34 research outputs found

    Impact of an interactive anti-speeding threat appeal: how much threat is too much?

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    This study investigates the impact of an interactive television public service announcement (PSA) containing an anti-speeding threat appeal on feelings of telepresence and behavioral intention. In a 2 x 2 x 2 between-subjects factorial design with 213 participants, the level of threat evoked by a traditional PSA, by the interactive part of the PSA (dedicated advertising location) and by the preceding program context are manipulated to be either low or high. The results support the assumptions of the Extended Parallel Processing Model with regard to the effect of the level of perceived threat and perceived efficacy in an interactive media environment, and the important role of telepresence as a processing variable. The results of the three-way interaction effect of threat evoked by the program, the PSA, and the DAL on telepresence show that when the threat levels of the program and the PSA are both either low or high, exposure to the threatening information in the DAL does not generate a significantly higher feeling of telepresence. However, when a low-threat program is followed by a high-threat PSA, the threat level of the DAL has a positive effect on telepresence. The same trend is found with a high-threat program and a low-threat PSA, although the effect of the threat evoked by the DAL on telepresence is not significant at conventional levels. Finally, there is a positive effect of telepresence on the behavioral intention to reduce speeding which is partly mediated by the viewer‟s perceived efficacy to follow the recommended behavior

    Brand placement in music videos: the effect of brand prominence and artist connectedness on brand recall and brand attitude

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    This study uses a 2 by 2 between subjects factorial design to investigate the impact of brand prominence and artist connectedness on brand placement effectiveness in music videos. The results show that brand prominence has a positive effect on brand recall, regardless of the respondents’ connectedness to the artist. Furthermore, when respondents do not identify themselves with the artist, brand prominence does not influence brand attitude, but when respondents identify themselves with the artist in the music video, the attitude toward the music video is higher for prominent than for subtle brands

    New, digital media and the effectiveness of persuasive communication strategies in a social marketing context

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    Children and a changing media environment: investigating persuasion knowledge for integrated advertising formats

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    This study investigates the persuasion knowledge of children of integrated advertising formats, more precisely of product placement, advertiser funded programming (AFP) and advergames. Based on qualitative research with 42 children (between 4-12 years old) the results show that children have difficulties recognizing and understanding the persuasive intention of the integrated commercial content. Especially for product placement this seemed to be hard, for all age groups. The ad recognition and understanding of AFP was highest. For advergames the results show that children could recognize the ad embedded in the game, but had problems in understanding the underlying commercial intention of it

    Children's processing of new advertising formats: how to improve children's dispositional and situational advertising literacy?

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    Compared to traditional advertising formats, contemporary advertising is characterized by a more subtle, less intrusive commercial nature. Commercial messages are now frequently integrated in or merged with highly entertaining and fun media content, which distract the users from systematically and critically processing the content. This makes it difficult for consumers, especially young consumers with limited advertising literacy, to evaluate the persuasion attempt critically. Not only do children have a limited general knowledge of advertising (i.e dispositional advertising literacy), they also have difficulty to actually apply this knowledge when confronted with advertising (i.e. situational advertising literacy). To be able to activate their advertising literacy when confronted with (new forms of) advertising, children need certain coping skills, as well as a number of cognitive, emotion regulation and moral capacities. As studies focusing on strategies to improve the situational advertising literacy of children remain scarce, the current presentation will focus on the interrelationships between dispositional and situational advertising literacy to investigate how children can be assisted in their recognition and critical processing of (new) advertising formats. We hereby refer to Friestad and Wright’s (1994) ‘if-then’ procedure (i.e. “if people are made aware of a persuasion attempt, they then have to figure out how to effectively manage their response to this attempt”) in order to reflect on how we can help children to 1) realize that they are confronted with advertising in order to 2) be able to process it in a critical manner. However, for children, this second step may not follow automatically from the first step when confronted with new advertising formats. Research shows that recognition of advertising does not automatically lead to a critical evaluation. Therefore, we reflect on how these two steps can be linked successfully and automatically. A suggestion proposed by this paper is the use of automatic and implicit tactics such as persuasive intent priming and implementation intentions to improve children’s associative network and learn them to cope with advertising. Besides reflecting on specific strategies that can be used to improve children’s dispositional and situational advertising literacy, this presentation will also reflect on children’s processing of advertising formats and the challenges for their advertising literacy in the contemporary advertising environment

