40 research outputs found

    The issue of redundant places of worship

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    Full text, with notes, of the paper presented at the International Conference “ Holy places and religious institutions. Comparative legal and religious approaches – Italy/Balkans,  Israel/Palestine Israel”, organized by LUMSA University (Rome) and the Catholic America – Columbus School of Law (Washington) in Rome, LUMSA, December 10-11, 2008: Dec.  10th session on the subject of  “Holy places and religious property in Italy ”. It will be published in the conference proceedings.  Translated from Italian by Paola  Bernardini.INDEX: 1. The issue of redundant places of worship in Europe - 2. Canonical perspectives - 2.1. The regulations according to the Code of Canon Law - 2.2. General criteria for change in churches’ deployment. The Guidelines of the Episcopal Conference of Italy (CEI) about the cultural goods of the Church in Italy (1992) - 2.3. The documents of other episcopates (Germany and Switzerland) – 3. The phenomenon of churches’ desertion in some countries - 3.1. France - 3.2. Québec (Canada) - 3.3. United States of America - 4. The situation in Italy - 4.1. Ownership of the churches - 4.2. Financial aspects - 4.3. Legal protection of the destination bond - 4.4. Churches as cultural heritage - 4.5. Fiscal considerations - 4.6. The recent CEI Directive (2005) - 5. Concluding remarks.Abstract: Nowadays one of the major issues concerning ecclesiastical, or religious, property in Europe, as elsewhere, consists of deciding what to do with redundant churches and places of worship of traditional Christian denominations, all of which have lost their original use, either due to a formal decision of the ecclesiastical authorities or to simple closure to the public. This might have been caused by a series of events, like a significant decrease in the church attendance, limited public resources, new urban planning projects and the fall in religious vocation. For these places there is either the prospect of a new use, or a slow process of decay which can ultimately end up in a sale, or demolition. This problem is faced today with singular urgency in Europe, where it determines an increased risk of decay of much of the historical-artistic heritage, together with the abandonment of the countryside and mountain locations and a progressive desertion of historical town centres. Consequently, the issue concerns not only the religious community but also the civil authorities and public opinion, more and more sensitive to the protection of cultural heritage and the historical memory of local communities. This paper examines many aspects of the issue in some countries (Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Québec, the United States), comparing the different legal frameworks and the documents of some national episcopal assemblies on the subject, especially about the change in the use of churches. Finally it concentrates on the situation in Italy, where the legal framework on this subject is strictly connected with the system of church-state relations, making some concluding remarks about future prospects and possible solutions to some of the more serious aspects of the issue

    Prospettive di un’intesa con le comunità islamiche in Italia

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    Il contributo, non sottoposto a valutazione, riproduce il testo della relazione, ampliata e con note, letta in occasione dell’incontro di studio “Intesa tra la Repubblica italiana e le Comunità islamiche: a che punto siamo?”, organizzato dalla I Commissione Affari Costituzionali della Camera dei Deputati in collaborazione con LUMSA, UNINT e Centro Studi Kore (Roma, 14 aprile 2016, Camera dei Deputati, Sala del Mappamondo).SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. L’Islam in Italia: una confessione religiosa non riconosciuta. - 3. La preliminare questione dei diritti - 4. Islam e questione immigratoria - 5. Natura delle comunità islamiche e laicità dello Stato - 6. Alcuni problemi sui contenuti di un’eventuale intesa - 7. Il pericolo di fughe in avanti - 8. Ostacoli da superare. Il problema dei luoghi di culto - 9. Una piccola proposta: le associazioni con finalità (o oggetto) mista - 10. La questione della rappresentatività. La proposta di una consulta dell’Islam italiano - 11. Il dialogo e la collaborazione a livello locale - 12. Osservazioni conclusive.Muslim Organisations in Italy: perspectives on an Agreement with the StateABSTRACT: This paper examines the legal framework of Muslim communities in Italy in order to check the requirements needed to reach an agreement with the State, as envisaged by the Italian Constitution for denominations other than Catholicism, whose relations with the State “are regulated by law, based on agreements with their respective representatives” (Art. 8, co. 3, Const.). Nowadays the problem is a key issue in current political debates both in Italy and in most European countries. This type of agreement could not only promote the social and cultural integration of Muslim communities into society, but also help isolate Islamic terrorists and their supporters in immigrate communities and fight them better. Given that in Italy Muslim communities and their members, including foreign ones, already enjoy all the civil and social rights that are granted by the Constitution to citizens and social groups, the analysis maintains that reaching such an agreement would be for the moment premature, on the basis of a number of reasons. Among these are the following: the deep divisions existing both within and among these communities, due to different ethnic and religious origins and settlement periods in Italy; the difficulty on behalf of the State to identify a reliable negotiating partner (or more than one) who really represents such communities and does not depend from foreign States. Last but not least the very nature of such an agreement appears to be questionable. In fact, on one hand it would bring relevant advantages and public funding but on the other it would also need an unconditional acceptance of human rights and of the fundamental principles of the Italian law system - among which the equality between men and women and State secularism - which still has to be fully acknowledged within these communities

