134 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Forbush Decrease Events of February and August, 1999

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    Role of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana in Enhancing the Paradigm of Financial Inclusion in Rural India

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    This article examines the role of the Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana (PM JDY) in boosting public wealth. Millions of households around the country benefit from financial inclusion and banking access, as well as insurance coverage and a sense of security, thanks to this programme. As a result of integrating this scheme with many other government initiatives, money will be immediately credited into the accounts of the recipients, eliminating intermediaries and reducing leakages. This strategy enables access to micro-credit in the later stages of the programme. Many of the accounts created under this plan, however, were idle, a problem that will be addressed once the government links it to other government-run programmes like NAREGA Job Yojna  and other direct cash benefit transfer programmes. Overall, this plan has the potential to be a game changer and alter the country's landscape. It might be able to help plug leaks and boost the efficiency of specific public distribution networks. A systematic questionnaire was used to collect primary data, while secondary data was gathered from a variety of sources including books, papers, and published materials. Finally, it makes an effort to propose relevant recommendations to improve PM JDY's standing in terms of increasing public wealth

    Correlative Analysis of Long Term Cosmic Ray Variation in Relation with Sunspot Number

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    In this paper we will study about the relation between Cosmic ray Intensity(CRI) and Sunspot Number for solar cycle 22, 23 and 24.For this we have taken the data of cosmic ray intensity from various neutron Monitor stations .These neutron monitor stations are well maintained  stations and provide reliable cosmic ray data for variation study. A detail correlative study have been done by running cross correlation method. The cosmic ray intensity and sunspot number shows high and negative correlation among themselves. Sunspot number shows anti phase with Cosmic ray Intensity (CRI). Keywords:- Cosmic –ray; Solar Cycle; Solar activity; Sunspot numbe

    On Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Spaces

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    Abstract: - The Purpose of this paper, we prove common fixed point theorem using new continuity condition in fuzzy metric spaces. Keywords: - Compatible maps, R-weakly commuting maps, reciprocal continuity. Mathematics subject classification: - 47H10, 54H25

    Coronal Index of Solar Activity and Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations

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    Paternally inherited trisomy at D21S11 and mutation at DXS10135 microsatellite marker in a case of fetus paternity establishment

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    AbstractThe case of establishment of paternity of an aborted fetus was examined with 15 autosomal STR markers. The genotype of the fetus was X at amelogenin marker and showed inheritance of both the alleles of father at D21S11 marker, thus displaying unusual tri-allelic pattern. The cases where mutation in any of biparental autosomal STR markers is observed, the use of additional STR marker system is recommended. On testing all the three samples with 12 X-STR markers, all the maternal and paternal alleles were accounted in the female fetus except at DXS10135 marker. The genotypes of mother, fetus and father at DXS10135 were 20, 22; 20, 20 and 21, which confirmed mutation of the paternal allele in the female fetus. The paternal allele contracted from 21 to 20. The allele peak heights of D21S11 and DXS10135 markers were also examined to rule out the possibility of any false allele. The probability of paternity was 0.99999999, which confirmed the paternity of the fetus. This paper presents unusual occurrence of mutation observed with two multiplex STR systems, with AmpflSTR identifier plus Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and Investigator Argus X-12 multiplex kit (Qiagen, Germany), thus suggesting forensic DNA experts on high alert while interpreting the DNA test results

    Synthesis, Characterization And Antimicrobial Activity Of Novel Substituted Aryl- 1,3,4-Oxadiazolo-[3,2-A]-1,3,5-Triazine Derivatives

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    Bioactive heterocyclic rings 1,3,4-oxadiazole and 1,3,5-triazine are fused with expectation of enhanced biological activity of the newly synthesized compounds. Hence Synthesized fused heterocyclic compounds as a substituted aryl- 1,3,4-oxadiazolo-[3,2-a]-1,3,5-triazine derivatives The structures of all the compounds were confirmed by physical and spectral analysis. The newly synthesized compounds were evaluated for antimicrobial activity against a variety of bacterial strains and fungal strains. Some of these compounds have shown significant antibacterial and antifungal activity


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    A simple, sensitive, precise, rapid and reliable HPTLC method for the estimation of ellagic acid in marketed herbal formulation, Glucomap tablet was developed. In this method, precoated Silica Gel F254 Plates were used as stationary phase and Toluene: ethyle acetate: formic acid: methanol (3:3:8:2 v/v) as mobile phase. Developed chromatogram was scanned at 280 nm, the wavelength of maximum absorption for ellagic acid. The aptness of developed HPTLC method for estimation of ellagic acid was established by validating it as per the ICH guidelines. The content of ellagic acid in crude drug Terminalia arjuna and polyherbal formulation was also studied. The developed method has been successfully applied for the determination of ellagic acid in polyherbal formulation

    Forensic DNA examination in the pandemic era of COVID-19: An Indian Perspective

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    The extremely high nature of transmissibility and severity of infection due to the novel Corona virus is a serious threat to mankind. This letter delivers a caution for forensic DNA experts in the era of COVID-19 infection from the Indian perspective. Samples are routinely transported to laboratories without any specific guidelines. Therefore, this is high time to formulate clear guidelines for the handling of biological material, from receiving to processing in the laboratory during such a pandemi


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    In this research article HPTLC method for the estimation of cinnamaldehyde content in cinnamomum zeylanicum, laboratory batches (MC-I, MC-II, MC-III) and marketed formulation (MCM) was developed. In this method, precoated Silica Gel F254 plates were used as stationary phase and Toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid (8:1:1v/v) as mobile phase. Developed chromatogram was scanned at 295 nm, the wavelength of maximum absorption for cinnamaldehyde. The aptness of developed HPTLC method for estimation of cinnamaldehyde was established by validating it as per the ICH guidelines. The developed method has been successfully used for the estimation of cinnamaldehyde in polyherbal anti-diabetic formulation. Keywords: Polyherbal formulation, Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, HPTLC