8,184 research outputs found

    Checking T and CPT violation with sterile neutrino

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    Post LSND results, sterile neutrinos have drawn attention and motivated the high energy physics, astronomy and cosmology to probe physics beyond the standard model considering minimal 3+1 (3 active and 1 sterile) to 3+N neutrino schemes. The analytical equations for neutrino conversion probabilities are developed in this work for 3+1 neutrino scheme. Here, we have tried to explore the possible signals of T and CPT violations with four flavor neutrino scheme at neutrino factory. Values of sterile parameters considered in this analysis are taken from two different types of neutrino experiments viz. long baseline experiments and reactor+atmospheric experiments. In this work golden and discovery channels are selected for the investigation of T violation. While observing T violation we stipulate that neutrino factory working at 50 GeV energy have the potential to observe the T violation signatures for the considered range of baselines(3000 km-7500 km). The ability of neutrino factory for constraining CPT violation is enhanced with increase in energy for normal neutrino mass hierarchy(NH). Neutrino factory with the exposure time of 500 kt-yr will be able to capture CPT violation with δc31≥3.6×10−23 \delta c_{31}\geq 3.6\times10^{-23} GeV at 3σ \sigma level for NH and for IH with δc31≥4×10−23 \delta c_{31}\geq 4\times10^{-23} GeV at 3σ \sigma level

    The Parsec-Scale Jets of the TeV Blazars H 1426+428, 1ES 1959+650, and PKS 2155-304: 2001-2004

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    We present Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the TeV blazars H 1426+428, 1ES 1959+650, and PKS 2155-304 obtained during the years 2001 through 2004. We observed H 1426+428 at four epochs at 8 GHz, and found that its parsec-scale structure consisted of a ~17 mJy core and a single ~3 mJy jet component with an apparent speed of 2.09 +/- 0.53c. The blazar 1ES 1959+650 was observed at three epochs at frequencies of 15 and 22 GHz. Spectral index information from these dual-frequency observations was used to definitively identify the core of the parsec-scale structure. PKS 2155-304 was observed at a single epoch at 15 GHz with dual-circular polarization, and we present the first VLBI polarimetry image of this source. For 1ES 1959+650 and PKS 2155-304, the current observations are combined with the VLBA observations from our earlier paper to yield improved apparent speed measurements for these sources with greatly reduced measurement errors. The new apparent speed measured for component C2 in 1ES 1959+650 is 0.00 +/- 0.04c (stationary), and the new apparent speed measured for component C1 in PKS 2155-304 is 0.93 +/- 0.31c. We combine the new apparent speed measurements from this paper with the apparent speeds measured in TeV blazar jets from our earlier papers to form a current set of apparent speed measurements in TeV HBLs. The mean peak apparent pattern speed in the jets of the TeV HBLs is about 1c. We conclude the paper with a detailed discussion of the interpretation of the collected VLBA data on TeV blazars in the context of current theoretical models for the parsec-scale structure of TeV blazar jets.Comment: 16 pages, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Elimination of avoidable blindness due to cataract: where do we prioritize and how should we monitor this decade?

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    BACKGROUND: In the final push toward the elimination of avoidable blindness, cataract occupies a position of eminence for the success of the Right to Sight initiative. AIMS: Review existing situation and assess what monitoring indicators may be useful to chart progress towards attaining the goals of Vision 2020. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Review of published papers from low and middle income countries since 2000. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Published population-based data on prevalence of cataract blindness/visual impairment were accessed and prevalence of cataract blindness/visual impairment computed, where not reported. Data on prevalence of cataract blindness, cataract surgical coverage at different visual acuity cut offs, surgical outcomes, and prevalence of cataract surgery were analyzed. Scatter plots were used to look at relationships of some variables, with Human Development Index (HDI) rank. Available data on Cataract Surgical Rate (CSR) was plotted against prevalence of cataract surgery reported from surveys. RESULTS: Worse HDI Ranks were associated with higher prevalence of cataract blindness. Most studies showed that a significant proportion of the blind were covered by surgery, while a fifth showed that a significant proportion, were operated before they went blind. A good visual outcome after surgery was positively correlated with higher surgical coverage. CSR was positively correlated with cataract surgical coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Cataract surgical coverage is increasing in most countries at vision <3/60 and visual outcomes after cataract surgery are improving. Establishing population-based surveillance of cataract surgical need and performance is a strong monitoring tool and will help program planners immensely

    Seasonal relationships between Indian summer monsoon rainfall and the Southern Oscillation.

