8 research outputs found

    Usporedba internetskih i papir-olovka ispitivanja zadovoljstva poslom

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    Parallel to the rising availability and application of Web-based organizational research, the issue of its validity becomes increasingly important. The research was designed to reveal any existing differences in job satisfaction survey data gathered using Intranet and paper-and-pencil administration modes. A sample of employees in one large organization in Serbia (N = 1923), answered either Intranet (N = 425) or paper-based job satisfaction survey (N = 1498). A 50-item version of a Job Satisfaction Scale was highly reliable for both data collection techniques. There was a significant method effect on all the checked indicators: demographic characteristics of Intranet and paper sub-samples based (gender, age, length of service and educational level); proportion of missing answers (on items about job satisfaction and demographic data), satisfaction with specific items and dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as overall job satisfaction. Interaction effects of administration mode by gender, age, length of service and education were not significant. Results stress that before accepting Webbased organizational surveys as a new gold standard we need empirical evidence that Web-based data can be combined and/or compared with paper-based data.Usporedo sa sve većom dostupnosti i primjenom internetskih organizacijskih istraživanja, pitanje njihove valjanosti postaje sve važnije. Istraživanje je usmjereno na pitanje postoje li razlike u podacima o zadovoljstvu poslom prikupljenih pomoćuintraneta i papir-olovka upitnika. Uzorak su činili zaposlenici velike tvrtke u Srbiji (N = 1923), koji su odgovorili na upitnike pomoću intraneta (N = 425) ili papir-olovka upitnika (N = 1498). Ljestvica zadovoljstva poslom od 50 čestica pokazala se visokopouzdanom za obje metode prikupljanja podataka. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj metode na sve označene pokazatelje: sastav intranet i papir-olovka poduzoraka na temelju spola, dobi, staža i obrazovanja; udio neodgovorenih pitanja (na česticama o zadovoljstvu poslom i demografskim podacima), zadovoljstvo s određenim facetama (česticama) i dimenzijama zadovoljstva poslom te ukupno zadovoljstvo poslom. Interakcijski pokazatelji za spol, dob, staž i razinu obrazovanja u obje skupine nisu bili značajni. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu za jasnim rezultatima o mogućnostima generalizacije takvih upitnika prije njihova postavljanja kao standarda ispitivanja

    Measuring consumer involvement

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    Involviranost, uključenost u proizvode i usluge konstrukt je od izuzetne važnosti u oblasti ponaÅ”anja potroÅ”ača. marketinga i oglaÅ”avanja. Involviranost se posmatra kao kauzalna varijabla koja utiče na traženje informacija, proces odlučivanja prilikom kupovine i sl. Cilj istraživanja je provera metrijskih odluka i faktorske strukture dveju skala: Inventara lične involviranosti u formi semantičkog diferencijala i Profila involviranosti u formi Likertove skale. ispitivanje je obavljeno na uzorak studenata psihologije. Skale su proveravane merenjem involviranosti u proizvod (patike) i aktivnost (večernji izlasci). Kronbahov alfa-koeficijent je u rasponu od 0.75 (IP za večernje izlaske) do 0.96 (PII za večernje izlaske i PII za patike). Faktorska struktura involviranosti prema PII skali konzistentna je sa većinom ranijih nalaza. PII skala meri involviranost preko aspekata značaja, interesovanja, relevantnosti. IP skala daje potpuniju sliku dimenzija u osnovi involviranosti.Involvement into the products and services in an extremely important construct in the area of consumer behavior, marketing and advertising. Involvement is seen as a causal variable influencing the information search, decision process at the purchase, etc. The aim of this research was to check the metric characteristics and the factor structure of the two scales: PII - Personal Involvement Inventory, Zaichkowsky, 1985, in the form of the semantic differential and IP - Involvement Profile, Laurent & Capferer, 1985, in the form of Likert scale. The investigation was carried out on the sample of psychology students. The scales were tested by measuring the involvement into the product (sports shoes) and into the activity (evening outings). Cronbach Alfa coefficient is within the range of 0,75 (IP for evening outings) to 0.96 (PII for evening outings and for sport shoes). The actor structure regarding PII scale is consistent with the majority of previous findings. PII scale measures the involvement in the terms of significance, interests and relevancy. IP scale gives the more comprehensive picture of dimensions at the basis of involvement

