170 research outputs found

    If Supply-Oriented Drug Policy is Broken, Can Harm Reduction Help Fix It?—Melding Disciplines and Methods to Advance International Drug Control Policy

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    Critics of the international drug control regime contend that supply-oriented policy interventions are not just ineffective, but they also produce unintended adverse consequences. Research suggests their claims have merit. Lasting local reductions in opium production are possible, albeit rare; but, unless global demand shrinks, production will shift elsewhere, with little or no effect on the aggregate supply of heroin and, potentially, at some expense to exiting and newly emerging suppliers. The net consequences of the international drug control regime and related national policies are as yet unknown. In this paper, we consider whether “harm reduction,” a subject of intense debate in the demand-oriented drug policy community, can provide a unifying foundation for supply-oriented drug policy, one capable of speaking more directly to policy goals. Despite substantial conceptual and technical challenges, we find that harm reduction can provide a basis for assessing the net consequences of supply-oriented drug policy, choosing more rigorously among policy options, and identifying new policy options. In addition, we outline a practical path forward for assessing harms and policy options.

    Assessing the harms of cannabis cultivation in Belgium

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    A trophic model of the benthopelagic fauna distributed in the Santa Maria di Leuca cold-water coral province (Mediterranean Sea)

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    The benthopelagic fauna distributed in and around the Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) cold-water coral (CWC) province (Northern Ionian Sea–Central Mediterranean Sea) was analyzed through the development of a mass-balanced ecosystem model. A total of nine balanced simulations were provided taking into account the biomass data collected during several experimental bottom trawl surveys carried out from 2005 to 2010 in a depth range between 101 and 541 m. A total of 100 species were included in the analysis corresponding to 15 cephalopods, 25 crustaceans, 7 chondrichthyes and 54 osteichthyes. Simulations were developed maintaining the species-level detail. The total system throughput estimated in the SML CWC province trophic web resulted mainly due to consumption and about 80% of it was maintained by species with trophic level between 2 and 4. Results highlighted important features in terms of the structure and functioning of the system, such as the high level of activity maintained by intermediate trophic levels and the important role of top-down control in the faunal assemblage due to both vertebrate and invertebrate species

    The indirect impact of COVID-19 large-scale containment measures on the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia in the elderly: a region-wide population-based study in Tuscany, Italy

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    OBJECTIVE: : to evaluate the indirect effect of COVID-19 large-scale containment measures on the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the elderly during the first epidemic wave of COVID-19 in Tuscany, Italy. METHODS: : a population based study was carried out on data from the Tuscany healthcare system. The outcome measures were: hospitalization rate for CAP, severity of CAP hospitalizations, and outpatient consumptions of antibacterials for CAP in people aged 65 years and older. Outcome comparisons between corresponding periods of the 2020 and previous years were made. RESULTS: : Compared with the average of the corresponding periods of the previous three years, significant reductions in the weekly hospitalization rates for CAP were observed starting from the week in which the national containment measures were imposed until the end of the first wave of COVID-19 in July. All the antibacterial classes for CAP showed a significant decrease in their outpatient consumptions during the COVID-19 epidemic period. CONCLUSIONS: : The implementation of large-scale COVID-19 containment measures likely reduced the incidence of CAP in the elderly during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Taking into account this indirect impact of pandemic containment measures on respiratory tract infections may improve the planning of health services during a pandemic

    The effects of CA IX catalysis products within tumor microenvironment

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    Solid tumors are composed of both cancer cells and various types of accessory cells, mainly fibroblasts, that collectively compose the so called tumor-microenvironment. Cancer-associated fibroblasts have been described to actively participate in cancer progression by establishing a cytokine-mediated as well as metabolic crosstalk with cancer cells. In the present paper we show that activated human fibroblasts are able to boost tumor cells proliferation and that this effect is greatly dependent on stromal carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) activity. In fact fibroblasts show a strong upregulation of CA IX expression upon activation by cancer cells, while CA IX products, protons and bicarbonate, exert differential effects on cancer cells proliferation. While acidification of extracellular pH, a typical condition of rapidly growing solid tumors, is detrimental for tumor cells proliferation, bicarbonate, through its organication, supplies cancer cells with intermediates useful to sustain their high proliferation rate. Here we propose a new kind of fibroblasts/tumor cells crosstalk within tumor microenvironment, mediated by stromal CA IX products, aimed to favor cancer cells growth, opening new perspectives on CA IX role in tumor microenvironment

    Mythical numbers and the proceeds of organised crime: estimating mafia proceeds in Italy

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    Organised crime is a field vulnerable to mythical numbers, i.e. exaggerated estimates lacking empirical support, but acquiring acceptance through repetition. The figures on mafia proceeds in Italy are a striking example of this problem. This study proposes an estimation of mafia proceeds in Italy from nine criminal activities (sexual exploitation of women, illicit firearms trafficking, drug trafficking, counterfeiting, the illicit cigarette trade, illicit gambling, illicit waste disposal, loan sharking, and extortion racketeering) by region and type of mafia (Cosa Nostra, Camorra,\u2018Ndrangheta, Apulian mafias, and other mafias). The results estimate yearly mafia proceeds at approximately \u20ac10.7 bn (0.7% of the Italian GDP), discussing the impact on the regional and national economies and the differences among the types of mafias as to their geographical sources of revenue
