462 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic and economic assessments of a hybrid PVT-ORC combined heating and power system for swimming pools

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    T he thermodynamic and economic performance of a solar combined heat and power (S - CHP) system based on an array of hybrid photovoltaic - thermal (PVT) collectors and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) engine is considered for the provision of heating and power to swimming pool facilities . Priority is given to meet ing the thermal demand of the swimming pool , in order to ensure a comfortable condition for swimmers in cold er weather conditions, while excess thermal output from the collector s at high er temperatures is converted to electricity by the ORC engine in warm er weather conditions. The thermodynamic performance of this system and its dynamic characteristics are analysed on the basis of a transient thermodynamic model. Various heat losses and gains are considered in accordance to environmental and user - rela ted factors for both indoor and outdoor swimming pools. A case study is then performed for the swimming pool at the University Sport Centre (USC) of Bari, Italy. The r esults show that employing a zeotropic mixture of R245fa/ R227ea (30/70%) as the ORC working fluid allows such an ORC system to generate ~50% more power than when using pure R236ea due to the better temperature match of the cycle to the low - temperature hot - water heat source from the output of the PVT collectors . Apart from generating electricity, the ORC engine also alleviates PVT collector overheating , and reduc es the required size of the hot - water storage tank. With an installation of 2000 m 2 of PVT collectors, e nergetic analyses indicate that the proposed S - CHP system can cover 84 - 9 6 % of the thermal demand of the swimming pool during the warm summer months and 61 % of its annual ly integrated total thermal demand. In addition, the system produces a combined (from the collectors and ORC engine) of 328 MWh of electricity per year, corresponding to 36% of the total electricity demand of the USC , with ~4% coming from the ORC engine . The analysis suggests a minimum payback time of 12. 7 years with a n optimized tank volume of 125 m

    State of the art of evapotranspiration models for plant cultivation in open fields, greenhouse systems and plant factories

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    The scarcity of water, the need to reduce of pesticides, the demand for on-site production of vegetables are moving the interest from greenhouse cultivation to indoor farming. Compared to greenhouses, indoor farms allow to reduce considerably the water consumption, requiring more energy, which could be provided by renewable sources. In order to assess the convenience of such a system, accurate preliminary calculations are needed for productivity, energy requirements and costs as a function of the type of cultivation and the operating conditions. While some knowledge (e.g. production rate or cooling system performance) are available from open literature, some specific predictive methods are required. Based on the few works available in literature about indoor farming, evapotranspiration rate resulted as a critical term. An assessment of different methods based on literature data with a critical analysis of their effectiveness based on several aspects (level of fidelity of the model, complexity in the calibration and use, potential strengths and weaknesses) is proposed in this work

    Multi-scale modelling of interactions between heat and electricity networks in low-carbon energy systems

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    Decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector is critical for achieving long-term energy and climate change objectives. Closer integration between heating/cooling and electricity systems can provide additional flexibility required to support the integration of variable renewables and other low-carbon energy sources. This paper proposes a framework for identifying cost-efficient solutions for supplying district heating systems within both operation and investment timescales, while considering local and national-level interactions between heat and electricity infrastructures. The proposed approach cost-optimises the portfolio of heating technologies, including Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and polygeneration systems, large-scale heat pumps (HPs), gas boilers and thermal energy storage (TES). It is implemented as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) optimisation model that minimises net cost of heat supply, taking into account investment and operation cost of heat supply and storage options as well as the impact of local and wider interactions with the electricity system

    Integrating cogeneration and intermittent waste-heat recovery in food processing: Microturbines vs. ORC systems in the coffee roasting industry

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    Coffee roasting is a highly energy intensive process wherein a large quantity of heat is discharged from the stack at medium-to-high temperatures. Much of the heat is released from the afterburner, which is required to remove volatile organic compounds and other pollutants from the flue gases. In this work, intermittent waste-heat recovery via thermal energy storage (TES) and organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) is compared to combined heat and power (CHP) based on micro gas-turbines (MGTs) for a coffee roasting plant. With regard to the former, a promising solution is proposed that involves recovering waste heat from the flue gas stream by partial hot-gas recycling at the rotating drum coffee roaster, and coupling this to a thermal store and an ORC engine for power generation. The two solutions (CHP + MGT prime mover vs. waste-heat recovery + ORC engine) are investigated based on mass and energy balances, and a cost assessment methodology is adopted to compare the profitability of three system configurations integrated into the selected roasting process. The case study involves a major Italian roasting plant with a 3,000 kg per hour coffee production capacity. Three options are investigated: (i) intermittent waste-heat recovery from the hot flue-gases with an ORC engine coupled to a TES system; (ii) regenerative topping MGT coupled to the existing modulating gas burner to generate hot air for the roasting process; and (iii) non-regenerative topping MGT with direct recovery of the turbine outlet air for the roasting process. The results show that the profitability of these investments is highly influenced by the natural gas and electricity prices and by the coffee roasting production capacity. The CHP solution via an MGT appears as a more profitable option than waste-heat recovery via an ORC engine primarily due to the intermittency of the heat-source availability and the high electricity cost relative to the cost of natural gas

