38 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Prevent and Treat Delirium in Older Patients : A Systematic Overview. The SENATOR project ONTOP Series

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 305930 (SENATOR). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, the decision to publish, or the preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Association of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy with Metabolic Syndrome is Dependent on Body Mass Index in Hypertensive Overweight or Obese Patients

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    Overweight (Ow) and obesity (Ob) influence blood pressure (BP) and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). It is unclear whether the presence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) independently affects echocardiographic parameters in hypertension.380 Ow/Ob essential hypertensive patients (age ≤ 65 years) presenting for referred BP control-related problems. MetS was defined according to NCEP III/ATP with AHA modifications and LVH as LVM/h(2.7) ≥ 49.2 g/m(2.7) in males and ≥ 46.7 g/m(2.7) in females. Treatment intensity score (TIS) was used to control for BP treatment as previously reported.Hypertensive patients with MetS had significantly higher BMI, systolic and mean BP, interventricular septum and relative wall thickness and lower ejection fraction than those without MetS. LVM/h(2.7) was significantly higher in MetS patients (59.14 ± 14.97 vs. 55.33 ± 14.69 g/m(2.7); p = 0.022). Hypertensive patients with MetS had a 2.3-fold higher risk to have LVH/h(2.7) after adjustment for age, SBP and TIS (OR 2.34; 95%CI 1.40-3.92; p = 0.001), but MetS lost its independent relationship with LVH when BMI was included in the model.In Ow/Ob hypertensive patients MetS maintains its role of risk factor for LVH independently of age, SBP, and TIS, resulting in a useful predictor of target organ damage in clinical practice. However, MetS loses its independent relationship when BMI is taken into account, suggesting that the effects on MetS on LV parameters are mainly driven by the degree of adiposity

    Neuroticism and Self-Confidence of Physically Challenged Viz. Hearing Impaired and Speech Impaired Secondary School Students of Kashmir Division

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    As per the directive principles of constitution, education should be fair without the any regional or communal bias and should make justice with every individual more than ever for all marginalized groups including visually, hearing, orthopedically and speech impaired. This would permit community participation in education at the basic level and would introduce deep-seated change, leading to the empowerment of learners with Special Educational Needs such as visually, hearing, orthopedically and speech impaired. Until the 1970s, the policy encouraged isolation because the majority of educators thought that children with physical, sensory, or intellectual disabilities were so dissimilar and unusual that they could not take part in the activities of a common school (Advani, 2002). The majority of disabled population is deprived and experience difficulties in accessing essential health as well as rehabilitation services. This costs immobility, isolation, dependency, inequality, often premature death and enlarged poverty. According to the national census (2001) there are 21.9 million disabled people in India– that constitutes about 2.13 per cent of the total population - 1.03 per cent are visually impaired, 0.59 per cent ’orthopedically impaired 0.16 per cent speech impaired, 0.12 per cent ‘hearing’ impaired, and 0.22 per cent ‘mentally’ retard of the total national population. Hearing impairment refers to a defect in or injure to the sensory mechanism. The injury or defect might occur in various parts of the ear. It leads to hearing impairment or loss of hearing. A person may become deaf or hard of hearing depending upon the nature of impairment and the degree of hearing loss. Hearing impaired are those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary function of living. These people do not have capacity to distinguish sound at all even with improved vocalizations. The various sensory defective subjects included in this class will be those having hearing loss of more than 70 decibels (Graham Bell’s Scale) in the better ear (profound) loss of hearing in both ears (ministry of social welfare 1987). A hearing impairment is a hearing loss that prevents a person from totally receiving sounds from side to side the ear. As such sensory hearing defect leads to various other social and psychological problems. These hearing defective persons are prescribed to use hearing aids in order to overcome the various problems. In persistent hearing loss, the someone can not to discriminate any sounds. There are four types of sensory hearing defects such as Conductive hearing defect, neural defect, varied hearing defect and innermost hearing defect

    Night-time SBP associated with LVM/h<sup>2.7</sup> in a linear regression model.

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    <p>BMI and age were also two other important independent factors for LVM/h<sup>2.7</sup>.</p>*<p>TIS = Treatment Intensity Score.</p

    Correlation between ABPM values and CKD stages.

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    <p>Panel A. Difference in night-time BP between CKD stages. Panel B. Difference in 24 h PP between CKD stages. Panel C. Difference in daytime PP between CKD stages. Panel D. Difference in night-time PP between CKD stages.</p

    CKD and cardiac damage.

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    <p>Panel A. Difference in left ventricular mass/h<sup>2.7</sup> between patients with CKD and the rest of the population. Panel B. Prevalence of ventricular hypertrophy in patients with CKD vs the rest of the population.</p

    Daytime PP associated with LVM/h<sup>2.7</sup> in a linear regression model.

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    <p>BMI and age were also two other important independent factors for LVM/h<sup>2.7</sup>.</p>*<p>TIS = Treatment Intensity Score.</p