68 research outputs found

    Harmonic Mean Labelling of Subdivision and Related Graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be a mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices with distinct elements f(x) from 0,1,2,…..q in such a way that when each edge is labelled with if is even and if is odd, then the resulting edge labels are distinct. is called a mean labelling of G. In this paper, we investigate the mean labelling of caterpillar, dragon, arbitrary super subdivision of a path and some graphs which are obtained from cycles and stars

    Euler Characteristic and Injective Modules

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    In this talk, we will work almost exclusively with the Euler characteristic and some of the consequences of its topological invariance. We discuss by following that motivated the study of the characteristic. This gives a relation between topological invariant of the surface and a quantity derived from its combinatorial description. Secondly, we obtain an inequality relating the number of normal triangles and normal quadrilaterals, that depends on the maximum number of tetrahedrons that share a vertex. In this thesis, we disscuss this and related injectivity conditions and show that there are many rings


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Naturally occurring anticancer compounds of Indian origin are well-known for potential therapeutic values. A better understanding ofthe intermolecular interactions of these compounds with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is essential, as its activity isreported in many of the cancers involving colon, breast, gastric, and lung. By this study, it is attempted to perform an in silico screening of naturalanticancer compounds of Indian origin with PPARγ ligand binding domain (LBD). The potential anticancer leads ranked in this study will also exertan additional advantage of PPARγ activity modulation. As PPARγ is also an important nuclear hormone receptor that modulates transcriptionalregulation of lipid and glucose homeostasis and also a key target for many of the anti-diabetic medications, the compounds ranked by this study willalso be utilized for other related therapeutic effects.Methods: This study features in silico screening of compounds from Indian Plant Anticancer compounds database against PPARγ LBD main performedSchrodinger glide virtual screening and docking module to delineate potential PPARγ agonists. Finally, the most potential lead was also subjected tomolecular dynamics simulation to infer the stability of complex formation.Results: The results reveal that majority of the top ranking compounds that interact with LBD was found to be flavonoids, and all these compoundswere found to interact with key residues involved in PPARγ agonist interactions.Conclusion: The leads from this study would be helpful in better understanding of the potential of naturally occurring anticancer compounds ofIndian origin toward targeting PPARγ.Keywords: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, Agonists, Docking, Natural compounds, Anticancer.Â

    Effect of Organic Nutrition Practices on Papaya (cv. Surya) Fruit Yield, Quality and Soil Health

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    A field experiment was conducted during 2005-07 at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, on papaya cv. Surya with six organic treatments along with recommended dose of fertilizers and no manure/fertilizer application. Results indicated that crop growth and fruit yield were higher in inorganic fertilizer treatment (55 t ha1) compared to organic treatments (26.9 to 38 t ha-1). There was no significant variation in average fruit weight and TSS, but shelf life of the fruit was significantly higher in organic treatments (6.2 to 7.9 days) as compared to inorganic fertilizer treatment (5.1days). Among the treatments, application of 7 kg urban compost plant-1 or 10 kg FYM plant-1 was found to be ideal for improving soil health in terms of microbial population, and biochemical reaction compared to other treatments

    Utišani gga-miR-142-3p u pilećem embriju: ekspresija profila XPO1.

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    Differential expression of gga-miR-142-3p microRNA of haemopoeitic origin during immune organ development and functional stages in chicken embryos creates new opportunities for understanding its pivotal role during embryonic developmental stages. To decipher the role of gga-miR-142-3p in-ovo knockdown was carried out with LNA modified anti-miR-gga-miR-142-3p via intravenous route at developmental and functional stages of the immune organs and other organs. Bioinformatic analysis of the genes targeted by gga-miRNA-142-3p revealed that the predicted gene XPO1 conserved binding sites at 3’UTR. The target gene XPO1 was evaluated as the validated target of gga-miR-142-3p by employing qPCR SYBR green based technology, which was evidenced by its increased expression in the tissues of gga-miR-142-3p knockdown chicken embryos. Histopathological alterations in the immune organs and visceral organs indicated that the systemic knockdown of gga-miR-124-3p led to over expression of the XPO1 gene during the embryonic stages, and changed the environment of the immune organs related to structural integrity, immune response, signal transduction and migration of B and T cells during the embryonic developmental stage in the chicken embryos. The results clearly indicated that these changes could alter the postnatal development and functions of these immune organs, and may lead to development of immuno-compromised chickens.Različita ekspresija gga-miR-142-3p mikroRNA hemopoetskog podrijetla daje nove mogućnosti razumijevanja njezine ključne uloge u embrionalnom razvoju limfnih organa i funkcionalnih zbivanja u pilećem zametku. Za otkrivanje uloge gga-miR-142-3p in ovo provedeno je utišavanje zaključanom nukleinskom kiselinom što preko anti-miR-gga-miR-142-3p preinačuje razvojne i funkcionalne sposobnosti limfnih i drugih organa. Bioinformatička analiza ciljnih gena za gga-miRNA-142-3p otkriva da gen XPO1 ima konzervirana mjesta vezanja na 3’UTR. Gen XPO1 bio je potvrđen kao cilj za gga-miR-142-3p uporabom tehnologije temeljene na qPCR SYBR zelenilu, što je bilo dokazano njegovom povećanom ekspresijom u tkivima pilećih zametaka s utišanim gga-miR-142-3p. Patohistološke promjene u imunosnim i unutarnjim organima pokazuju da sustavno utišavanje gga-miR-124-3p vodi do prevelike ekspresije gena XPO1 tijekom embrionalnog razvoja. To mijenja zadaću imunosnih organa s obzirom na strukturni integritet, imunosni odgovor, prijenos poruka te migraciju B i T limfocita tijekom razvoja pilećih zametaka. Rezultati jasno naznačuju da te promjene mogu preinačiti postnatalni razvoj i funkcije imunosnih organa te mogu dovesti do razvoja imunološki oslabljenih pilića

