173 research outputs found

    Economic evaluvation of purse seine fishery along Goa coast

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    Purse seining on an experimental basis was carried out first in Goa in 1957. However, it was successfully commercialised in 1964, with only two purse seiners under operation. By 1969 the number of purse seiners in Goa increased to 42 and recently the number has been considerably increased with the result that about 225 purse seiners are under operation along Goa coast

    Economics of different production technologies in culture fisheries

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    Fish production from the sea in India has almost reached the optimum level and aquaculture is fast emerging as an alternative avocation for many coastal rural fisherfolks. India is having about 2 million hectares of potential area suitable for the promotion of aquaculture. Hardly 10% of the potential area is presently used for various types of aquaculture practices, concentrating mostly on shrimp farming mainly due to its high export demand and lucrative price. But in recent years the demand for several other items such as clams, mussels, edible oysters, crabs, lobsters and a few finfishes is continuously increasing and commanding a premium price in the international market. Hence, there is immense scope to promote aquaculture of these varieties in our country by adopting appropriate location-specific farming practices. The economic viability and comparative profitability of different culture practices are the determining factors for the investors in their choice, selection and commercial adoption of various production systems in aquaculture

    Socio-economic analysis of marine fishermen in India

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    The socio-economic conditions of the marine fishermen and their attitude towards development schemes will serve as back ground information which is vital for implementing new technologies and policies. With this view in focus, the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has been continuously monitoring the socio-economic conditions of the traditional fishermen and conducted several studies along the coastal belt to assess the existing socio-economic status and to evaluate the socio-economic impact of innovations on them. In this paper, the socio-economic parameters such as family size, age structure, educational and occupational pattern, customs, beliefs and the standard of living of the coastal fishermen household have been analysed. In the socio-economic impact evaluation studies, the changes that have been brought about by the mechanisation of fishing industry in terms of income and employment generation and investment on fishing equipments have been discussed. The recommendations to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the marine fishermen based on the studies have been proposed

    Economic evaluation of different types of fishing methods along Indian coast

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    It is imperative to study the economic performance of different types of fishing units for the guidance of fishermen and fishing industry and also for formulation of appropriate fishery policies. The Central Marine Fisheries Research h-istituie has conducted various case studies on the economics of different types of fishing units in maritime States of India during the eighties and nineties. The studies on the economics of trawlers operating along the coast of Gujarat, Maharastra, Coa. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh; Cillnets operated by OBM crafts at Poonthura in Kerala; at Kochra Niuti (Maharashtra) and DhamleJ (Gujarat); gillnetters (boat with inboard engine) at Cochin Fisheries Harbour, Satpati and Khardanda and Tuticorin; 'doV operations along the North West Coast: purse seine in Karnataka and Kerala and several other gear and crafts operated along the Indian coast and deep sea trawling are highlighted

    Role of Keystone Species in Aquatic Ecosystem

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    A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance. Such species play a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community, affecting many other organism s in an ecosystem and helping to determine the types and numbers of various other species in the community

    Socio-economic aspects of the monsoon fisheries of the west coast of India

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    Along the west coast, fishing operation during monsoon period (Jime - August) as a family occupation, is only at a subsistence level except for trawlers and gillnetters at a few centres. The number of mechanised units under operation during monsoon is reduced to about 10% of the total units and non-mechanised including motorised crafts to 25%. The household income during monsoon is very low and consequently fishermen become permanent debters. During monsoon the level of employment is reduced to about 20%. Consumer has to pay very high price for fish and the producer (fisherman) does not get his due share in consumer's rupee. Socio-economic studies conducted in a number of villages along the west coast indicate that in the present coastal rural set-up it is rather difficult to impose a complete ban on the monsoon fishery. It would further aggravate the poor economic situation in fishing villages. To overcome the problems faced by fishermen, especially of artisanal sector, it is suggested to (1) constitute a public agency to purchase fish at a minimum price whenever there is glut at the landing centre and distribute throughout the year and at interior places, (2) provide adequate finance at reasonable terms and conditions through co-operatives and (3) extend all facilities for developing prawn fanning as well as integrated fish-crop-livestock farming

    Trick or treat? Muslim Thangals, psychologisation and pragmatic realism in Northern Kerala, India

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    Thangals are an endogamous community in Kerala, India, of Yemeni heritage who claim direct descent from the Prophet MuhammadтАЩs family. Due to their sacrosanct status, many thangals work as religious healers and thus are part of the informal mental health care system in Northern Kerala. Using the case of one thangal healer as an illustration of the many ritual healers in Kerala who engage the modern discourse of psychology in their practices, I argue that the psychologisation of ritual healing is part of a wider trend: the increasing rationalisation and scientification of traditional medical practices, whereby an increasing number of traditional healers negotiate science, modernity and religion and position their practice within these contested fields. Based on the analysis of this thangalтАЩs healing practice in the local context of Northern Kerala, I further argue that in order to understand тАЬritualтАЭ healing, scholars should emphasise pragmatic realism more than doctrinal purity

    A bibliography of parasites and diseases of marine and freshwater fishes of India

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    With the increasing demand for fish as human food, aquaculture both in freshwater and salt water is rapidly developing over the world. In the developing countries, fishes are being raised as food. In many countries fish farming is a very important economic activity. The most recent branch, mariculture, has shown advances in raising fishes in brackish, estuarine and bay waters, in which marine, anadromous and catadromous fishes have successfully been grown and maintained
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