164 research outputs found

    Largedynamic-range Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for highly aberrated eyes

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    Abstract. A conventional Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor has a limitation that increasing the dynamic range usually requires sacrificing measurement sensitivity. The prototype large-dynamic-range Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor presented resolves this problem by using a translatable plate with subapertures placed in conjugate with the lenslet array. Each subaperture is the same size as a lenslet and they are arranged so that they overlap every other lenslet position. Three translations of the plate are required to acquire four images to complete one measurement. This method increases the dynamic range by a factor of two with no subsequent change in measurement sensitivity and sampling resolution of the aberration. The feasibility of the sensor was demonstrated by measuring the higher order aberrations of a custom-made phase plate and human eyes with and without the plate

    El extraño lenguaje de las casas

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    Los cuentos reunidos en El extraño lenguaje de las casas están habitados por personajes que viven con intensidad dramática la frontera entre el yo y los demás. Conquistar el espacio extranjero, esa es la cuestión. No queda alternativa, las cartas están echadas y la contienda no dará tregua. La particularidad de estos enfrentamientos, que la autora pone en circulación con destreza de croupier, es que todos pierden

    Sabil al-Walda

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    exterior, facade ornamentation, 200

    Sabil al-Walda

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    exterior, close view of central portion of facade, 200

    Sabil al-Walda

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    exterior, panel with inscription, 200

    Sabil al-Walda

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    exterior, facade detail, 200

    Sabil al-Walda

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    exterior, street view, exterior overall, 200

    Sabil al-Walda

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    exterior, overall view, 200