523 research outputs found

    Enamel hypoplasia and health condition through social status in the Roman Imperial Age

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    Dental enamel hypoplasia is a deficit in enamel matrix formation occurring in childhood and resulting from nutritional deficiency or diseases. Examination of hypoplastic lesions in ancient skeletal remains provides an excellent index of developmental stress levels in the past. In this research, the incidence and distribution of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) were detected to investigate whether the social status had affected the health and nutritional conditions of the Romans during the Imperial Age. Dental enamel hypoplasia was observed in the teeth of 200 human skeletal remains found in two large necropoles from the Imperial Age in Rome (Italy). Both necropoles, dated back to (1st-2nd centuries A.D.), are located near the ancient centre of Rome and the presence of different typologies of graves, with monumental mausoleums and simple tombs, testifies that the cemeteries were used by diversified social classes. The availability of two sub-samples with different subsistence patterns in the same population permitted to evaluate the distribution of the dental stress markers evidencing the differences between the social classes. Enamel hypoplasia was collected in the whole dentition and differences were found between anterior and posterior teeth, male and female samples, upper and lower social classes. The results will be discussed taking into account other skeletal and dental indicators of health and life condition collected in the sample, and in relation to the economic and social life in Rome during the Imperial Age

    Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Seawater could be considered a reservoir of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. In this communication, we evaluated the presence of bacterial strains in seawater collected from different coasts of Sicily by combining microbiological and molecular methods. Specifically, we isolated viable bacteria that were tested for their antibiotic resistance profile and detected both antibiotic and heavy metal resistance genes. Both antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, Vibrio and Aeromonas, and specific antibiotic resistance genes were found in the seawater samples. Alarming levels of resistance were determined towards cefazolin, streptomycin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ceftriaxone, and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and mainly genes conferring resistance to β-lactamic and sulfonamide antibiotics were detected. This survey, on the one hand, presents a picture of the actual situation, showing the pollution status of the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily, and, on the other hand, can be considered as a baseline to be used as a reference time for future analysis

    Paleoambientes de la Formación Valentín (Cuaternario tardío) en el valle de Ullum-Zonda, Precordillera de San Juan, Argentina

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    La Formación Valentín (Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno medio) aflora en el valle de Ullum-Zonda, una depresión tectónica en el centro sur de la Provincia de San Juan que separa las subprovincias geológicas de Precordillera Central y Oriental. La Formación Valentín es el último registro sedimentario de las facies de cuenca de dicho valle durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno, y fue testigo de la estructuración final de la faja plegada y corrida de la Precordillera Oriental. Históricamente, ha sido interpretada como representativa de ambientes lacustres-palustres asociados al sistema fluvial del río San Juan, un río de carácter antecedente y régimen glacio-nival que desciende de la Cordillera de los Andes. Sin embargo, sus depósitos presentan numerosas estructuras sedimentarias de corriente además de evidencia de exposición subaérea con desarrollo incipiente de paleosuelos, que cuestionan las clásicas interpretaciones paleoambientales. A partir de los datos sedimentológicos, estratigráficos y paleoclimáticos obtenidos junto a datos geomorfológicos y geocronológicos previamente publicados (edades radiocarbónicas convencionales, AMS y por Luminiscencia Ópticamente Estimulada) se realizó una caracterización paleoambiental y paleogeográfica de la depresión tectónica de Ullum-Zonda durante la transición Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno y el Holoceno medio. La nueva evidencia indicó que la Formación Valentín representa un ambiente dominante de sistemas fluviales anastomosados de agradación rápida y meandriformes efímeros caracterizados por espesas planicies de inundación limo-arcillo-arenosas, con importante acreción vertical, aporte eólico y de bajo gradiente. La depositación de estas unidades se habría producido en eventos agradantes episódicos y de duración limitada (~1.500 a ~3.000 años) coincidentes con estadíos de avance glaciar en Cordillera y asociados posiblemente a rupturas no catastróficas y retrabajamiento de los depósitos de grano fino contenidos en endicamientos naturales del río San Juan aguas arriba del valle de Ullum-Zonda. Además, la asociación illita-clorita-caolinita presente en la Formación Valentín indicaría procedencia de las regiones englazadas de la Cordillera de los Andes y un aporte sedimentario Precordillerano secundario. Se observaron depósitos de un ambiente lacustre de reducidas dimensiones (<10 km2) y relativa baja profundidad (<10 m) restringido únicamente al sector sureste del valle de Ullum-Zonda próximo a la quebrada de Zonda. La fase lacustre, caracterizada por aguas calmas, frías, inicialmente con poco aporte detrítico y condiciones anóxicas en la columna de agua, habría estado asociada a bajos caudales y capacidad erosiva limitada del río San Juan, variables que luego se modificarían durante el periodo frío del 8.200 AP. A partir de las edades numéricas disponibles y los espesores sedimentarios, se estimó una tasa promedio de sedimentación de ~7 mm/año para la unidad Pleistocena (16.770 a 15.160 años cal. AP) y de ~2,1 mm/año para el cuerpo lacustre Holoceno (9.475 a 7.828 años cal. AP). Los indicadores paleoclimáticos en la unidad pleistocena señalan una progresiva aridización desde condiciones estacionales semi-áridas (~16.800 años AP) a áridas con marcada estacionalidad y agradación eólica hacia los ~15.000 años AP. El registro de la unidad holocena muestra condiciones climáticas áridas a semi-áridas marcadamente estacionales durante fines del Holoceno temprano (~8.300 años AP) y el Holoceno medio (~8.000 años AP)

