take into account. First, few studies effectively exploit the information available from each patient, leveraging both uncensored (i.e., dead) and censored (i.e., survivors) patients, considering also the events' time. Second, the handling of incomplete data is a common issue in the medical field. This problem is typically tackled through the use of imputation methods. Our objective is to present an AI model able to overcome these limits, effectively learning from both censored and uncensored patients and their available features, for the prediction of OS for NSCLC patients. We present a novel approach to survival analysis with missing values in the context of NSCLC, which exploits the strengths of the transformer architecture to account only for available features without requiring any imputation strategy. By making use of ad-hoc losses for OS, it is able to account for both censored and uncensored patients, as well as changes in risks over time. We compared our method with state-of-the-art models for survival analysis coupled with different imputation strategies. We evaluated the results obtained over a period of 6 years using different time granularities obtaining a Ct-index, a time-dependent variant of the C-index, of 71.97, 77.58 and 80.72 for time units of 1 month, 1 year and 2 years, respectively, outperforming all state-of-the-art methods regardless of the imputation method used.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    LatentAugment: Data Augmentation via Guided Manipulation of GAN's Latent Space

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    Data Augmentation (DA) is a technique to increase the quantity and diversity of the training data, and by that alleviate overfitting and improve generalisation. However, standard DA produces synthetic data for augmentation with limited diversity. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) may unlock additional information in a dataset by generating synthetic samples having the appearance of real images. However, these models struggle to simultaneously address three key requirements: fidelity and high-quality samples; diversity and mode coverage; and fast sampling. Indeed, GANs generate high-quality samples rapidly, but have poor mode coverage, limiting their adoption in DA applications. We propose LatentAugment, a DA strategy that overcomes the low diversity of GANs, opening up for use in DA applications. Without external supervision, LatentAugment modifies latent vectors and moves them into latent space regions to maximise the synthetic images' diversity and fidelity. It is also agnostic to the dataset and the downstream task. A wide set of experiments shows that LatentAugment improves the generalisation of a deep model translating from MRI-to-CT beating both standard DA as well GAN-based sampling. Moreover, still in comparison with GAN-based sampling, LatentAugment synthetic samples show superior mode coverage and diversity. Code is available at: https://github.com/ltronchin/LatentAugment

    Large-scale automated identification of mouse brain cells in confocal light sheet microscopy images

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    Motivation: Recently, confocal light sheet microscopy has enabled high-throughput acquisition of whole mouse brain 3D images at the micron scale resolution. This poses the unprecedented challenge of creating accurate digital maps of the whole set of cells in a brain. Results: We introduce a fast and scalable algorithm for fully automated cell identification. We obtained the whole digital map of Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum consisting of a set of 3D cell center coordinates. The method is accurate and we estimated an F(1) measure of 0.96 using 56 representative volumes, totaling 1.09 GVoxel and containing 4138 manually annotated soma centers. Availability and implementation: Source code and its documentation are available at http://bcfind.dinfo.unifi.it/. The whole pipeline of methods is implemented in Python and makes use of Pylearn2 and modified parts of Scikit-learn. Brain images are available on request. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    3T MRI-radiomic approach to predict for lymph node status in breast cancer patients

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    Simple SummaryBreast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. The axillary lymph node status is one of the main prognostic factors. Currently, the methods to define the lymph node status are invasive and not without sequelae (from biopsy to lymphadenectomy). Radiomics is a new tool, and highly varied, but with high potential that has already shown excellent results in numerous fields of application. In our study, we have developed a classifier validated on a relatively large number of patients, which is able to predict lymph node status using a combination of patients clinical features, primary breast cancer histological features and radiomics features based on 3 Tesla post contrast-MR images. This approach can accurately select breast cancer patients who may avoid unnecessary biopsy and lymphadenectomy in a non-invasive way.Background: axillary lymph node (LN) status is one of the main breast cancer prognostic factors and it is currently defined by invasive procedures. The aim of this study is to predict LN metastasis combining MRI radiomics features with primary breast tumor histological features and patients' clinical data. Methods: 99 lesions on pre-treatment contrasted 3T-MRI (DCE). All patients had a histologically proven invasive breast cancer and defined LN status. Patients' clinical data and tumor histological analysis were previously collected. For each tumor lesion, a semi-automatic segmentation was performed, using the second phase of DCE-MRI. Each segmentation was optimized using a convex-hull algorithm. In addition to the 14 semantics features and a feature ROI volume/convex-hull volume, 242 other quantitative features were extracted. A wrapper selection method selected the 15 most prognostic features (14 quantitative, 1 semantic), used to train the final learning model. The classifier used was the Random Forest. Results: the AUC-classifier was 0.856 (label = positive or negative). The contribution of each feature group was lower performance than the full signature. Conclusions: the combination of patient clinical, histological and radiomics features of primary breast cancer can accurately predict LN status in a non-invasive way

    CNN-Based Approaches with Different Tumor Bounding Options for Lymph Node Status Prediction in Breast DCE-MRI

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    Background: The axillary lymph node status (ALNS) is one of the most important prognostic factors in breast cancer (BC) patients, and it is currently evaluated by invasive procedures. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), highlights the physiological and morphological characteristics of primary tumor tissue. Deep learning approaches (DL), such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are able to autonomously learn the set of features directly from images for a specific task. Materials and Methods: A total of 155 malignant BC lesions evaluated via DCE-MRI were included in the study. For each patient’s clinical data, the tumor histological and MRI characteristics and axillary lymph node status (ALNS) were assessed. LNS was considered to be the final label and dichotomized (LN+ (27 patients) vs. LN− (128 patients)). Based on the concept that peritumoral tissue contains valuable information about tumor aggressiveness, in this work, we analyze the contributions of six different tumor bounding options to predict the LNS using a CNN. These bounding boxes include a single fixed-size box (SFB), a single variable-size box (SVB), a single isotropic-size box (SIB), a single lesion variable-size box (SLVB), a single lesion isotropic-size box (SLIB), and a two-dimensional slice (2DS) option. According to the characteristics of the volumes considered as inputs, three different CNNs were investigated: the SFB-NET (for the SFB), the VB-NET (for the SVB, SIB, SLVB, and SLIB), and the 2DS-NET (for the 2DS). All the experiments were run in 10-fold cross-validation. The performance of each CNN was evaluated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), and Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K). Results: The best accuracy and AUC are obtained by the 2DS-NET (78.63% and 77.86%, respectively). The 2DS-NET also showed the highest specificity, whilst the highest sensibility was attained by the VB-NET based on the SVB and SIB as bounding options. Conclusion: We have demonstrated that a selective inclusion of the DCE-MRI’s peritumoral tissue increases accuracy in the lymph node status prediction in BC patients using CNNs as a DL approach
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