4 research outputs found

    Glimpsing Indonesia’s Social Media Discourse: What Goes on During the Covid-19 Infodemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an "infodemic", of false and true information circulating on social media platforms. This phenomenon has posed various challenges in implementing disaster management programs to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, both globally and specifically in Indonesia. This study seeks to investigate the public's perception of social media discourse during the COVID-19 infodemic in Indonesia. Both primary and secondary data were collected to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue. The primary data was collected through a focused group discussion (FGD) method. Meanwhile, secondary data sources were gathered using a literature review of scholarly articles. Approximately 60 articles were selected from sources such as Google Scholar and PubMed, published between 2019 and 2022. The articles were selected based on their relevance of the topic discussion. The study used Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough and Wodak (1997) to analyze the data. Both of the data were then synthesized to glimpse how the infodemic has impacted various disaster management efforts across various parts of the country. The results revealed that the infodemic has worsened public perceptions of how the Indonesian government handles COVID-19 as well as disrupting various disaster management processes. The study finds that the infodemic's impact on the public's perception has resulted in misinformation hampering effective pandemic management efforts. By recognizing the severity of the infodemic and working to combat it, Indonesia can more effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic and minimize its negative impact on the public


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    Pada tahun 2018 telah terjadi gempa di Nusa Tenggara Barat gempa pertama terjadi tanggal 29 Juli 2018 pukul 06:47:38 WITA, dengan kekuatan 6.4 scala richter. Guncangan gempa bumi ini dirasakan di daerah Lombok Utara, Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, Lombok Tengah, Sumbawa Barat, dan Sumbawa Besar. Gempa ini telah menghancurkan sebagian dari Lombok Utara dan Lombok Timur, khususnya di daerah sekitar lereng Gunung Rinjani. Gempa susulan terus berulang dan meluluh lantahkan berbagai fasilitas umum dan rumah penduduk, dan sekaligus menimbulkan kekhawatiran akan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar masyarakat. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya Dinas Sosial Provinsi NTB dalam Masa Tanggap Darurat Bencana Gempa Bumi Tahun 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive sampling pada kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Dalam Negeri (KKDN). Informan yang ditunjuk sebagai sampel adalah Kepala Dinas Sosial Provinsi NTB. Kegiatan KKDN diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Manajemen Bencana Universitas Pertahanan secara daring (online) melalui aplikasi Zoom. Kegiatan KKDN diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen Bencana sebanyak 26 orang dan juga diikuti oleh Kepala Prodi Manajemen Bencana beserta staf prodi Manajemen Bencana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan. Upaya Dinas Sosial pada masa tanggap darurat bencana gempa bumi 2018 yaitu, melaksanakan bantuan social seperti pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar (dengan fokus untuk dampak bencana temporer), melakukan perlindungan social, psikososial dan melakukan pemberdayaan sosial (berbentuk penguatan dan pengembangan dengan fokus untuk dampak bencana berkelanjutan)

    Understanding Tsunami hazard knowledge and preparedness : before and after the 2010 Tsunami in Mentawai (Indonesia)

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    This thesis is about the people from the Mentawai Islands (in Indonesia) in the context of disaster risk reduction. It results from a curiosity to deeply explore the tsunami hazard knowledge existing before the 2010 Mentawai tsunami occurred, and current tsunami preparedness. It also provides theoretical frameworks and key research concepts in relation to the issues. In order to understand the picture of Mentawai in the past and the present, the thesis also includes how the tsunami vulnerability progression has been formed. The progression presents from the era of solitary lives of the people, the era of destroying the traditional beliefs and tools, and up to the current era when the people live in unsafe locations. In order to obtain a full picture of the topics, a qualitative case study was designed with the consideration of how to plot and to show a number of illuminating facts. The people’s reflections and perspectives on their tsunami hazard knowledge before the 2010 tsunami occurred and devastated the islands, and their current tsunami preparedness, were examined. There were a number of substantial facts showing how the research participants captured, shared, and internalized explicit knowledge on tsunami hazards into their tacit knowledge. These processes occurred with little support from the district government and local non-government organizations, and were further impacted by their low socio-economic and educational status. The processes of the knowledge internalization were obviously influenced by their traditional beliefs and personal perceptions. Thus, the implications of the internalization were also different when it came to anticipating tsunami waves. Subsequently, the 2010 tsunami also brought different impacts to the participants. In the context of current measures, tsunami preparedness is applied differently at various levels, even though the people have experienced the 2010 tsunami. At the individual level, the participants mostly ignore their own preparedness, although some of the participants have specific personal efficacy and protective behaviour to avoid tsunami waves. At the household level, some would most likely leave their household members to save themselves, while others would try to help their family members. At the sub-village (dusun) level, the people tend to abandon the evacuation processes. Meanwhile, at the district level, although some important documents exist for the district government to follow, tsunami preparedness measures are less prioritized. The last parts of the study are how the local community of Mentawai can increase their capacity to encounter potential tsunamis. In the absence of modern technologies, the community has a number of traditional strategies to anticipate hazards and various opportunities to reduce their vulnerability. Developing coping capacity is essential for the people through implementing community early warning systems. These systems will provide risk knowledge, strategies to monitor the surroundings, understandable warning communication, and qualified response capability in the event of a tsunami. For the longer term, the leaders and the community need to work hand in hand to create an adaptive mechanism for living in Mentawai. This will be achieved by utilizing and reutilizing their traditional tools and strategies, and taking any opportunity to improve their livelihoods, and consequently, their coping and adaptive capacities to deal with tsunamis

    The Role Of BNPB In Nonstructural Mitigation Efforts Against The Threat Of Earthquakes In The Cianjur Cugenang Fault Area

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    The 2022 earthquake in Cianjur Regency has claimed many lives, caused damage and large material losses. In addition, there are findings of new active faults in the Cugenang area that can potentially threaten the safety of the population. Therefore, it is necessary for the Government to reduce physical and material losses and reduce the number of casualties if a similar incident occurs again. BNPB is the leading sector in disaster management in Indonesia, one of which is disaster risk reduction efforts. This study aimed to analyze the role of BNPB in the efforts of nonstructural mitigation activities in the Cugenang Fault area of Cianjur Regency. The research method used was qualitative with an exploratory design. The data in this study were obtained from interviews, documentation, and observation in Cugenang District. The results of this study showed that BNPB's role in nonstructural mitigation efforts was carried out through activities: Policy Recommendation for post-disaster spatial plan of Cianjur 2022, Dissemination of information about the risk of natural disasters in Cugenang, Preparation of disaster risk assessment 2023. Conclusion The Cugenang Fault is an active fault that is prone to earthquake threats. Therefore, the government is obliged to protect the community from the threat of earthquakes through nonstructural mitigation activities. The research suggestion is for the local government to make a RTRW policy to protect the community from earthquakes through nonstructural mitigation activities