244 research outputs found

    Physics and chemistry of producing silicon-hydroxylapatite-titanium composite materials

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    In the research, Si-HA poweders have been synthesized using SBF solution with different content of silicon. It was found that all the samples synthesized from the model solution of extracellular fluid under varying concentration of silicate ions are single-phase and repesent hydroxyapatite. The nature of the reagent containing SiO[44]- ions does not affect the hydroxyapatite structure. In the study of the surface and morphological characteristics of the phosphate coatings modified by silicon ions, it was found that as the degree of phosphate calcium substitution by SiO[44]- ions increases, the surface wettability on the titanium substrates deteriorates and cohesive energy decreases. It is shown that the titanium coating is formed in three stages. After irradiation of titanium substrates coated with Si-HA, the crystals can keep growing and the surface can keep regenerating

    Esports as a New Socio-Cultural Phenomenon

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    Раскрывается понятие массового компьютерного спорта — «киберспорта» и его влияния на социальную среду, описывается проблематика развития и популяризации киберспорта ранее, несмотря на достаточный срок его существования, а также обосновываются причины роста его популярности в настоящее время благодаря работе общероссийской общественной организации — Федерации компьютерного спорта России, — актуальность и польза компьютерного спорта, выявленные в ходе исследования.The concept of mass computer sports — “e‑sports” and its impact on the social environment is revealed. The problems of development and popularization of cybersport earlier are described, despite the sufficient period of its existence. The reasons for the growth of its popularity at the present time due to the work of the all-Russian public organization — the Federation of Computer Sports of Russia, the relevance and benefits of computer sports identified in the course of the study are substantiated


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    Background. Prolong contact with manufacturing factors of gas producing, in particular hydrogen sulfide, results in dysfunction of various organs and systems, including immune system, which is involved in regulation of the aging process activity. Absence of effective geropreventive means creates the need for pathogenetic way for aging process deceleration. Aim. To study the geroprotective properties of rosuvastatin in respect of people engaged in the gas producing. Material and Methods. The male workers (n=100) of the company “Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan” were examined. Evaluation of biological age by the method of Chebotarev D.F ., determination of p53 protein and interleukin-8, 10, 18 concentrations by solid phase enzyme immunoassay were performed before treatment start and after 18 months of rosuvastatin taking. Results. Rosuvastatin therapy in dose of 5 mg/day resulted in the reduction in atherogenic lipids, pro-inflammatory cytokine - interleukin-8 and marker of apoptosis - protein p53 as well as aging rate slowdown. Conclusion. Pathogenic method of geroprevention with rosuvastatin 5 mg/day was proposed for people engaged in gas producing

    Marketing of Physical Education and Sports

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    На сегодняшний день физическая культура в целом и спорт в частности настолько сильно вошли в повседневную жизнь человека, что без них невозможно представить современный мир. В данной статье рассматривается, каким образом происходит популяризация спорта за счет применения спортивного маркетинга на примере Континентальной хоккейной лиги – международной лиги, созданной для развития хоккея на территории России и других стран Европы и Азии.Today, physical culture in general and sports, in particular, have entered the daily life of a person so much that it is impossible to imagine the modern world without it. In this article, the authors consider how sports are popularized through the use of sports marketing on the example of an international league created to develop hockey in Russia and other countries of Europe and Asia — the Continental Hockey League


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    X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy were used to study the effect of concentration of various amino acids on gallstone formation under conditions close to the human body. It has been found that the main phase in crystallizable solids is the calcite phase

    Service in the Sports Industry

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    В статье рассматривается зависимость индустрии спорта от качества услуг, выполняемых организациями, рассматриваются примеры некачественного сервиса в индустрии спорта, а также описан пример качественного обслуживания спортсменов и зрителей в Удмуртской Республике, конкретно на «Президентских соревнованиях». Разработаны методики для качественного обслуживания спортсменов и зрителей, комфорта и безопасности как спортсменов, так и зрителей.The article discusses the dependence of the sports industry on the quality of services provided by organizations, provides examples from personal experience, poor-quality service in the sports industry, as well as an example of quality service for athletes and spectators in the Udmurt Republic, specifically the “Presidential Competition”. Techniques have been developed for quality service to athletes and spectators, to create comfort and safety for both athletes and spectators

    Psychological health and well-being of those engaged in physical culture and sports