    Cappellani militari e prospettive di riforma

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    Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Riforma dell’assistenza spirituale nelle Forze armate e impegni pattizi - 2. L’evoluzione dei sistemi di difesa in Europa e la sua incidenza sull’assistenza spirituale: il passaggio dalla coscrizione obbligatoria a un servizio di tipo professionale - 3. L’assistenza spirituale tra modello confessionista e modello pluralista. Le ragioni del ritardo legislativo - 4. L’inquadramento dei cappellani militari all’interno delle Forze armate, tra esigenze di ammodernamento e tendenze alla smilitarizzazione - 5. Inquadramento gerarchico dei cappellani militari e tradizione storica - 6. Inquadramento militare dei cappellani, principio di laicità ed esigenze funzionali - 7. Compiti delle Forze armate, principi costituzionali e nuovo ruolo dei cappellani militari - 8. La recente valorizzazione del ruolo dei cappellani militari nel sistema di difesa NATO. Osservazioni conclusive.Abstract: Military Chaplaincy in the process of reformThis paper examines the service of spiritual assistance in the State military forces according to the Italian system of law, in the context of their current evolution given to the principles of the Constitution and the changing international situation and policy. After some preliminary remarks about the origins of the present debate, it compares the models of other countries concerning the service of military chaplains and focuses on the issue of their juridic status as commissioned officers in the Army, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of this legal framework. In the end it makes some conclusive remarks about the new role of chaplains in military organizations, not only religious support but also advisor to the command on issue of religion and ethics and liaison with local religious leaders in an effort to understand the role of religion as both a factor in hostility and war and as a force for reconciliation and peace

    Le aree extraterritoriali previste dal Trattato lateranense tra Santa Sede, Italia e Stato della CittĂ  del Vaticano

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    The extraterritorial areas envisaged by the Lateran Treaty between the Holy See, Italy, and the Vatican City State ABSTRACT: This paper examines the legal regime of the extraterritorial areas envisaged by the Lateran Treaty stipulated between the Holy See and Italy in 1929. These are buildings and functional areas for the best exercise of the Holy See’s own functions, forming part of the territory of the Italian State but enjoying the immunities proper to diplomatic headquarters. In recent decades, an expansive trend has been observed in Vatican legislation and jurisdiction concerning these areas, which the author highlights by emphasizing the discontinuity with respect to the past. SOMMARIO - 1. Le aree extraterritoriali nel Trattato lateranense. La ratio dell’istituto - 2. Il concetto di extraterritorialità nell’ordinamento internazionale e nel Trattato lateranense - 3. Il complesso sistema di garanzie della Santa Sede nel Trattato lateranense - 4. Gli immobili e le aree soggette a regime di extraterritorialità - 5. Governo civile e legislazione applicabile nelle aree extraterritoriali - 6. L’esercizio della giurisdizione nelle aree extraterritoriali - 7. Giurisdizione penale vaticana e aree extraterritoriali nelle recenti riforme - 8. Giurisdizione ultraterritoriale vaticana e concorrenza di giurisdizioni - 9. Osservazioni conclusive

