13 research outputs found

    Teachers' Perceptions of Their Own Competences in View of the Demands of the Professionalisation of the Teaching Profession

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    Profesjonalizm w zawodzie nauczyciela odgrywa znaczącą rolę w realizowaniu złożonych zadań, a jego podstawą są odpowiednie kompetencje o zróżnicowanym zakresie i charakterze. W badaniach przeprowadzonych w grupie 2151 nauczycieli z województwa lubelskiego skupiono się na postrzeganiu przez nich swoich kompetencji zawodowych w aspekcie ich ważności, trudności i stopnia opanowania. Niniejszy tekst prezentuje częściowe wyniki uzyskane z szerszego projektu badawczego, które koncentrują się na charakterze kompetencji, określonych jako interpretacyjne, pragmatyczne i transgresyjne. Zastosowano 40-itemowy kwestionariusz, opisujący różne obszary wiedzy, umiejętności i działań nauczycieli, które stanowiły operacjonalizację szerszych grup kompetencji zawodowych. Badani na 5-stopniowej skali oceniali stopień ich ważności, trudności i opanowania. W analizach statystycznych uwzględniono zmienne kontekstualne: płeć, staż pracy, stopień awansu zawodowego, pełniona funkcje oraz typ i lokalizacje placówki.Professionalism in the teaching profession plays a significant role in the execution of complex tasks and is based on relevant competences of varying scope and nature. The study conducted in a group of 2151 teachers from the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Poland focused on teachers’ perceptions of their professional competences in terms of their importance, difficulty and decollected. The OIP-II consists of six scales: psychomotor, sensual, imaginational, intellectual OEs, plus emotional sensitivity and emotional empathy. The participants were 116 parents-matic and transgressive. The study used a 40-item questionnaire, describing different areas of teachers’ knowledge, skills and activity, which operationalized broader groups of professional competences. Statistical analyses examined socio-demographic variables: gender, work experience, professional advancement grade, position held, and type and location of the educational establishment.The analysis of the results showed that teachers differentiate their perceptions of competences according to their nature, ranking pragmatic competences as the most important, followed by interpretive and transgressive competences, respectively. They consider the skills andactivities associated with transgressive and pragmatic competences to be more difficult than those associated with interpretive competences. While assessing the mastery of competences, a similar level is observed for interpretive and pragmatic competences and a lower level fortransgressive competences. On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that the teachers primarily pay attention to knowledge and practical skills related to the performance of professional tasks, with less appreciation of aspects related to interpretive and transgressive competences. This approach seems insufficient from the perspective of the ongoing professionalisation of the teaching profession and the challenges of 21st-century education.Professionalism in the teaching profession plays a significant role in the execution of complex tasks and is based on relevant competences of varying scope and nature. The study conducted in a group of 2151 teachers from the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Poland focused on teachers’ perceptions of their professional competences in terms of their importance, difficulty and decollected. The OIP-II consists of six scales: psychomotor, sensual, imaginational, intellectual OEs, plus emotional sensitivity and emotional empathy. The participants were 116 parents-matic and transgressive. The study used a 40-item questionnaire, describing different areas of teachers’ knowledge, skills and activity, which operationalized broader groups of professional competences. Statistical analyses examined socio-demographic variables: gender, work experience, professional advancement grade, position held, and type and location of the educational establishment.The analysis of the results showed that teachers differentiate their perceptions of competences according to their nature, ranking pragmatic competences as the most important, followed by interpretive and transgressive competences, respectively. They consider the skills andactivities associated with transgressive and pragmatic competences to be more difficult than those associated with interpretive competences. While assessing the mastery of competences, a similar level is observed for interpretive and pragmatic competences and a lower level fortransgressive competences. On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that the teachers primarily pay attention to knowledge and practical skills related to the performance of professional tasks, with less appreciation of aspects related to interpretive and transgressive competences. This approach seems insufficient from the perspective of the ongoing professionalisation of the teaching profession and the challenges of 21st-century education

    Percutaneous management of long and diffused coronary lesions using newer generation drug-eluting stents in routine clinical practice : long-term outcomes and complication predictors

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    Long and diffuse coronary lesions (LDCLs) are routinely subjected to percutaneous management, but long‑term clinical outcomes and complication predictors with the use of contemporary stents and techniques remain undetermined. Long and diffuse coronary lesion was defined as a lesion requiring an implantation of 30 mm or longer total stent(s) length (TSL) into one coronary artery (bailouts excluded). There were 290 LDCL interventions with the use of newer generation drug‑eluting stents (DESs cobalt chromium everolimus- or zotarolimus-eluting stents) performed between January 2013 and January 2016. The mean (SD) TSL was 55.5 (16.8) mm. The use of intravascular ultrasound / optical coherence tomography was 17.1%, rotablation, 6.9%, and noncompliant balloon, 88.9%. The median (range) follow‑up duration was 831 (390-1373) days. All‑cause mortality and cardiac death rates were 11.7% and 6.9%, respectively. The myocardial infarction (MI) rate was 6.6%, including target‑vessel MI in 4.1%. The rate of clinically‑driven repeat revascularization was 13.8%, and of definite or probable LDCL stent thrombosis, 7.2%. Overall patient‑oriented adverse event rate (any death, MI, or repeat revascularization) was 25.5%, and device‑oriented rate (cardiac death, target vessel‑MI, or target lesion restenosis), 13.4%. Adverse outcome predictors were chronic kidney disease, acute coronary syndrome as an indication for the procedure, chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, multivessel disease, and coexisting peripheral artery disease, but not lesion‑related factors, such as bifurcation, calcification, chronic total occlusion, or TSL. Adverse outcomes following contemporary LDCL management using newer generation DESs in routine clinical practice are associated with clinical patient characteristics rather than lesion characteristics or TSL. We identified high‑risk patient cohorts that may benefit from enhanced surveillance