    Hybrid solar-biomass combined Brayton/organic Rankine-cycle plants integrated with thermal storage: Techno-economic feasibility in select Mediterranean areas

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    This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis and techno-economic assessment of a novel hybrid solar-biomass power-generation system configuration composed of an externally fired gas-turbine (EFGT) fuelled by biomass (wood chips) and a bottoming organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plant. The main novelty is related to the heat recovery from the exhaust gases of the EFGT via thermal energy storage (TES), and integration of heat from a parabolic-trough collectors (PTCs) field with molten salts as a heat-transfer fluid (HTF). The presence of a TES between the topping and bottoming cycles facilitates the flexible operation of the system, allows the system to compensate for solar energy input fluctuations, and increases capacity factor and dispatchability. A TES with two molten salt tanks (one cold at 200 °C and one hot at 370 °C) is chosen. The selected bottoming ORC is a superheated recuperative cycle suitable for heat conversion in the operating temperature range of the TES. The whole system is modelled by means of a Python-based software code, and three locations in the Mediterranean area are assumed in order to perform energy-yield analyses: Marseille in France, Priolo Gargallo in Italy and Rabat in Morocco. In each case, the thermal storage that minimizes the levelized cost of energy (LCE) is selected on the basis of the estimated solar radiation and CSP size. The results of the thermodynamic simulations, capital and operational costs assessments and subsidies (feed-in tariffs for biomass and solar electricity available in the Italian framework), allow estimating the global energy conversion efficiency and the investment profitability in the three locations. Sensitivity analyses of the biomass costs, size of PTCs, feed-in tariff and share of cogenerated heat delivered to the load are also performed. The results show that the high investment costs of the CSP section in the proposed size range and hybridization configuration allow investment profitability only in the presence of a dedicated subsidy framework such as the one available in the Italian energy market. In particular, the LCE of the proposed system is around 140 Eur/MWh (with the option to discharge the cogenerated heat) and the IRR is around 15%, based on the Italian electricity subsidy tariffs. The recovery of otherwise discharged heat to match thermal energy demand can significantly increase the investment profitability and compensate the high investment costs of the proposed technology

    Parametric multi-objective optimization of an Organic Rankine Cycle with thermal energy storage for distributed generation

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    Abstract This paper focuses on the thermodynamic modelling and parametric optimization of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) which recovers the heat stored in a thermal energy storage (TES). A TES with two molten-salt tanks (one cold and one hot) is selected since it is able to operate in the temperature range useful to recover heat from different sources such as exhaust gas of Externally Fired Gas Turbine (EFGT) or Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant, operating in a network for Distributed Generation (DG). The thermal storage facilitates a flexible operation of the power system operating in the network of DG, and in particular allows to compensate the energy fluctuations of heat and power demand, increase the capacity factor of the connected plants, increase the dispatchability of the renewable energy generated and potentially operate in load following mode. The selected ORC is a regenerative cycle with the adoption of a Heat Recovery Vapour Generator (HRVG) that recovers heat from molten salts flowing from the Hot Tank to the Cold Tank of the TES. By considering the properties of molten salt mixtures, a ternary mixture able to operate between 200 and 400 °C is selected. The main ORC parameters, namely the evaporating pressure/temperature and the evaporator/condenser pinch point temperature differences, are selected as variables for the thermodynamic ORC optimization. An automatic optimization procedure is set up by means of a genetic algorithm (GA) coupled with an in-house code for the ORC calculation. Firstly, a mono-objective optimization is carried out for two working fluids of interest (Toluene and R113) by maximization of the cycle thermal efficiency. Afterwards, a multi-objective optimization is carried out for the fluid with the best performance by means of a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA) in order to evaluate the cycle parameters which maximize the thermal efficiency and minimise the heat exchanger surface areas. Toluene results able to give the best trade-off between efficiency and heat exchanger dimensions for the present application, showing that by with respect to the best efficiency point, the heat exchange area can be reduced by 36% with only a penalty of 1% for the efficiency

    Technoeconomic assessments of hybrid photovoltaic-thermal vs. conventional solar-energy systems: Case studies in heat and power provision to sports centres