    Il diritto canonico nell’età secolare

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Secolarizzazione e diritto canonico. - 3. Processo di secolarizzazione e Chiesa cattolica in Europa - 4. Il diritto canonico nell’età secolare: tendenze e sfide - 5. Modelli recenti di secolarizzazione del diritto canonico - 6. La codificazione - 7. Una Costituzione per la Chiesa: il progetto di Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis - 8. Il dibattito sui diritti fondamentali del fedele e la loro tutela - 9. Limiti del diritto canonico e suo rapporto con gli ordinamenti secolari - 10. Gli abusi sessuali del clero sui minori - 11. La gestione economica degli enti ecclesiastici - 12. Osservazioni conclusive. Canon Law in the Secular Age ABSTRACT: The essay deals with the relationship between the historical process of secularisation and the Roman Catholic Church’s Canon Law. After some preliminary remarks on the concept of secularisation related to Canon Law, it identifies and examines some recent examples or models of secularisation affecting the historical development of Canon Law: the Codification of Canon Law, the proposal of a canonical Constitution of the Church, and the debate concerning the fundamental Rights of the Christian Faithful. In the end, the author focuses on the limits of Canon Law and its relationship with secular legal systems in the current age

    Unused churches: a resource for the future

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    This paper deals with the issue concerning the increasing number of redundant churches, all of which have lost their original use. For these places there is either the prospect of a new use, or a slow process of decay which can ultimately end up in a sale, or demolition. This problem is faced today with singular urgency in Europe, where it determines an increased risk of decay of much of the historical-artistic heritage, together with the abandonment of the countryside and mountain locations and a progressive desertion of historical town centres. The paper examines many aspects of the issue comparing the different legal frameworks and the documents of some national episcopal assemblies on the subject. Finally it concentrates on the situation in Italy, making some concluding remarks about future prospects and possible solutions to some of the more serious aspects of the issue

    Le rôle international du Saint-Siège et la défense de la liberté religieuse et des droits humains

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    Lezione tenuta la mattina del 18 maggio 2008 presso la sede dell’Istituto Internazionale Jacques Maritain (Roma) nell’ambito del Corso per Diplomatici di Paesi Africani “The Catholic Church and the International Policy of the Holy See”, organizzatodalla Fondazione La Gregoriana e dall’Istituto Internazionale Jacques Maritain, in attesa di pubblicazione nel volume degli Atti.SOMMAIRE: 1. Le rôle international du Saint-Siège: objectifs et modalités d’action - 2. Les principes qui soutiennent l’action du Saint-Siège au niveau international: a) autonomie et laïcité; b) libertas Ecclesiae; c) principe de collaboration; d) renonceaux privilèges et principe d’egalité ; e) neutralité à l’égard des compétitions temporelles - 3. La défense du droit à la liberté religieuse - 4. La défense des droits fondamentaux de l’homme

