139 research outputs found

    Forms of Legal Aesthetics of the Body and Sources of Law: the Hand, the Foot, the Eye. Plural Natural Paths in Law

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    L'articolo prende in esame la teologia politica dell'immagine nella teoria di Peter Goodrich, paragonandola a quella di Legendre e inserendola nel contemporaneo dibattito sul rapporto tra common law e civil law, arte contemporanea e antropologia

    Editorial Introduction

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    Introduzione allo special issue dal titolo "Facticty, Normativity, and Spatial Dynamics

    Nessi multiformi tra diritto e narrazione

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    Nell’articolo, prendendo in esame il tema della normatività dell’immagine nell’opera di Legendre, viene prospettata una nozione estesa di narratività, suscettibile di essere presa in conto per la comprensione di fenomeni narrativi non testuali, concernenti la pittura, l’architettura, ma potenzialmente anche il cinema, il teatro o la danza e dotati di un significato normativo. Si configura così, a fronte dei cambiamenti che la società dell’immagine e la teoria del diritto sono in procinto di affrontare dopo la crisi del positivismo giuridico, l’utilità di una disciplina come l’estetica giuridica, volta a configurare unitariamente i molteplici nessi individuabili tra arte e diritto, in grado di affiancare progressivamente le più consolidate teorie ermeneutiche ed epistemologiche in ambito giuridico, contribuendo a superare la contrapposizione tra le due culture umanistica e tecnologica

    The Power without Responsibility of the Gaze. The Letter and Spirit’s Eye in the Humanities, from the Italian Perspective to the Robot

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    The paper identifies a continuity between the legal issue of the letter and spirit (or ratio) of the law and the invention of perspective as a symbolic form. The idea of perspective in Piero della Francesca’s Annunciation and the concept of “Italian perspective” in Arasse’s work are based on the aesthetic normativity of the painting in relation to the normative form of the norm, moving from the analysis of the invisible/visible nexus in legal theory. The notion of thirdness thus mediates between law as text and normativity as image, leading to the aesthetic enactment that conceives Italian playhouse as a form of theater, cinema, trial and university, as a symbolic form of knowledge and culture in the West. The simultaneously normative and aesthetic power of the gaze thus emerges as the removed from legal theory, until the problem of self-driving vehicles brings the issue back to the center of contemporary debate. The transition from frontal gaze to 360°vision suggests the theme of immersion as a new symbolic for the man–robot society

    Fashion as an Institutional system

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    The analysis of the relationship between fashion and institutions could represent a new approach in the theoretical analysis of fashion. This article is an attempt to show how, from an analysis of Simmel, Lotman, Volli and Legendre and a semiotic-juridical perspective, the topic of fashion can be linked to an anthropological-juridical perspective and a juridical conception of fashion as a normative institution. Juridical knowledge appears to be essential for the anthropological understanding of the phenomenon of fashion and too many studies have forgotten the contribution of the juridical sciences to the theoretical configuration of the question. From a complex historical-juridical analysis of the notion of Corpus Iuris (Kantorowicz) emerges the value of the medieval notion of corpus mysticum as a fictional body, referring to a political context that is both liturgical and ritual. The reference to this idea thus passes from the Corpus Iuris Civilis of medieval canonical law to the modern aesthetic signification (fictional and iconic) of the notion of the political body, referring to the modern state, which is still to be found on the well-known frontispiece of Hobbes\u2019 book the Leviathan and then to the fictional and stylised bodies of the models in a fashion show. Following the theories of Legendre, the conclusion of this article suggests to reintroduce the secularised juridical and theological lexis for the aesthetic relationship between the natural body and the fictitious body, seen as a mystical and political body, considered present in the practices of dressing and twentieth-century fashion. Fashion is one of the forms through which, in mobilising desire, the human being constructs that \u201csecond body\u201d, fictitious, represented, parallel to the real body, which is constitutive of the subjective and collective identity of a society. This body is fashioned under the ritualised and institutionalised form of the garment that hides the body, concealing its animality, which gives access to a collective fictitious reality, of which, we could add, all the products of the semiosphere, including the juridical institutions, are formed

    Introduction. Luigi Einaudi: Poised between Ideal and Real

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    In this article we introduce the reader to the reasons that led to this collection: an interdisciplinary exploration aimed at renewing interest in Luigi Einaudi’s search for «good government», broadly understood as «good society». Prompted by the Einaudian quest, the essays – exploring philosophy of law, economics, politics and epistemology – develop the issue of good government in several forms, including the relationship between public and private, public governance, the question of freedom and the complexity of the human in contemporary societies. The common thread of these essays is that problematic but indissoluble knot that tells us something deeply human: our being torn between homing and roaming, institutional and individual, law and freedom, real and ideal

    Good government, Governance and Human Complexity. Luigi Einaudi’s Legacy and Contemporary Society

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    The book presents an interdisciplinary exploration aimed at renewing interest in Luigi Einaudi’s search for “good government”, broadly understood as “good society”. Prompted by the Einaudian quest, the essays - exploring philosophy of law, economics, politics and epistemology - develop the issue of good government in several forms, including the relationship between public and private, public governance, the question of freedom and the complexity of the human in contemporary societies

    Provvedenza vichiana e metodo clinico legale della Terziet\ue0

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    L' articolo individua nella teoria della provvidenza di Giambattista Vico, in particolare nella sua critica al modello razionalistico cartesiano condotto da una prospettiva retorico-giuridica, il problema metodologico della composizione delle azioni individuali (il tema della mano invisibile e dei cosiddetti fenomeni non intenzionali).Tale prospettiva, seguendo la lettura del terzo in L\ue9vinas nella lettura di Ciaramelli, la deontologia del fondamento di Sequeri, la retorica dellaragione di Robelin, individua una teoria del Terzo distinta in Terzo politico e terzo giuridica che viene assunta come fondamento teorico per la metodologia clinica della clinica legale della disabilit\ue0 e della vulnerabilit\ue

    Il dolore, tra medicina, diritto e machine learning. Potenziali euristici delle neuroscienze affettive fondamentali, da Sequeri a Panksepp

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    The paper outlines a theoretical framework to implement pain analysis through predictive tools inspired by the neuroscientific work of Apkarian, Damasio, Panksepp. It then identifies a paradigm of \u2018affective turn\u2019 able to dialogue with legal and anthropological thinking, starting from Sequeri, and Vico\u2019s New Science, in order to configure a notion of normative affective-fundamental neuroscience: with the aim of overcome the myths of behaviorism and cognitivism in psychology, and positivism and realism in philosophy of law
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