    Children's advertising literacy for new advertising formats: the mediating impact of advertising literacy on the (un)intended effects of advergames and advertising funded programs

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    The current study investigates how advergames and Advertising Funded Programs (AFP) differentially affect children (7-to-9-years). Advergames interactively engage the viewer with the content, whereas an AFP does not, which may lead to lower levels of advertising literacy for advergames. A 2 (Format: AFP versus Advergame) by 2 (Training session: Yes versus No) between-subjects experimental study shows that children have a higher level of affective but not of cognitive advertising literacy for AFPs than for advergames, which leads to a lower impact on pester power and materialism. A training session improves children’s cognitive and affective advertising literacy for both formats

    Fotbollsturismens sociala aspekter utifrÄn ett hÄllbart perspektiv : En undersökning hur fotbollsresenÀrer pÄverkar lokalbefolkningen pÄ en destination

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    This study was made by two students for their bachelor theses in Tourism Studies at Södertörns högskola in Sweden. The aim of the study was to investigate the social aspects of football tourism from a sustainable perspective. The study investigated what's essential for football travellers when they travel both abroad, but also in Sweden, to see a football game. Another factor that was investigated was how the locals, especially those living near a arena, are influenced by the behavior of the football travelers when a football event is taking place. The problems that may arise with a football trip are that locals and travelers can end up in conflicts that can lead to social consequences at the destination as well as reduce social sustainability. This study investigated this phenomenon and by identifying the problems which arise with a football trip, it can help to increase the social sustainability of the destination.  The method which was used to investigate the phenomenon of this study consisted of interviews with football travelers, the locals around Friends Arena, employees at Friends Arena and a football organizer. This was considered to contribute to a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and also give an understanding from different perspectives. At the same time, an observation was also performed on a football game to increase knowledge and understanding of a football event, but also to gain insight into the behavior of football travelers. The material that was gathered in form of interviews was then combined with theories to get a better perception of the phenomenon. The result of the study showed that the biggest motive for a football trip was to get and feel belonging with other supporters. It was the feeling of identity with other travelers that mattered the most. The result also showed that football travelers end up in a free zone where everything is allowed, which contributed to changing their behavior during the trip. Alcohol turned out to be a big part of this belonging with others and a significant part of the travel, especially in Sweden. This contributed that the local population, especially the older group, felt worried when there was a football event. It also turned out that because of this they had to adapt their personal needs and could not be near the arena when there was a football event. This also contributed to social conflicts among football travelers and locals and reduced social sustainability at the destination.  The problems surrounding football tourism proved to arise among the locals when they felt worried and had to adapt to a football event. Football travelers didn't see this as a problem because they ended up in a free zone and ignored individuals around them. Sustainable tourism should satisfy the needs of the tourist while not having to destroy the need of the local population. This was not achieved in this case, which also makes the social sustainability of football tourism difficult to achieve.Denna studie genomfördes av tvÄ studenter för deras examensarbete inom Turismvetenskap pÄ Södertörns högskola i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att undersöka fotbollsturismens sociala aspekter utifrÄn ett hÄllbart perspektiv. DÀrav undersöktes vad som Àr vÀsentligt för fotbollsresenÀrer nÀr de vÀljer att resa bÄde utomlands, men Àven inom Sverige, för att se en fotbollsmatch. En annan faktor som undersöktes var hur lokalbefolkningen, speciellt de som bor nÀra en arena, blir pÄverkade av fotbollsresenÀrernas beteende nÀr det pÄgÄr ett fotbollsevent. Problematiken som kan uppstÄ med en fotbollsresa Àr att lokalbefolkningen och resenÀrer kan hamna i konflikter och detta kan leda till sociala konsekvenser pÄ destinationen samt minska den sociala hÄllbarheten. Studien undersökte fenomenet och genom att identifiera vilka problem som uppstÄr med en fotbollsresa kan det Àven leda till att öka den sociala hÄllbarheten pÄ destinationen.  Metoden som anvÀndes för att undersöka fenomenet i studien bestod i form av intervjuer med fotbollsresenÀrer, bofasta kring Friends Arena, anstÀllda pÄ Friends Arena samt en fotbollsarrangör. Vilket bidrog till en fördjupad förstÄelse för fenomenet och som kunde bidra till en förstÄelse utifrÄn olika perspektiv. Samtidigt utfördes Àven en observation pÄ en fotbollsmatch för att öka kunskap och förstÄelse kring hur ett event gÄr till, Àven för att fÄ en insikt kring fotbollsresenÀrers beteende. Det materialet som samlades in i form av intervjuer sammanfogades sedan med teorier för att fÄ en bÀttre uppfattning om fenomenet.  Resultatet i studien visade att det största motivet för en fotbollsresa Àr att kÀnna en gemenskap med andra supportrar. Resultatet visade Àven att fotbollsresenÀrer hamnar i en frizon dÀr allt Àr tillÄtet, vilket bidra till att deras beteende under resan förÀndras. Alkohol visade sig vara en del av gemenskapen och en vÀsentlig del av resorna, speciellt inom Sverige. Detta bidrog till att lokalbefolkningen, speciellt den Àldre gruppen, kÀnde oroligheter nÀr ett fotbollsevent pÄgick. Det visade sig Àven att pÄ grund av detta var de tvungna att anpassa sina personliga behov och inte kunde visa sig inom arenaomrÄdet. Detta bidrog Àven till att sociala konflikter uppstod bland fotbollsresenÀrer och lokalbefolkningen och minskade den sociala hÄllbarheten pÄ destinationen. Problematiken kring fotbollsturism visade sig uppstÄ bland lokalbefolkningen, dÄ de kÀnde oroligheter och tvingades anpassa sig efter ett fotbollsevent. FotbollsresenÀrerna sÄg inte detta som ett problem dÄ de hamnade i en frizon och förbisÄg individer runtomkring sig. HÄllbar turism ska tillfredsstÀlla turistens behov samtidigt som behoven inte ska förstöra för lokalbefolkningen. Detta stÀmmer inte i det hÀr fallet vilket bidrar till att den sociala hÄllbarheten inom fotbollsturismen blir svÄr att uppnÄ.

