73 research outputs found

    Behavioral Science Guidelines for Assessing Insider Threats

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    This brochure presents a framework to view threats made by an insider that are targeted or intentional (as opposed to negligent or unintentional) and that involve some degree of deliberation (as opposed to those that may be considered impulsive). The framework was developed with the assumption that it must: Be applicable for both anonymous and known subjects Recognize interactions and patterns of behavior Allow for investigation with whatever information is immediately available Recognize that behaviors or warning activity may shift, decrease, or be emboldened by protective or organizational actions Insider attacks are often handled internal to an organization and are under-reported to law enforcement agencies. This has limited the sample of insider threats available for research in this area. Most of the available literature related to insider threats exists in areas outside of behavioral science. It is generally conceptual in nature rather than data driven and often focuses on threats to information systems. The field of threat assessment represents a blending of behavioral science, intelligence, and law enforcement strategies. It evolved from practices used to assess and manage dangerousness (potential risk for violence)

    Behavioral Science Guidelines for Assessing Insider Threats

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    This brochure presents a framework to view threats made by an insider that are targeted or intentional (as opposed to negligent or unintentional) and that involve some degree of deliberation (as opposed to those that may be considered impulsive). The framework was developed with the assumption that it must: Be applicable for both anonymous and known subjects Recognize interactions and patterns of behavior Allow for investigation with whatever information is immediately available Recognize that behaviors or warning activity may shift, decrease, or be emboldened by protective or organizational actions Insider attacks are often handled internal to an organization and are under-reported to law enforcement agencies. This has limited the sample of insider threats available for research in this area. Most of the available literature related to insider threats exists in areas outside of behavioral science. It is generally conceptual in nature rather than data driven and often focuses on threats to information systems. The field of threat assessment represents a blending of behavioral science, intelligence, and law enforcement strategies. It evolved from practices used to assess and manage dangerousness (potential risk for violence)

    Surgimento e consolidação da Semana Internacional de Arqueologia Discentes MAE/USP: uma reflexão

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    This article discusses and reflects on the creation and consolidation of the International Week of Archeology Students MAE/USP (SIA), which began in 2007 and happened every two years. Organized in an open and collaborative way by Museum students, SIA has become a space for articulation, exchange of knowledge and experiences, which plays a fundamental role in the education of future professionals engaged in science and the management of archaeological heritage in the national Archaeology context. Over the various editions, the event has professionalized and gained the international mark, with the creation of a dynamic and democratic protocol for students to work together and with greater institutional insertion. An organization made by students and aimed at interested people in general, SIA has enhanced its open spirit and the growing dialogue with the different human collectives that have been demanding new practices and attitudes of archaeological practice. Through interviews, questionnaires, documentation reviews and our personal experience, we bring here a look at the history of SIA and its role in the academic trajectory of students and the Museum as a whole. We hope that this reflection can contribute to stimulating the continuity and emergence of other similar events across the country.  Este artigo discute e reflete sobre a criação e consolidação da Semana Internacional de Arqueologia Discentes MAE/USP (SIA), que surgiu em 2007 e passou a ocorrer com frequência bianual. Organizada de forma aberta e colaborativa por discentes do Museu, a SIA se tornou um espaço de articulação, troca de conhecimentos e experiências, que desempenha um papel fundamental na formação de futuros profissionais engajados com a ciência e a gestão do patrimônio arqueológico no cenário nacional da Arqueologia. Ao longo das várias edições, o evento se profissionalizou e ganhou a marca internacional, com a criação de um protocolo dinâmico e democrático para que estudantes possam exercer trabalhos conjuntos e de maior inserção institucional. Uma organização feita por discentes e voltada para pessoas interessadas em geral, a SIA potencializou seu espírito aberto e o diálogo crescente com os diferentes coletivos humanos que vem demandando novas práticas e posturas do fazer arqueológico. Por meio de entrevistas, questionários, análises da documentação e nossa experiência pessoal, trazemos aqui um olhar sobre a história da SIA e seu papel na trajetória acadêmica de discentes e no Museu como um todo. Esperamos que essa reflexão possa contribuir com o estímulo para a continuidade e surgimento de outros eventos semelhantes pelo país