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 04.08.2022. Принята к публикации: 06.09.2022.Received: 04.08.2022. Accepted: 06.09.2022.Физическая культура и спорт во многом определяют поведение и эмоциональную составляющую человека. В данной статье рассмотрено влияние физической культуры и спорта на психологическое здоровье и благополучие занимающихся, а также подробно изучено психологическое здоровье и его составляющие.Physical culture and sports largely determine the behavior and emotional component of a person. This article examines the influence of physical culture and sports on the psychological health and well-being of those involved, and also examines psychological health and its components in more detail

    Features of Morphometric Changes in Platelets and Red Blood Cells in Women with Various Forms of Hypertensive Disorders in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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    Background. Arterial hypertension during pregnancy is accompanied by pronounced changes in microcirculation and hemostasis in the system, the state of which is largely determined by the structural and functional properties of red blood cells and platelets. The study of quantitative and morphometric characteristics of blood cells will expand the existing understanding of their role in the pathogenesis of hypertensive disorders.Aim of the research. To study the quantitative and morphometric indicators of red blood cells and platelets in pregnant women with various forms of hypertensive disorders, on the basis of which to develop an additional method for the diagnosis of preeclampsia. Materials and methods. 237 women in the third trimester of pregnancy were examined. The main group (167 women) included patients with various forms of hypertensive disorders. The comparison group included 70 pregnant women without signs of hypertensive disorders. The characteristic of clinical and anamnestic data of the studied groups is given. A comparative analysis of the number and morphometric parameters of red blood cells and platelets was performed.Results. With moderate and severe preeclampsia, a decrease in the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit was not accompanied by changes in red blood cell indices. In women with preeclampsia, regardless of the presence of chronic arterial hypertension, an increase in the average dry weight, average volume and degree of platelet anisocytosis was detected. In severe preeclampsia and preeclampsia with underlying of  chronic arterial hypertension, an increase in the number of large forms of platelets and their granulocytosis was revealed, and in addition, in severe cases of preeclampsia, a decrease in platelet level was noted.Conclusions. Modern hematological analyzers make it possible to establish the nature of not only quantitative, but also morphometric changes in red blood cells and platelets, thereby complementing the existing understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Using average dry platelet mass and average blood pressure may be useful in diagnosing preeclampsia

    The investment environment management system in the framework of legal support as a factor of national safety

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    The investment environment management system in the framework of legal support as a factor of national safety / Iryna Panova, Olha Andriiko, Liudmila Kysil , Tetyana Kurylo , Yuliya Uralova // Journal of Security and SustainabilityIssues. – 2020. – № 10 (1) – Р. 149-162. –DOI: https://doi.org/10.9770/jssi.2020.10.1(11)Проведене дослідження дозволило не тільки провести аналіз асиметричного розвитку світової інвестиційного середовища, а й сформувати компоненти формування інвестиційного середовища країни, розділити країни на кластери за рівнем їх розвитку, відзначити факторне навантаження та запропонувати авторський рейтинг привабливості інвестиційного середовища.The held study made it possible not only to carry out an analysis of asymmetric development of the world investment environment but also form the components of establishing an investment environment of the country, divide the countries into clusters upon the level of its development, mark factor loading, and offer the authorial ranking of the investment environment attractiveness.Проведенное исследование позволило не только провести анализ асимметричного развития мировой инвестиционной среды, но и сформировать компоненты формирования инвестиционной среды страны, разделить страны на кластеры по уровню их развития, отметить факторную загрузку и составить авторский рейтинг привлекательности инвестиционной среды


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    The study describes main scientific and practical results obtained when researching new technologies and technical facilities for disposal of ash and slag wastes produced by thermal power plants. The issues of environmental safety provision in the area of thermal power plants are discussed and technologies for magnetic recovery of precious metals from ash and slag wastes are proposed. The data obtained is implemented in methodological documents, technical facilities and introduced into the industry with an economic effect. Приведены основные научные и практические результаты исследований новых технологий и технических средств для утилизации золошлаков тепловых электростанций. Рассмотрены вопросы обеспечения экологической безопасности районов расположения тепловых электростанций и предложены технологии по магнитному извлечению из их золошлаков ценных металлов. Полученные данные реализованы в методических документах, технических средствах и внедрены в промышленность с экономическим эффектом