    Targeting older consumers: exploring the advertising impact of the (subjective) age of models used in advertising

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    In an experimental design with 185 participants (age 65 to 70), the impact of the models' age was examined on model likeability and perceived model credibility. Using a 2 (gender) x 3 (age category) experimental between subjects factorial design, we examined what the optimal model age is in terms of advertising effects, when designing an advertisement for older consumers. The results show that the models’ age has a significant impact on model likeability and credibility, and that these findings differ for men and women. In addition, the likeability and credibility of the model influence the attitude-toward-the-ad, attitude-toward-the-brand and purchase intentions

    Product Placement in Strips: de Impact van Merk Prominentie en Productbetrokkenheid op Merkherinnering en Merkattitude

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    In deze experimentele studie werd de impact van het plaatsen van een merk in een stripboek onderzocht. Tot op heden werden strips nog niet bestudeerd vanuit een product placement perspectief. Toch wordt ook dit medium gebruikt door adverteerders om hun merken tot bij de consument te brengen. Via een experimenteel 2 x 3 between subjects factorial design werd de impact van merk prominentie en productbetrokkenheid op merkherinnering en merkattitude onderzocht. Merk prominentie werd op drie niveaus gemanipuleerd (lage, matige en hoge prominentie conditie). Productbetrokkenheid werd op twee niveaus gemanipuleerd (lage vs. hoge betrokkenheid). 220 leerlingen uit het middelbaar onderwijs namen deel aan de studie (25% jongens, 75% meisjes, gemiddelde leeftijd= 17 jaar). Resultaten tonen aan dat merk prominentie een significant, positief effect heeft op geholpen merkherkenning en open merkherinnering. Verder was de merkherkenning voor een product met hoge betrokkenheid hoger dan voor een product met lage betrokkenheid. Voor merkherinnering lagen de resultaten in dezelfde lijn, maar was het verschil niet significant. Met betrekking tot merkattitude werden er geen significante verschillen gevonden in functie van merk prominentie