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    Association between the all-India summer monsoon (June to September) rainfall and an index of the Southern Oscillation (SO) is studied in relation to the vagaries of the monsoon rainfall and the seasonal characteristics of the SO. The SOI values of different months and standard seasons show opposite tendencies during deficient and excess years of all-India monsoon rainfall. The correlation coefficients between the all-India monsoon rainfall series and the SOIs of summer monsoon, autumn and winter minus spring seasons are significant at the 1 per cent level

    Magnetic field sensor for isotropically sensing an incident magnetic field in a sensor plane

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    A magnetic field sensor that isotropically senses an incident magnetic field. This is preferably accomplished by providing a magnetic field sensor device that has one or more circular shaped magnetoresistive sensor elements for sensing the incident magnetic field. The magnetoresistive material used is preferably isotropic, and may be a CMR material or some form of a GMR material. Because the sensor elements are circular in shape, shape anisotropy is eliminated. Thus, the resulting magnetic field sensor device provides an output that is relatively independent of the direction of the incident magnetic field in the sensor plane

    Method and apparatus for sensing a desired component of an incident magnetic field using magneto resistive elements biased in different directions

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    A method and apparatus for sensing a desired component of a magnetic field using an isotropic magnetoresistive material. This is preferably accomplished by providing a bias field that is parallel to the desired component of the applied magnetic field. The bias field is applied in a first direction relative to a first set of magnetoresistive sensor elements, and in an opposite direction relative to a second set of magnetoresistive sensor elements. In this configuration, the desired component of the incident magnetic field adds to the bias field incident on the first set of magnetoresistive sensor elements, and subtracts from the bias field incident on the second set of magnetoresistive sensor elements. The magnetic field sensor may then sense the desired component of the incident magnetic field by simply sensing the difference in resistance of the first set of magnetoresistive sensor elements and the second set of magnetoresistive sensor elements

    Longevity in Nepal, Environmental, Health and Policy Challenges

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    Longevity is a relatively recent phenomenon in Nepal; over the past few decades the priority in Nepal has been reducing infant and maternal mortality. With an increasingly aging population and changing patterns of migration, this brings with it challenges to Nepali society in terms of meeting the needs of an aging population and creating a policy environment that ensures these needs are met. This paper explores some of the complexities of an aging population in Nepal and focuses on examining the various health and service implications to a nation that has recently been engaged in a decade long „People‟s War‟. Through highlighting the paucity of research in this area, this paper argues for an urgent need for research, both scientific and within the social sciences, into the complexities of meeting the needs of an aging population in the context of Nepal. It clearly demonstrates the need for new spaces of dialogue to emerge where these debates and lessons can be shared

    A contraction theorem in menger space

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    Gaschromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of degradation of ethylacetoacetate achieved in shake flask culture using a previously characterized yeast strain Tichosporon dermatis.

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    Public and regulatory interest regarding the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds in the environment its increasing adverse impact has increased in the recent years. Detection of a wide variety of pharmaceutical compounds in water environment has been a serious and growing concern in the last few decades. Understanding the biological degradation of pharmaceutical compounds is essential for accurately determining their ultimate environmental fate, conducting accurate risk assessments, and improving removal of such micro pollutants.  Present investigation was designed to accomplish biodegradation of ethylacetoacetate in shake flask culture using whole cells of previously isolated and identified yeast strain Trichosporon dermatis, from pharmaceutical effluents using enrichment culture technique. The strain was cultivated for two generations on an orbital shaker at 120 rpm at 28 ± 20C and the biomass was separated by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 20 mts. Normal saline washed cells were used in degradation carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks containing 500 ml of mineral medium containing ethylacetoacetate at standard conditions; wet cell weight= 20g/l; ethylacetoacetate concentration = 0.5% in mineral medium (w/v); time of biodegradation= 72 hrs; temperature= 28 ± 20C. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of microbially degraded product revealed that complete degradation of ethylacetoacetate in mineral medium was achieved in 72 hours using whole cells of Trichosporon dermatis yeast strain. Degradation of ethylacetoacetate by this yeast strain has not been reported before the present investigation. Keywords: ethyl acetoacetate, biodegradation, Gass chromatography/mass spectrometry and effluents
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