    siRNA preparations in gene therapy of ovarian cancer

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    According to statistics, ovarian cancer is the fourth cause of death due to gynecologic cancer. It results from late diagnosis of the disease, caused by the lack of characteristic symptoms, as well as from unsatisfactory treatment methods due to e.g. cell resistance to chemotherapy. The search for new therapies is still in progress. It is believed that preparations whose activity is based on RNA interference, i.e. gene silencing with the use of siRNA, are a promising group of new antineoplastic medications. Fire et al. were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering this phenomenon. The phenomenon of siRNA interference in healthy cells is a natural protective mechanism. Genes are silenced in the cytoplasm with the use of the Dicer enzyme. siRNA gene preparations are delivered into cells with the use of viral methods such as AAV or adenoviruses, as well as non-viral methods e.g. with the use of liposomes. Clinical trials concerning siRNA preparations are now in the first phase. They are conducted on two gene preparations: CALAA-01 and siRNA nanomolecule directed against PLK1. In this paper attention was drawn to the therapeutic meaning of siRNA sequences in relation to the following genes: MDR1, VEGF, MMP, CD44, HER2, SHH, STAT. Both experimental and clinical studies give hope for the use of the described mechanisms in fight with ovarian cancer in the future.Rak jajnika według statystyk zajmuje czwarte miejsce wśród zgonów z powodu nowotworów ginekologicznych. Wynika to zarówno z późnego rozpoznania choroby, spowodowanego brakiem charakterystycznych objawów, jak i stale niezadowalających efektów leczenia, m.in. ze względu na oporność komórek na chemioterapię. Poszukiwanie nowych metod terapii jest więc nadal aktualne. Uważa się, że obiecującą grupą potencjalnych leków przeciwnowotworowych mogą być preparaty, których aktywność opiera się na zjawisku interferencji RNA, czyli wyciszaniu genów za pomocą siRNA. Za odkrycie tego zjawiska Fire i wsp. zostali uhonorowani Nagrodą Nobla. Zjawisko interferencji siRNA w prawidłowych komórkach jest naturalnym mechanizmem obronnym. Do wyciszenia genów dochodzi w cytoplazmie przy udziale enzymu Dicer. Preparaty genowe siRNA wprowadza się do komórek, wykorzystując metody wirusowe, takie jak AAV czy adenowirusy, a także za pomocą metod niewirusowych, np. z zastosowaniem liposomów. Badania kliniczne preparatów genowych siRNA znajdują się obecnie w pierwszej fazie. Prowadzone są na dwóch preparatach genowych CALAA-01 oraz na nanocząsteczce siRNA skierowanej przeciw PLK1. W niniejszej pracy skupiono uwagę na terapeutycznym znaczeniu sekwencji siRNA w stosunku do genów: MDR1, VEGF, MMP, CD44, HER2, SHH, STAT. Zarówno badania eksperymentalne, jak i kliniczne niosą nadzieję na wykorzystanie w przyszłości omawianego mechanizmu do walki z rakiem jajnika

    Coma in the course of severe poisoning after consumption of red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

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    Red fly agaric poisoning is rare. It can be consumed for suicidal purposes or its psychedelic effect. The paper describes the case of a young men, who fell into a coma after ingestion of the red toadstools. Quick identification of the poison, early use of gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment resulted in regression of symptoms and lead to the patient's discharge from the hospital on the third day after intoxication. Authors discussing the poisonous alkaloids contained in the red toadtools: ibotenic acid, muscimol, muscasone and muscarine and theirs properties, responsible for the symptoms of intoxication

    Coma in the course of severe poisoning after consumption of red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria).

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    Red fly agaric poisoning is rare. It can be consumed for suicidal purposes or its psychedelic effect. The paper describes the case of a young men, who fell into a coma after ingestion of the red toadstools. Quick identification of the poison, early use of gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment resulted in regression of symptoms and lead to the patient's discharge from the hospital on the third day after intoxication. Authors discussing the poisonous alkaloids contained in the red toadtools: ibotenic acid, muscimol, muscasone and muscarine and theirs properties, responsible for the symptoms of intoxication