6 research outputs found

    Analysis of Students' Perceptions of Google Translate as a Translator Media

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    Google Translate is a digital language translation service launched by a well-known digital company, Google. Its multilingual service has been widely used by internet users. Users use it to translate foreign languages or opposite. The research method used to examine student perceptions of the Google Translate as a translator medium is a qualitative method. Qualitative research approach is research to understand the phenomenon about what is assessed based on research subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation, action. Almost final semester students of Khairun University, English Literature Program use the Google Translate application as a medium for translating their final assignments on the grounds that Google Translate is easy to use. Although Google Translate has shortcomings in the selection of diction that must be corrected one by one word, but students' perceptions of this application remain positive, they assume that the translation results will remain accurate if they can match the context being discussed. They are very helpful with the application

    Analysis of Imagery in the Poem "DADDY" by Sylvia Plath

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    The aim of this study to describe the image contained in the poem "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. Data collection used the technique of reading logs of the poem "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath. The research result were visual imagery, auditory imagery, pictures No aesthetic and magical. Conclusion from results of imagery analysis carried out on the poem "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath is that the most dominant image is visual imagery. Keywords: Analysis, Imagery, Literature, Poetr


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    This study is aimed at analyzing the symbolic meanings of Kembar Mayang conducted at Desa Medan Sinembah Kecamatan Tanjung Morawa Kabupaten Deli Serdang predominantly by Javanese ethnic. Kembar Mayang in this study is concerned with the Javanese wedding ceremony. Descriptive qualitative method is applied in the study describing social phenomena occurring naturally aiming to help us to understand the world in which we live and why things are in the way they are. The main theory to support the study is the theory of Semiotic. The results show there are five forms of symbolic meanings in Kembar Mayang: Manuk-Manukan as symbol of Loyalty; Uler-Uleran of Struggle; Walang-Walangan of Persistence; Pecut-Pecutan of Optimism and Keris-Kerisan of Wisdom. The five forms of rites are compulsory in the wedding ceremony with the main objective to achieve a happy, harmonious and peaceful life for the bride and the bridegroom and this is in line with the general concept of marriage

    Imagery In The Poem “Siap Sedia” By Chairil Anwar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis imaji yang terdapat dalam puisi Siap Sedia karya Chairil Anwar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data tertulis berupa imajiner dalam puisi Siap Sedia karya Chairil Anwar. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik notetaking. Berdasarkan analisis imajiner dalam puisi Siap Sedia karya Chairil Anwar, dapat disimpulkan bahwa karya penyair menggunakan beberapa imajiner seperti visual, auditori, dan tackle. Imajiner visual terdapat pada Bait 1, 2, dan 7. Imajiner tackle terdapat pada Bait 4, 5. dan Imajiner pendengaran hanya terdapat pada Bait 3. Jadi, imajiner visual yang terdapat hampir pada setiap bait.This research aims to describe the types of imagery in the poem Siap Sedia by Chairil Anwar. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This type of research is library research. The data that is used in this research is written data such as imagery in the poem Siap Sedia by Chairil Anwar. The technique that is used to collect data in this study is the notetaking technique. Based on the imagery analysis in the poetry Siap Sedia by Chairil Anwar, it can be concluded that the work of the poet uses several images such as visual imagery, Auditory imagery, and tactle imagery. Visual imagery can be found in Stanza 1, 2, and 7. Tactle imagery can be found in Stanza 4, 5. and Auditory imagery only can be found in Stanza 3. So, Visual imagery that is almost in every stanza.Keywords: Literary, Poetry, Imager

    Sosialisasi Sadar Wisata di Destinasi Wisata Pantai Lapasi Halmahera Barat

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    Pengabdian ini berangkat dari permasalahan mendasar yang ditemukan di destinasi wisata pantai Lapasi adalah; a) Masih rendahnya kesadaran akan pentingnya pariwisata untuk mendukung perekonomian masyarakat. b) Masyarakat belum mempunyai pemahaman tentang hospitality dibidang pariwisata dalam mendukung perkembangan wisata pantai Lapasi c) Masih kurangnya promosi pantai Lapasi di laman Media sosial baik instagram, Facebook, tik-tok dan media sosial lainnya. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini iyalah; 1) Metode ceramah, 2) Metode diskusi, dan 3) Pelatihan pembuatan fan page Facebook atau Instagram. Berdasarkan analisis masalah yang terdapat di destinasi Pantai Lapasi terkait dengan pengembangan sektor wisata, maka dapat dirumuskan beberapa program yaitu; sosialisasi sadar wisata, dan strategi promosi dengan pembuatan fan page facebook Pantai Lapasi. Ketercapaian program kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di pantai Lapasi tidak dapat dilihat secara kuantitatif. Akan tetapi, beberapa target capaian dalam upaya sadar wisata sudah dilaksanakan walaupun masih terdapat kekurangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan kepedulian pemerintah setempat, pihak swasta maupun masyarakat untuk berkolaborasi mengembangkan destinasi pantai Lapas

    Pemetaan Tingkat Kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris di Destinasi Wisata Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

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    This research focuses on mapping the English needs in West Halmahera. The background for choosing the title is because there are several tourist attractions that are excellent in West Halmahera, namely Lapasi Beach, Gamtala Mangrove tourism, and Tanjung Rappapelangi Bubanehena. The three attractions mentioned above are managed by the community. The community as tourism actors in these places must be ready and have knowledge of their tourism awareness. In addition to tourism-conscious knowledge, language as a means of communication is important between guests and hosts. Guests are tourists who come to tourist objects and the hosts are people who manage tourism objects in West Halmahera Regency. Language is an important thing in the world of tourism services and more specifically English. Not being a stranger, almost all over the world make English a very effective communication tool for the smooth running of a goal. The purpose of this study is to find out the mapping of the level of English language needs in West Halmahera Tourism Destinations. The type of this research uses descriptive qualitative methods, namely the data is described through words. The description of this elaboration is through data on the need for English in the community as tourism actors in West Halmahera Tourism Objects. In this case the research subject is the community as a tourism manager. The focus of the research location is on three tourist attractions, namely Lapasi Beach, Gamtala Mangrove tourism, and Tanjung Rappapelangi Bubanehena. The result of the research is that the attractions of Lapasi Beach, Gamtala Mangrove, and Tanjung Rappapelangi have the potential for beautiful marine tourism objects, nature tourism, historical tourism, and cultural tourism. Can be categorized how to manage well by the manager / community. In mapping the need for English in tourist attractions in West Halmahera, there are three tourist objects that really need English learning. This is due to the low knowledge of English owned by the manager/community. This statement is also supported by the findings of this study, namely, first, the needs of the community/manager for knowledge of English can help self-actualization. Second, the community realizes the importance of the role of English in supporting the development of tourism objects, and the third is the community's desire to learn English through training for self-development. Keywords : Mapping, Needs, English, West Halmaher