28 research outputs found

    The anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells in epilepsy: possible treatments and future perspectives

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult cells with self-renewing capacities. MSCs display specific properties, such as the ability to repair damaged tissues, resulting in optimal candidates for cell therapy against degenerative diseases. In addition to the reparative functions of MSCs, growing evidence shows that these cells have potent immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, MSCs are potential tools for treating inflammation-related neurological diseases, including epilepsy. In this regard, over the last decades, epilepsy has no longer been considered a purely neuronal pathology, since inflammatory events underlying the genesis of epilepsy have been demonstrated. This review assessed current knowledge on the use of MSCs in the treatment of epilepsy. Mostly, attention will be focused on the anti-inflammatory and immunological skills of MSCs. Understanding the mechanisms by which MSCs might modulate the severity of the disease will contribute to the development of new potential alternatives for both prophylaxis and treatment against epilepsy

    Age-dependent neuropsychiatric symptoms in the NF-ÎşB/c-Rel knockout mouse model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Non-motor symptoms are frequently observed in Parkinson's disease (PD) and precede the onset of motor deficits by years. Among them, neuropsychiatric symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and apathy, are increasingly considered as a major challenge for patients with PD and their caregivers. We recently reported that mice lacking the nuclear factor-ÎşB (NF-ÎşB)/c-Rel protein (c-rel-/- mice) develop an age-dependent PD-like pathology and phenotype characterized by the onset of non-motor symptoms, including constipation and hyposmia, starting at 2 months of age, and motor deficits at 18 months. To assess whether c-rel-/- mice also suffer from neuropsychiatric symptoms, in this study we tested different cohorts of wild-type (wt) and c-rel-/- mice at 3, 6, 12, and 18-20 months with different behavioral tests. Mice lacking c-Rel displayed anxiety and depressive-like behavior starting in the premotor phase at 12 months, as indicated by the analysis with the open field (OF) test and the forced swim test with water wheel (FST), respectively. A deficit in the goal-oriented nesting building test was detected at 18-20 months, suggesting apathetic behavior. Taken together, these results indicate that c-rel-/- mice recapitulate the onset and the progression of PD-related neuropsychiatric symptoms. Therefore, this animal model may represent a valuable tool to study the prodromal stage of PD and for testing new therapeutic strategies to alleviate neuropsychiatric symptoms

    Gut microbiota modulates seizure susceptibility

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    A bulk of data suggest that the gut microbiota plays a role in a broad range of diseases, including those affecting the central nervous system. Recently, significant differences in the intestinal microbiota of patients with epilepsy, compared to healthy volunteers, have been reported in an observational study. However, an active role of the intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis of epilepsy, through the so-called "gut-brain axis," has yet to be demonstrated. In this study, we evaluated the direct impact of microbiota transplanted from epileptic animals to healthy recipient animals, to clarify whether the microbiota from animals with epilepsy can affect the excitability of the recipients' brain by lowering seizure thresholds. Our results provide the first evidence that mice who received microbiota from epileptic animals are more prone to develop status epilepticus, compared to recipients of "healthy" microbiota, after a subclinical dose of pilocarpine, indicating a higher susceptibility to seizures. The lower thresholds for seizure activity found in this study support the hypothesis that the microbiota, through the gut-brain axis, is able to affect neuronal excitability in the brain

    Does Pilocarpine-Induced Epilepsy in Adult Rats Require Status epilepticus?

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    Pilocarpine-induced seizures in rats provide a widely animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Some evidences reported in the literature suggest that at least 1 h of status epilepticus (SE) is required to produce subsequent chronic phase, due to the SE-related acute neuronal damage. However, recent data seems to indicate that neuro-inflammation plays a crucial role in epileptogenesis, modulating secondarily a neuronal insult. For this reason, we decided to test the following hypotheses: a) whether pilocarpine-injected rats that did not develop SE can exhibit long-term chronic spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS) and b) whether acute neurodegeneration is mandatory to obtain chronic epilepsy. Therefore, we compared animals injected with the same dose of pilocarpine that developed or did not SE, and saline treated rats. We used telemetric acquisition of EEG as long-term monitoring system to evaluate the occurrence of seizures in non-SE pilocarpineinjected animals. Furthermore, histology and MRI analysis were applied in order to detect neuronal injury and neuropathological signs. Our observations indicate that non-SE rats exhibit SRS almost 8 (+/22) months after pilocarpine-injection, independently to the absence of initial acute neuronal injury. This is the first time reported that pilocarpine injected rats without developing SE, can experience SRS after a long latency period resembling human pathology. Thus, we strongly emphasize the important meaning of including these animals to model human epileptogenesis in pilocarpine induced epilepsy

    Pilocarpine-Induced Status Epilepticus in Rats Involves Ischemic and Excitotoxic Mechanisms