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    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the energetic, economic and environmental potentials of hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) and conventional solar energy systems for combined heat and power provision. A solar combined heat and power (S-CHP) system based on PVT collectors, a solar-power system based on PV panels, a solar-thermal system based on evacuated tube collectors (ETCs), and a S-CHP system based on a combination of side-by-side PV panels and ETCs (PV-ETC) are assessed and compared. A conventional CHP system based on a natural-gas-fired internal combustion engine (ICE) prime mover is also analysed as a competing fossil-fuel based solution. Annual simulations are conducted for the provision of electricity, along with space heating, swimming pool heating and hot water to the University Sports Centre of Bari, Italy. The results show that, based on a total installation area of 4000 m2 in all cases, the PVT S-CHP system outperforms the other systems in terms of total energy output, with annual electrical and thermal energy yields reaching 82.3% and 51.3% of the centre’s demands, respectively. The PV system is the most profitable solar solution, with the shortest payback time (9.4 years) and lowest levelised cost of energy (0.089 €/kWh). Conversely, the ETC solar-thermal system is not economically viable for the sports centre application, and increasing the ETC area share in the combined PV-ETC S-CHP system is unfavourable due to the low natural gas price. Although the PVT S-CHP system has the highest investment cost, the high annual revenue from the avoided energy bills elevates its economic performance to a level between those of the conventional PV and ETC-based S-CHP systems, with a payback time of 13.7 years and a levelised cost of energy of 0.109 €/kWh. However, at 445 tCO2/year, the CO2 emission reduction potential of the PVT S-CHP system is considerably higher (by 40–75%) than those of the all other solar systems (254–317 tCO2/year). Compared to the solar energy systems, the ICE-CHP system has the shortest payback time (6.2 years), but its CO2 emission reduction (25 tCO2/year) is significantly lower. A high carbon price is beneficial for improving the cost-competitiveness of the solar energy systems, boosting its market penetration and helping to meet any carbon emission targets

    Co3O4 particles grown over nanocrystalline CeO2: influence of precipitation agents and calcination temperature on the catalytic activity for methane oxidation

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    Crystalline cobalt oxides were prepared by a precipitation method using three different precipitation agents, IJNH4)2CO3, Na2CO3 and COIJNH2)2. Cobalt oxide nanoparticles corresponding to a Co3O4 loading of 30 wt% were also deposited over high-surface area nanocrystalline ceria by the same precipitation agents. The effect of calcination temperature, 350 or 650 °C, on the morphological and structural properties was evaluated. Characterization by BET, XRD, SEM, TEM, Raman spectroscopy, H2-TPR, XPS and NH3-TPD was performed and the catalytic properties were explored in the methane oxidation reaction. The nature of the precipitation agent strongly influenced the textural properties of Co3O4 and the Co3O4–CeO2 interface. The best control of the particle size was achieved by using COIJNH2)2 that produced small and regular crystallites of Co3O4 homogeneously deposited over the CeO2 surface. Such a Co3O4–CeO2 system precipitated by urea showed enhanced low-temperature reducibility and high surface Co3+ concentration, which were identified as the key factors for promoting methane oxidation at low temperature. Moreover, the synergic effect of cobalt oxide and nanocrystalline ceria produced stable full conversion of methane in the entire range of investigated temperature, up to 700–800 °C, at which Co3O4 deactivation usually occurs

    Flexible nuclear plants with thermal energy storage and secondary power cycles: Virtual power plant integration in a UK energy system case study

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    Electricity markets are fast changing because of the increasing penetration of intermittent renewable generation, leading to a growing need for the flexible operation of power plants to provide regulation services to the grid. Previous studies have suggested that conventional power plants (e.g., nuclear) may benefit from the integration of thermal energy storage (TES), as this enables greater flexibility. In conventional Rankine-cycle power plants, steam can be extracted during off-peak periods to charge TES tanks filled with phase-change materials (PCMs); at a later time, when this is required and/or economically favourable, these tanks can feed secondary thermal power plants to generate power, for example, by acting as evaporators of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plants. This solution offers greater flexibility than TES-only solutions that store thermal energy and then release this back to the base power plant, as it allows both derating and over-generation. The solution is applied here to a specific case study of a 670 MW el nuclear power plant in the UK, which is a typical baseload power plant not intended for flexible operation. It is found a maximum combined power of 822 MW el can be delivered during peak demand, which is 23% higher than the base plant’s (nominal) rated power, and a maximum derating of 40%, i.e., down to 406 MW el during off-peak demand. An operational energy management strategy (EMS) is then proposed for optimising the charging of the TES tanks during off-peak demand periods and for controlling the discharging of the tanks for electricity generation during peak-demand periods. An economic analysis is performed to evaluate the potential benefits of this EMS. Profitability in the case study considered here can result when the average peak and off-peak electricity price variations are at least double those that occurred in the UK market in 2019 (with recent data now close to this), and when TES charge/discharge cycles are performed more than once per day with a discharge duration to the ORC plants longer than 2 h. When considering the most recent UK electricity prices in 2021 (to-date), the EMS investment cost for one 1-h charge and 1-h discharge cycle per day is 199 m£ with a total generation of 50 GWh per year and a levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) of 463 £/MWh. The investment cost drops significantly to 48 m£ when discharging for a longer duration of 8 h as the size of the ORC plants decrease. The projected LCOE also decreases to 159 £/MWh when doubling the total generated electricity (100 GWh/year) by employing two 8-h TES charge/discharge cycles per day. Importantly, it is found that the economics of the EMS are determined by a trade-off between longer discharge durations to the ORC plants that minimises their size and cost, and shorter charge/discharge durations that yield the highest spread between off-peak and peak electricity prices
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