    Three decades of the periodical Psihologija

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    Prikazane su osnovne informacije o prilozima objavljenim u časopisu Psihologija u periodu 1993-1997. Data je bibliografija radova koji su svrstani u 27 tematskih oblasti. Uvedene su tri nove oblasti U Psihologija umetnosti, Memorija i kognitivna obrada informacija i PsiholoŔke posledice rata. Priložen je i indeks autora.Paper presents basic information about papers published in journal of the Serbian Psychological Society Psihologija 1993 U 1997. Bibliography of papers categorized in 24 fields is included. In the last five years three new fields emerged: Psychology of art, Memory and cognitive processing of information and Psychological consequences of war. Article also contains index of authors

    Identifying organizational factors of job satisfaction: The case of one Serbian company

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    This paper presents the results of exploratory research, the objective of which was to identify organizational factors of job satisfaction. A stratified random sample of 1,488 employees from a Serbian company answered a specially designed questionnaire, which asked them to rate the importance of and their satisfaction with fifty job different aspects. The survey results were analysed by means of three factor analyses, firstly using the data on the importance of job aspects, secondly using the data on satisfaction with the job aspects, and thirdly using data on the gap between the importance and satisfaction ratings. By synthesizing the results of the three factor analyse, a total of six job satisfaction factors was obtained, three of which are identical to previously identified factors and can be found in job satisfaction theory, two of which are modifications of already identified factors, and one factor which is new in this field of research

    What do employees think about 'forced leave'?

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    U dva navrata ispitivana su miÅ”ljenja dve grupe zaposlenih o prinudnim odmorima i njihovim posledicama. Pokazalo se da je situacija u 1995. nepovoljnija nego godinu dana ranije: materijalna situacija je teža za veći broj zaposlenih, strah od gubitka posla veći, porasla je zabrinutost i nesigurnost u sebe. Procena lične i profesionalne budućnosti je nepovoljnija, a čak polovina ispitanika u 1995. očekuje dalje pogorÅ”anje ekonomske situacije. Faktorskom analizom miÅ”ljenja zaposlenih o posledicama prinudnih odmora izdvojena su tri faktora: 'slobodno vreme', 'gubitak statusa radnog čoveka' i 'snalaženje'. Podatak da u 1995. veći broj radnika pokazuje adaptirano ponaÅ”anje, okreće se drugim poslovima i izvorima zarade, iz ugla radnih organizacija mora se smatrati krajnje nepovoljnim. Mehanizmi koji su radnicima pomogli da se snađu u krizi mogu biti ozbiljna prepreka readaptaciji na rad u organizaciji u periodu posle ukidanja sankcija.The opinions of two groups of employees about 'forced leave' (workers being on a leave because the companies are out of business) and its consequences have been studied twice, in 1994 and 1995. The situation in 1995 is shown as less favorable than the one the year before: financial situation is worse for most of the employees, fear of loosing one's job is graver, anxiety and lack of self-assurance have increased, The evaluation of one's personal and professional future is less favorable, and even half of the subjects interviewed expect the economic situation in 1995 to get worse. Three factors have been extracted by factor analysis of the employees opinions about the consequences of the 'forced leave'. These are: 'leisure time', 'the loss of worker status' (being out of work) and 'shifting for oneself'. The fact that in 1995 a great number of workers is showing an adapting behavior, i.e., taking up other jobs and other sources of income, must be considered as utmost unfavourable from the stand point of the organizations. Mechanisms which have helped the workers to cope with the crisis may present serious obstacles in readapting themselves to working in organizations in the period after lifting the UN Sanctions

    Identifying organizational factors of job satisfaction: The case of one Serbian company

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    This paper presents the results of exploratory research, the objective of which was to identify organizational factors of job satisfaction. A stratified random sample of 1,488 employees from a Serbian company answered a specially designed questionnaire, which asked them to rate the importance of and their satisfaction with fifty job different aspects. The survey results were analysed by means of three factor analyses, firstly using the data on the importance of job aspects, secondly using the data on satisfaction with the job aspects, and thirdly using data on the gap between the importance and satisfaction ratings. By synthesizing the results of the three factor analyse, a total of six job satisfaction factors was obtained, three of which are identical to previously identified factors and can be found in job satisfaction theory, two of which are modifications of already identified factors, and one factor which is new in this field of research