    Functional Connectivity Changes After Initial Treatment With Fingolimod in Multiple Sclerosis

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    On the basis of recent functional MRI studies, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has been interpreted as a multisystem disconnection syndrome. Compared to normal subjects, MS patients show alterations in functional connectivity (FC). However, the mechanisms underlying these alterations are still debated. The aim of the study is to investigate resting state (RS) FC changes after initial treatment with fingolimod, a proven anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agent for MS. We studied 32 right-handed relapsing-remitting MS patients (median Expanded Disability Status Scale: 2.0, mean disease duration: 8.8 years) who underwent both functional and conventional MRI with a 3 Tesla magnet. All assessments were performed 3 weeks before starting fingolimod, then, at therapy-initiation stage and at month 6. Each imaging session included scans at baseline (run1) and after (run2) a 25-min, within-session, motor-practice task, consisting of a paced right-thumb flexion. FC was assessed using a seed on the left primary motor cortex to obtain parametric maps at run1 and task-induced FC change (run2-run1). Comparison between 3-week before- and fingolimod start sessions accounted for a test-retest effect. The main outcome was the changes in both baseline and task-induced changes in FC, between initiation and 6 months. MRI contrast enhancement was detected in 14 patients at initiation and only in 3 at month 6. There was a significant improvement (p < 0.05) in cognitive function, as measured by the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task, at month 6 compared to initiation. After accounting for test-retest effect, baseline FC significantly decreased at month 6, with respect to initiation (p < 0.05, family-wise error corrected) in bilateral occipito-parietal areas and cerebellum. A task-induced change in FC at month 6 showed a significant increment in all examined sessions, involving not only areas of the sensorimotor network, but also posterior cortical areas (cuneus and precuneus) and areas of the prefrontal and temporal cortices (p < 0.05, family-wise error corrected). Cognitive improvement at month 6 was significantly (p < 0.05) related to baseline FC reduction in posterior cortical areas. This study shows significant changes in functional connectivity, both at baseline and after the execution of a simple motor task following 6 months of fingolimod therapy

    Functional Connectivity Changes After Initial Treatment With Fingolimod in Multiple Sclerosis