    Influence of Organic Practices on Growth and Fruit Yield in Papaya Cv. Surya

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    A field trial on organic practices in papaya cv. Surya was conducted during 2009-2011 with 10 nutrient combinations involving farm yard manure, biofertilizers and VAM along with 100% recommended dose of fertilizers and no manure/ fertilizer treatment. Vegetative parameters were recorded periodically. At 18 months after planting, plant height, plant girth and number of leaves were found to be significant. Results indicated that, crop growth was better with organic treatments compared to no manure/fertilizer treatment. Fruit yield and quality parameters were also recorded. Fruit yield and average fruit weight were found to be significant. Maximum fruit yield of 32kg/plant (80 t/ ha) was recorded under 75% recommended dose of fertilizer applied as farm yard manure+vermicompost, which was significantly superior to that in 100% recommended dose of fertilizer for the 18-month cropping period

    Effect of Organic Practices on Fruit Quality in Papaya Cv. Surya

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    A field experiment was conducted during 2009-10 at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore using papaya cv. 'Surya'. Ten organic nutrient treatments along with recommended dose of fertilizers and control (no manure/fertilizer) were used totaling twelve treatment combinations of FYM, biofertilizers and vermicompost. Fruit quality parameters such as total carotenoids, lycopene, TSS, average fruit weight and ascorbic acid content were analyzed. Among the treatments, application of 50% recommended dose of fertilizers in the form of farm yard manure (FYM) applied as Azospirillum+Phosphate solubilizing bacteria+Mycorrhiza+Vermicompost showed high level of carotenoids, lycopene and low levels of ascorbic acid. TSS and average fruit weight were not affected by various organic nutrient treatments


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    In the title compound, C16H17BrN2O, the pyridine and benzene rings are almost coplanar [dihedral angle = 1.3 (2)°]. An intra­molecular O—H⋯Br inter­action forms an S(5) ring motif

    Scarce Sample-Based Reliability Estimation and Optimization Using Importance Sampling

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    Importance sampling is a variance reduction technique that is used to improve the efficiency of Monte Carlo estimation. Importance sampling uses the trick of sampling from a distribution, which is located around the zone of interest of the primary distribution thereby reducing the number of realizations required for an estimate. In the context of reliability-based structural design, the limit state is usually separable and is of the form Capacity (C)–Response (R). The zone of interest for importance sampling is observed to be the region where these distributions overlap each other. However, often the distribution information of C and R themselves are not known, and one has only scarce realizations of them. In this work, we propose approximating the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function using kernel functions and employ these approximations to find the parameters of the importance sampling density (ISD) to eventually estimate the reliability. In the proposed approach, in addition to ISD parameters, the approximations also played a critical role in affecting the accuracy of the probability estimates. We assume an ISD which follows a normal distribution whose mean is defined by the most probable point (MPP) of failure, and the standard deviation is empirically chosen such that most of the importance sample realizations lie within the means of R and C. Since the probability estimate depends on the approximation, which in turn depends on the underlying samples, we use bootstrap to quantify the variation associated with the low failure probability estimate. The method is investigated with different tailed distributions of R and C. Based on the observations, a modified Hill estimator is utilized to address scenarios with heavy-tailed distributions where the distribution approximations perform poorly. The proposed approach is tested on benchmark reliability examples and along with surrogate modeling techniques is implemented on four reliability-based design optimization examples of which one is a multi-objective optimization problem