    A comparison of web-based and paper-and-pencil job satisfaction surveys

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    Parallel to the rising availability and application of Web-based organizational research, the issue of its validity becomes increasingly important. The research was designed to reveal any existing differences in job satisfaction survey data gathered using Intranet and paper-and-pencil administration modes. A sample of employees in one large organization in Serbia (N = 1923), answered either Intranet (N = 425) or paper-based job satisfaction survey (N = 1498). A 50-item version of a Job Satisfaction Scale was highly reliable for both data collection techniques. There was a significant method effect on all the checked indicators: demographic characteristics of Intranet and paper sub-samples based (gender, age, length of service and educational level); proportion of missing answers (on items about job satisfaction and demographic data), satisfaction with specific items and dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as overall job satisfaction. Interaction effects of administration mode by gender, age, length of service and education were not significant. Results stress that before accepting Webbased organizational surveys as a new gold standard we need empirical evidence that Web-based data can be combined and/or compared with paper-based data

    Locus of control at work and active job seeking

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    Obuhvatnija istraživanja problema nezaposlenosti potiču iz razvijenih zemalja sa stabilno rastućom privrednom aktivnoŔću (do globalne ekonomske krize 2008. godine), tako da je specifično pitanje kako koncepti i teorije nastali u uspeÅ”nim privrednim okolnostima objaÅ”njavaju problem gubitka posla ljudi u tranzitornoj privredi. Problem ovog istraživanja jeste povezanost lokusa kontrole na radu i aktivnog traženja posla u uslovima izražene rastuće nezaposlenosti u privredi u tranziciji. Za potrebe istraživanja prevedene su i adaptirane Skala proaktivnog traženja posla, Skala intenziteta traženja posla (Andrić, 2004) i Spektorova Skala lokusa kontrole na radu (Spector 1988). Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćeni klijenti Nacionalne službe za zapoÅ”ljavanje koji su izgubili posao (N=254). Pouzdanost Skale lokusa kontrole na radu izražena Kronbahovim alfa koeficijentom je 0.792, pouzdanost Skale proaktivnog traženja posla je 0.843, a pouzdanost Adaptirane skale intenziteta traženja posla je 0.832. U uslovima velike nezaposlenosti utvrđena je niska povezanost između lokusa kontrole na radu i opÅ”tijeg pripremnog angažovanja u traženju posla (proaktivno traženje). Na ispitanom uzorku nezaposlenih u Srbiji utvrđena je i slaba povezanost između faktora unutraÅ”njeg lokusa kontrole, s jedne, i proaktivnog traženja posla (r=0.24 p=0.00) i intenziteta traženja posla (r=0.18, p=0.00), s druge strane. Proaktivno traženje i intenzitet traženja posla su u visokoj korelaciji (r=0.74, p=0.00). Nezaposleni sa viÅ”im i visokim obrazovanjem intenzivnije traže posao od nezaposlenih sa osnovnim i srednjim obrazovanjem.More comprehensive researches of the unemployment problem come from the developed countries with the steadily growing economic activity (to the global economic crisis in 2008), so the specific question is how concepts and theories developed under the successful economic circumstances explain the problem of losing jobs in transitional economy. The problem of this research is the correlation (link) of the locus of control at work and active job seeking in the conditions of clear growing unemployment in the economy in transition. The scale of proactive job seeking, scale of intensity of job seeking (Andrić, 2004) and Spector's work locus of control scale (Spector 1988) were translated and adapted for the research needs. The National Employment Service clients who lost their jobs were included in the research (N=254). The reliability of the scale of the locus of control expressed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.792, the reliability of the scale of proactive job seeking is 0.843 and the reliability of the adapted scale of the intensity of job seeking is 0.832. Under the circumstances of high unemployment a low correlation was determined between the locus of control at work and more general, preparatory engagement in job seeking (proactive seeking). On the basis of the examined sample of the unemployed in Serbia a weak correlation was determined between the factors of internal locus of control on one hand, and proactive job seeking (r=0.24, p=0.00) and the intensity of job seeking (r=0.18, p=0.00) on the other hand. Proactive seeking and intensity of job seeking are highly correlated (r=0.74, p=0.00). The unemployed with high and higher education look for jobs more intensively that the unemployed with elementary and secondary education