71 research outputs found

    Metastatic Group 3 Medulloblastoma in a Patient With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Case Description and Molecular Characterization of the Tumor

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    Medulloblastoma is the most common pediatric brain tumor. We describe a child with tuberous sclerosis complex that developed a Group 3, myc overexpressed, metastatic medulloblastoma (MB). Considering the high risk of treatment-induced malignancies, a tailored therapy, omitting radiation, was given. Based on the evidence of mammalian target of rapamycin mTORC, mTOR Complex; RAS, Rat sarcoma; RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma (mTOR) pathway activation in the tumor, targeted therapy was applied resulting in complete remission of disease. Although the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway plays a role in MB, we did not find TSC1/TSC2 (TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex) mutation in our patient. We speculate that a different pathway resulting in mTOR activation is the basis of both TSC and MB in this child; H&E, haematoxilin and eosin; Gd, gadolinium

    Reduction by the Positive Allosteric Modulator of the GABAB Receptor, GS39783, of Alcohol Self-Administration in Sardinian Alcohol-Preferring Rats Exposed to the “Sipper” Procedure

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    The present study was designed to evaluate (a) alcohol self-administration behavior of selectively bred, Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) rats exposed to the so-called “sipper” procedure (characterized by the temporal separation between alcohol-seeking and -taking phases), and (b) the effect of the positive allosteric modulator of the GABAB receptor, GS39783, on alcohol self-administration in sP rats exposed to this procedure. To this end, sP rats were initially trained to lever-respond under a reinforcement requirement (RR) 55 (RR55) for alcohol. Achievement of RR55 resulted in the 20-min presentation of the alcohol (15%, v/v)-containing sipper bottle. Once stable levels of lever-responding and alcohol consumption were reached, rats were treated with 0, 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg GS39783 (i.g.) 60 min before the self-administration session. Rats displayed robust alcohol-seeking (as suggested by relatively short latencies to the first lever-response and high frequencies of lever-responding) and -taking (as suggested by alcohol intakes averaging approximately 1.5 g/kg) behaviors. Pretreatment with GS39783 inhibited both alcohol-seeking (the number of rats achieving RR55 and the mean RR value were virtually halved) and -taking (the amount of self-administered alcohol was reduced by approximately 60%). The results of the present study suggest the power of the “sipper” procedure in triggering high levels of alcohol-seeking and -taking behavior in sP rats. Further, these results extend to this additional procedure of alcohol self-administration the capacity of GS39783 to reduce the motivational properties of alcohol and alcohol consumption in sP rats

    Extracellular SPARC increases cardiomyocyte contraction during health and disease

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    Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a non-structural extracellular matrix protein that regulates interactions between the matrix and neighboring cells. In the cardiovascular system, it is expressed by cardiac fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and at lower levels by ventricular cardiomyocytes. SPARC expression levels are increased upon myocardial injury and also during hypertrophy and fibrosis. We have previously shown that SPARC improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction by regulating post-synthetic procollagen processing, however whether SPARC directly affects cardiomyocyte contraction is still unknown. In this study we demonstrate a novel inotropic function for extracellular SPARC in the healthy heart as well as in the diseased state after myocarditis-induced cardiac dysfunction. We demonstrate SPARC presence on the cardiomyocyte membrane where it is co-localized with the integrin-beta1 and the integrin-linked kinase. Moreover, extracellular SPARC directly increases cardiomyocyte cell shortening ex vivo and cardiac function in vivo, both in healthy myocardium and during coxsackie virus-induced cardiac dysfunction. In conclusion, we demonstrate a novel inotropic function for SPARC in the heart, with a potential therapeutic application when myocyte contractile function is diminished such as that caused by a myocarditis-related cardiac injury

    SPARC preserves endothelial glycocalyx integrity, and protects against adverse cardiac inflammation and injury during viral myocarditis

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    Myocardial damage as a consequence of cardiotropic viruses leads to a broad variety of clinical presentations and is still a complicated condition to diagnose and treat. Whereas the extracellular matrix protein Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine or SPARC has been implicated in hypertensive and ischemic heart disease by modulating collagen production and cross-linking, its role in cardiac inflammation and endothelial function is yet unknown. Absence of SPARC in mice resulted in increased cardiac inflammation and mortality, and reduced cardiac systolic function upon coxsackievirus-B3 induced myocarditis. Intra-vital microscopic imaging of the microvasculature of the cremaster muscle combined with electron microscopic imaging of the microvasculature of the cardiac muscle uncovered the significance of SPARC in maintaining endothelial glycocalyx integrity and subsequent barrier properties to stop inflammation. Moreover, systemic administration of recombinant SPARC restored the endothelial glycocalyx and consequently reversed the increase in inflammation and mortality observed in SPARC KO mice in response to viral exposure. Reducing the glycocalyx in vivo by systemic administration of hyaluronidase, an enzyme that degrades the endothelial glycocalyx, mimicked the barrier defects found in SPARC KO mice, which could be restored by subsequent administration of recombinant SPARC.In conclusion, the secreted glycoprotein SPARC protects against adverse cardiac inflammation and mortality by improving the glycocalyx function and resulting endothelial barrier function during viral myocarditis