    Physical, Psychological, and Sexual Intimate Partner Aggression among Newlywed Couples: Longitudinal Prediction of Marital Satisfaction

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    This study examined associations between physical, psychological, and sexual intimate partner aggression (IPA) perpetration during the first year of marriage (T1) and victim marital satisfaction one (T2) and two (T3) years later among a sample of 202 newlywed couples. Prevalence rates of all forms of IPA were consistent with those documented in prior research. Higher levels of all types of IPA generally were associated with lower victim marital satisfaction at all time points, when controlling for initial levels of satisfaction. Couples who reported severe bidirectional psychological IPA demonstrated lower husband and wife marital satisfaction at T2 and lower husband satisfaction at T3 than couples who reported husband-only, wife-only, or no psychological IPA. Analyses examining the relative predictive abilities of all forms of IPA perpetration showed that psychological IPA was the most consistent unique contributor of victim marital satisfaction. Study findings highlight the importance of psychological IPA, in addition to physical IPA, in examinations of correlates of marital satisfaction

    Interpersonal aggression perpetration: Static and emotion regulation risk factors

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    Intimate partner aggression (IPA) is a serious public health problem for both men and women in the United States. With aspirations of alleviating the significant negative effects of IPA, a substantial body of literature has been devoted to uncovering risk factors for IPA perpetration. Much of this research has focused on static, or relatively stable, factors that may influence IPA, such as life stress, distress tolerance, rumination, and jealousy. However, considering situational variables that influence individuals more proximally to aggressive acts, in conjunction with these static factors, may provide more precise prediction of partner aggression. Current theoretical and empirical work suggests that emotion regulation strategies, particularly expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal, may be key situational processes in IPA perpetration. In light of this research, this study proposes the following hypotheses: each static risk factor (life stress, distress tolerance, rumination, jealousy) will be related to interpersonal aggression perpetration, expressive suppression will be related to greater aggression perpetration than will cognitive reappraisal, and emotion regulation strategy usage will moderate the association between the static risk factors and aggression. To examine these questions, the present investigation employed an experimental designed in which participants were assigned to use specific strategies to regulate negative emotions induced by a frustrating computer task. Participants then took part in an analogue aggression task involving the allocation of hot sauce to a purported other participant, followed by a self-report assessment of propensity to perpetrate IPA. Findings showed that reduced distress tolerance and increased jealousy were associated with increased IPA propensity for both men and women. Greater rumination was also related to higher past-year IPA perpetration and increased IPA propensity for men. Participants allocated marginally significantly more hot sauce if they were assigned to suppress their emotions in response to the frustrating computer task than if they were assigned to reappraise their emotions. Emotion regulation strategy use generally did not moderate relationships between static factors and forms of IPA perpetration. The implications of these findings as well as future directions for research are discussed; clinical implications with regard to IPA perpetration intervention are highlighted

    Child Maltreatment History Among Newlywed Couples : A Longitudinal Study of Marital Outcomes and Mediating Pathways

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    Participants included 202 newlywed couples who reported retrospectively about child maltreatment experiences (sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect) and whose marital functioning was assessed 3 times over a 2-year period. Decreased marital satisfaction at T1 was predicted by childhood physical abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect for husbands; only neglect predicted lower satisfaction for wives. Increased maltreatment of various types was also related to T1 difficulties with marital trust and partner aggression. Dyadic growth curve analyses showed that the marital difficulties reported at T1 tended to remain over the course of the study. Further, in several instances, maltreatment exerted an increasingly detrimental influence on marital functioning over time, particularly for husbands. Examination of possible mediators between maltreatment and reductions in marital satisfaction revealed pathways through decreased sexual activity, increased psychological aggression, and increased trauma symptoms reported by husbands. These findings suggest that clinicians should consider how an adult’s history of child maltreatment may contribute to current marital dysfunction. The authors also identify possible targets for intervention when working with this population
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