    Enti ecclesiastici e riforma del Terzo settore. Profili canonistici

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Riforma del Terzo settore e servizio della carità nella Chiesa - 2. La riforma del Terzo settore e le nuove sfide per gli enti ecclesiastici - 3. Il Motu proprio “Intima Ecclesiae natura” e l’evoluzione dell’ordinamento canonico - 4. Il Codice del Terzo settore e la sua applicazione agli enti ecclesiastici - 5. Implicazioni per gli enti della Chiesa: l’esigenza di trasparenza - 6. Il principio della trasparenza nella dottrina canonistica - 7. Il “patrimonio destinato”: implicazioni nell’ordinamento canonico - 8. Attività diverse e controlli canonici: la sfida della governance e della gestione in un contesto concordatario - 9. Osservazioni conclusive.Catholic Church entities and the reform of the Third sector in Italian legislation. Canonical implicationsABSTRACT: This paper deals with the canonical implications of Italy’s recent Third sector reform in Italian legislation (d. lgs n. 117/2017) for Catholic Church entities and/or agencies for charitable purposes. It starts with some preliminary remarks on the recent evolution of Canon Law concerning the discipline of charitable organizations and agencies that followed the Motu proprio Intima Ecclesiae natura, issued by Pope Benedict XVI in December 2012. It then examines the general framework of the new regulation of non profit organizations in Italian law, emphasizing the pros and cons (opportunities and risks) of its application to religious entities, particularly those connected to the Catholic Church, which in Italy traditionally enjoy a special discipline safeguarding their canonical structure and purposes. The paper then focuses on the impact of the new civil regulation that allows a wide range of charitable initiatives on behalf of religious organizations, on the governance of Catholic Church entities, which are submitted to the directives and authorizations of ecclesiastical authorities. Finally, it draws some conclusive remarks on the need to update and reform some administrative rules and praxis concerning the administration and finance of charitable institutions in Canon Law

    LibertĂ  religiosa e scuola pubblica. La piccola querelle delle benedizioni pasquali

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    Il contributo, sottoposto a valutazione, è destinato agli Studi in onore del prof. Mario Tedeschi, di prossima pubblicazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Un problema pratico di libertà religiosa: le benedizioni pasquali nella scuola pubblica - 2. Le benedizioni pasquali a scuola nella recente giurisprudenza - 3. La laicità inclusiva della scuola pubblica italiana - 4. La benedizione pasquale in orario extrascolastico e la funzione della scuola come centro di promozione culturale, sociale e civile - 5. Fattore religioso e scuola pubblica nella legislazione scolastica - 6. La garanzia della libertà religiosa nelle comunità segreganti. Religious freedom in public schools. The little querelle over Easter BlessingsABSTRACT: This paper examines the current issue concerning the Easter Blessings imparted by a catholic priest in public schools in Italy. According to an old tradition dating back to the past but still followed by many parents, in some schools, especially primary ones, this brief rite usually takes place before Eastern. The majority of parents must agree on having it and it must be scheduled out of lessons time. Moreover, participation is very free for pupils, parents and teachers.  A recent case law has challenged this practice, claiming that it would infringe the principle of secularism proper to public schools. This paper deals with the issue in the light of constitutional principles and the Italian legal framework. It focuses on the importance to keep a balance between secularism and religious freedom in public schools, where nowadays an increasing number of children stay for the whole day when both parents are at work

    Tra istanze di riforma e fughe in avanti giurisprudenziali: il Consiglio di Stato e l’„esonero” dall’ora di religione in corso d’anno

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    SOMMARIO: - 1. L’insegnamento religioso nella scuola pubblica nel dibattito attuale: limiti e criticità - 2. Tendenze in Europa e proposte di riforma in Italia - 3. Una discutibile sentenza del Consiglio di Stato sul diritto di scelta dell’Irc - 4. Analisi della fattispecie e ricostruzione del quadro normativo - 5. Dalla richiesta di esonero (Concordato del 1929) al diritto di scelta dell’Irc (Accordo del 1984): il principio di non discriminazione - 6. La scelta dell’Irc come un diritto assoluto privo di limiti (temporali): rilievi critici - 7. Scelta dei non avvalentisi e natura curricolare dell’Irc - 8. Conseguenze sul piano pratico: effetti pregiudizievoli per gli alunni - 9. Un sistema a sliding doors per l’Irc? - 10. Osservazioni conclusive. Debating Religious Education in Italian State Schools: the Council of State and the right to choose at any time during the school year ABSTRACT: The paper starts with some preliminary remarks on the legal framework that regulates religious education in Italian State schools. It then analyzes and comments upon a recent decision taken by the higher administrative court (Council of State) that upheld a previous judgment of a lower court stating the right for the parents of a student to choose whether to take - or to withdraw from - religious education at any time during the school year, and not only at the beginning as provided by law