    Direct Involvement of Cranial Nerve V at Diagnosis in Patients With Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Potential Magnetic Resonance Predictor of Short-Term Survival

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    Background: Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) has a dismal prognosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) remains the gold standard for non-invasive DIPG diagnosis. MRI features have been tested as surrogate biomarkers. We investigated the direct involvement of cranial nerve V (CN V) in DIPG at diagnosis and its utility as predictor of poor overall survival.Materials and Methods: We examined MRI scans of 35 consecutive patients with radiological diagnosis of DIPG. Direct involvement of CN V was assessed on the diagnostic scans. Differences in overall survival (OS) and time to progression (TTP) were analyzed for involvement of CN V, sex, age, tumor size, ring enhancement, and treatment regimen. Correlations between involvement of CN V and disease dissemination, magnet strength and slice thickness were analyzed. Statistical analyses included Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank test and Spearman's Rho.Results: After excluding six long-term survivors, 29 patients were examined (15 M, 14 F). Four patients presented direct involvement of CN V. Histological data were available in 12 patients. Median OS was 11 months (range 3–23 months). Significant differences in OS were found for direct involvement of CN V (median OS: 7 months, 95% CI 1.1–12.9 months for involvement of CN V vs. 13 months, 95% CI 10.2–15.7 for lack of involvement of CN V, respectively, p < 0.049). Significant differences in TTP were found for the two treatment regimens (median TTP: 4 months, 95% CI 2.6–5.3 vs. 7 months, 95% CI 5.9–8.1, respectively, p < 0.027). No significant correlation was found between involvement of CN V and magnet strength or slice thickness (r = −0.201; p = NS). A trend toward positive correlation was found between direct involvement of CN V at diagnosis and dissemination of disease at follow-up (r = 0.347; p < 0.065).Conclusions: In our cohort, direct involvement of CN V correlated with poor prognosis. Based on our data, we suggest that in DIPG direct involvement of CN V should be routinely evaluated on diagnostic scans

    The clinical effectiveness of an integrated multidisciplinary evidence-based program to prevent intraoperative pressure injuries in high-risk children undergoing long-duration surgical procedures: a quality improvement study

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    The prevention of hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) in children undergoing long-duration surgical procedures is of critical importance due to the potential for catastrophic sequelae of these generally preventable injuries for the child and their family. Long-duration surgical procedures in children have the potential to result in high rates of HAPI due to physiological factors and the difficulty or impossibility of repositioning these patients intraoperatively. We developed and implemented a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary translational HAPI prevention quality improvement program at a large European Paediatric University Teaching Hospital. The intervention comprised the establishment of wound prevention teams, modified HAPI risk assessment tools, specific education, and the use of prophylactic dressings and fluidized positioners during long-duration surgical procedures. As part of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program in reducing intraoperative HAPI, we conducted a prospective cohort study of 200 children undergoing long-duration surgical procedures and compared their outcomes with a matched historical cohort of 200 children who had undergone similar surgery the previous year. The findings demonstrated a reduction in HAPI in the intervention cohort of 80% (p < 0.01) compared to the comparator group when controlling for age, pathology, comorbidity, and surgical duration. We believe that the findings demonstrate that it is possible to significantly decrease HAPI incidence in these highly vulnerable children by using an evidence-based, multi-modal, multidisciplinary HAPI prevention strategy

    Disoccupazione, intervento pubblico dello Stato e CPI.

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    Questo lavoro parte analizzando il tema della disoccupazione, facendo un parallelo tra i dati italiani e quelli a livello europeo, con riferimento ai dati sulla disoccupazione in generale, sulla disoccupazione giovanile, ai Neet e l’economia sommersa. Prosegue con una trattazione che riguarda gli interventi pubblici dello Stato, volti ad arginare questo fenomeno, con politiche attive e passive. A questo proposito vengono descritti gli organi preposti all’attuazione delle politiche disciplinate dalle varie leggi dello Stato, a partire dai centri di collocamento fino ad arrivare agli attuali centri per l’impiego. A questo proposito segue un’intervista concessa nel 2020 dalla Dirigente del centro per l’impiego di Nuoro. In conclusione, vengono analizzati i dati relativi a due questionari sottoposti ad un campione di persone in materia di disoccupazione, politiche attive e fiducia nelle istituzioni