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    On the basis of recent functional MRI studies, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has been interpreted as a multisystem disconnection syndrome. Compared to normal subjects, MS patients show alterations in functional connectivity (FC). However, the mechanisms underlying these alterations are still debated. The aim of the study is to investigate resting state (RS) FC changes after initial treatment with fingolimod, a proven anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agent for MS. We studied 32 right-handed relapsing-remitting MS patients (median Expanded Disability Status Scale: 2.0, mean disease duration: 8.8 years) who underwent both functional and conventional MRI with a 3 Tesla magnet. All assessments were performed 3 weeks before starting fingolimod, then, at therapy-initiation stage and at month 6. Each imaging session included scans at baseline (run1) and after (run2) a 25-min, within-session, motor-practice task, consisting of a paced right-thumb flexion. FC was assessed using a seed on the left primary motor cortex to obtain parametric maps at run1 and task-induced FC change (run2-run1). Comparison between 3-week before- and fingolimod start sessions accounted for a test-retest effect. The main outcome was the changes in both baseline and task-induced changes in FC, between initiation and 6 months. MRI contrast enhancement was detected in 14 patients at initiation and only in 3 at month 6. There was a significant improvement (p &lt; 0.05) in cognitive function, as measured by the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task, at month 6 compared to initiation. After accounting for test-retest effect, baseline FC significantly decreased at month 6, with respect to initiation (p &lt; 0.05, family-wise error corrected) in bilateral occipito-parietal areas and cerebellum. A task-induced change in FC at month 6 showed a significant increment in all examined sessions, involving not only areas of the sensorimotor network, but also posterior cortical areas (cuneus and precuneus) and areas of the prefrontal and temporal cortices (p &lt; 0.05, family-wise error corrected). Cognitive improvement at month 6 was significantly (p &lt; 0.05) related to baseline FC reduction in posterior cortical areas. This study shows significant changes in functional connectivity, both at baseline and after the execution of a simple motor task following 6 months of fingolimod therapy

    Baryogenesis at Low Reheating Temperatures

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    We note that the maximum temperature during reheating can be much greater than the reheating temperature TrT_r at which the Universe becomes radiation dominated. We show that the Standard Model anomalous (B+L)(B+L)-violating processes can therefore be in thermal equilibrium for 1 GeV \simlt T_{r}\ll 100 GeV. Electroweak baryogenesis could work and the traditional upper bound on the Higgs mass coming from the requirement of the preservation of the baryon asymmetry may be relaxed. Alternatively, the baryon asymmetry may be reprocessed by sphaleron transitions either from a (BL)(B-L) asymmetry generated by the Affleck-Dine mechanism or from a chiral asymmetry between eRe_R and eLe_L in a BL=0B-L = 0 Universe. Our findings are also relevant to the production of the baryon asymmetry in large extra dimension models.Comment: 4 pages, version to appear in PRL: references added, new titl

    Condições climáticas e período de incubação para ferrugem do cafeeiro nos anos de 2013 e 2014 na Região de Campinas, SP.

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    A ferrugem é a mais importante doença do cafeeiro no Brasil e pode reduzir até 35% da produção. A doença causa manchas amareladas na face inferior da s folhas que caem e debilitam a planta, acentuando o ciclo bienal da cultura. A ferrugem é favorecida por temperaturas entre 20 e 25 o C e chuvas acima de 30 mm. A epidemia da doença começa em dezembro e tem o pico nos meses de junho e julho. Considerando a importância do clima para a epidemia da ferrugem do cafeeiro, este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de relacionar elementos climáticos com a incidência desta doença em uma lavoura de café localizada em Campinas, SP. A incidência da ferrugem foi avaliada em coletas mensais de folhas, de uma lavoura de café da cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144,localizada no Instituto Agronômico de Campinas. Os índices de incidência da doença foram comparados aos dados climáticos médios mensais de temperaturas máxima e mínima do ar e precipitação, do período analisado(2013-2014), além do período de incubação da doença, estimado pela equação PI=103,01-0,98xTmax-2,1xTmin. Além disso, estes índices, também foram comparados a dados climáticos passados, referentes aos períodos de 1990-1999, 2000-2009e 2010-2014 visando a detectar possíveis alterações no clima dos últimos anos. Em geral, pode-se dizer que a incidência da ferrugem ocorreu de forma elevada no experimento em ambos os anos (2013-2014). O ano de 2014 foi mais quente e seco que 2013, mas a doença foi detectada em 86,4% das folhas amostradas no mês de setembro, enquanto em 2013, o pico foi em agosto, chegando a 73,6%. O atraso no pico da epidemia que ocorreu nestes anos, deve estar relacionado ao aumento da temperatura verificada em fevereiro e , posteriormente, em junho, julho e agosto, associado às chuvas esporádicas observadas no período. Observou-se também, um aumento da temperatura máxima média mensal nos anos de 2010-2014, quando comparados aos períodos de 1990-1999 e 2000-2009. Entretanto, neste mesmo período (2010-2014) houve uma redução da precipitação, sendo o ano de 20 14 o mais seco já observado, com apenas 895 mm de chuvas. Supõe-se que o aumento das temperaturas máximas pode estar reduzindo a expansão da epidemia da doença no verão e o período de incubação no inverno, favorecendo o deslocamento do pico da doença para agosto e setembro