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    The neuron loss characteristic of hippocampal sclerosis in temporal lobe epilepsy patients is thought to be the result of excitotoxic, rather than ischemic, injury. In this study, we assessed changes in vascular structure, gene expression, and the time course of neuronal degeneration in the cerebral cortex during the acute period after onset of pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus (SE). Immediately after 2 hr SE, the subgranular layers of somatosensory cortex exhibited a reduced vascular perfusion indicative of ischemia, whereas the immediately adjacent supragranular layers exhibited increased perfusion. Subgranular layers exhibited necrotic pathology, whereas the supergranular layers were characterized by a delayed (24 h after SE) degeneration apparently via programmed cell death. These results indicate that both excitotoxic and ischemic injuries occur during pilocarpine-induced SE. Both of these degenerative pathways, as well as the widespread and severe brain damage observed, should be considered when animal model-based data are compared to human pathology

    Endothelial cells are key-players in pilocarpine-induced epileptogenesis

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    In recent years, the concept of the neurovascular unit (NVU) has emerged as a new paradigm for investigating both physiology and pathology in the CNS. This concept proposes that a purely neurocentric focus is not sufficient, and emphasizes that all cell types in the brain including neuronal, glial and vascular components (endothelial cells, blood cells, including immunity cells) must be examined in an integrated context. Cell–cell signaling and coupling between these different compartments thus form the basis for normal function (Lok et al. 2007). We tested the hypothesis that disordered signaling and perturbed coupling of these different components can be the basis for epileptogenesis in the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. We thus determined that pilocarpine can act on endothelial cells via receptors, comparing the response of the same stimulation in neurons as well

    Are they in or out? The elusive interaction between Qtracker(\uae)800 vascular labels and brain endothelial cells

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    AIM:Qtracker\uae800 Vascular labels (Qtracker\uae800) are promising biomedical tools for high-resolution vasculature imaging; their effects on mouse and human endothelia, however, are still unknown.MATERIALS & METHODS:Qtracker\uae800 were injected in Balb/c mice, and brain endothelium uptake was investigated by transmission electron microscopy 3-h post injection. We then investigated, in vitro, the effects of Qtracker\uae800 exposure on mouse and human endothelial cells by calcium imaging.RESULTS:Transmission electron microscopy images showed nanoparticle accumulation in mouse brain endothelia. A subset of mouse and human endothelial cells generated intracellular calcium transients in response to Qtracker\uae800.CONCLUSION:Qtracker\uae800 nanoparticles elicit endothelial functional responses, which prompts biomedical safety evaluations and may bias the interpretation of experimental studies involving vascular imaging

    Therapeutic targeting of Lyn kinase to treat chorea-acanthocytosis

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    Chorea-Acanthocytosis (ChAc) is a devastating, little understood, and currently untreatable neurodegenerative disease caused by VPS13A mutations. Based on our recent demonstration that accumulation of activated Lyn tyrosine kinase is a key pathophysiological event in human ChAc cells, we took advantage of Vps13a-/- mice, which phenocopied human ChAc. Using proteomic approach, we found accumulation of active Lyn, \u3b3-synuclein and phospho-tau proteins in Vps13a-/- basal ganglia secondary to impaired autophagy leading to neuroinflammation. Mice double knockout Vps13a-/- Lyn-/- showed normalization of red cell morphology and improvement of autophagy in basal ganglia. We then in vivo tested pharmacologic inhibitors of Lyn: dasatinib and nilotinib. Dasatinib failed to cross the mouse brain blood barrier (BBB), but the more specific Lyn kinase inhibitor nilotinib, crosses the BBB. Nilotinib ameliorates both Vps13a-/- hematological and neurological phenotypes, improving autophagy and preventing neuroinflammation. Our data support the proposal to repurpose nilotinib as new therapeutic option for ChAc patients

    Dynamic MRI reveals that the magnitude of the ischemia-related enhancement in skeletal muscle is age dependent

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    This study was designed to evaluate the influence of age on the dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of ischemic tissue. A well-established model of peripheral arterial insufficiency (i.e., the rat hindlimb ischemia after removal of femoral artery) in different age groups (i.e., young, presenescent, and senescent rats) was studied. The analysis of the MR signal demonstrated a marked accumulation of a contrast agent (Gd-DTPA) in the ischemic leg (ischemia-related enhancement, IRE). IRE was an age-related event: 4-month-old rats showed a strong IRE while 12-month-old rats and 20-month old rats showed a Significantly reduced IRE in comparison to young animals. Histological analysis of the ischemic muscles revealed that there was no evidence of significant necrosis of the muscle tissue but only a weak interstitial fibrosis; CD31-immunostaining revealed a preserved microcirculatory bed