    The role of macrophages polarization in predicting prognosis of radically resected gastric cancer patients

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    Tumour-associated Macrophages (TAM) present two different polarizations: classical (M1) characterized by immunostimulation activity and tumour suppression; alternative (M2) characterized by tumour promotion and immune suppression. In this retrospective study, we evaluated the correlation between the two forms of TAM with survival time in radically resected gastric cancer patients. A total of 52 chemo- and radio- naive patients were included. Two slides were prepared for each patient and double-stained for CD68/NOS2 (M1) or CD68/CD163 (M2) and five representative high-power fields per slide were evaluated for TAM count. The median value of the two macrophage populations density and the median value of M1/M2 ratio were used as cut-off. Twenty-seven patients with M1 density above-the-median had a significantly higher survival compared to those below the median. Twenty-six patients with M1/M2 ratio above the median showed median OS of 27.2 months compared to 15.5 months of the patients below the median. No association between M2 macrophage density and patient’s outcome was found. In multivariate analysis, M1/M2 was a positive independent predictor of survival. The M1 macrophage density and M1/M2 ratio, as con- firmed in multivariate analysis, are factors that can help in predicting patients survival time after radical surgery for gastric cancer

    El rol de la educación en materia de discriminación derivada de factores étnicos y religiosos

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    Plantear el rol de la educación en materia de discriminación derivada de factores étnicos y religiosos nos conduce necesariamente a afirmar la igualdad en la diferencia: la Dignidad Humana.Sabemos que todos los seres humanos somos diferentes, sexo, edad, religión, nacionalidad, profesión, nivel educativo etc. sin embargo por encima de cualquier diferencia, todas las personas somos iguales en nuestra naturaleza humana; por el solo hecho de ser personas somos merecedores (dignos) de gozar de características que conforman la dignidad humana. En la actualidad la dignidad humana es la base sobre la que se construye la justicia y el derecho, o sea, que solo por pertenecer a la especie humana nos corresponde gozar de derechos y justicia. Este principio está protegido constitucionalmente en el artículo dieciséis “…todos los habitantes son iguales ante la ley…”.No obstante, sabemos que la convivencia presenta conflictos, las sociedades asisten con frecuencia a conflictos entre sus miembros que van desde las guerras hasta las persecuciones políticas, religiosas o raciales. Muchos de estos conflictos se producen sobre la base de una actitud de discriminación, que se genera cuando se utilizan las diferencias existentes entre las personas para afirmar la superioridad de unas sobre otras. La discriminación origina situaciones de desigualdad. La Universidadcomo ámbito de estudio, reflexión y de formación de profesionales, y más aun nuestra Universidad Católica debe fortalecer a través de los procesos de formación de sus alumnos los principios de promoción y defensa de la dignidad humana. La eliminación de toda forma de discriminación, especialmente la discriminación de género, étnica y racial, y de las diversas formas de intolerancia, así como la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas y los inmigrantes y el respeto a la diversidad étnica, cultural y religiosa en las Américas, contribuyen al fortalecimiento de la democracia y la participación ciudadana. (Dulitzky Ariel, 2006).Por lo anteriormente analizado es que desde este proyecto de investigación nos vamos a posicionar desde la perspectiva intercultural, ya que consideramos que esta conceptualización es superadora en relación al concepto de muticulturalidad, y contribuyen a combatir la discriminación y la intolerancia religiosa y racial. La perspectiva  intercultural pone énfasis en el terreno de la interacción entre sujetos o entidades culturales diferenciados. El núcleo de la novedad interculturalista se halla en proponer algo sustantivo sobre el deber ser de las relaciones interétnicas, más allá de que no deben ser relaciones no discriminatorias entre iguales y basadas en el respeto y las tolerancia.