30 research outputs found

    Otoneurologic Evaluation In Children With School Difficulties: Vestibular Function Investigation

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    According to the literature, child vestibular dysfunctions can considerably affect their ability of communication and school performance. Aim: to study the vestibular function in children with school difficulties and associated symptoms. Case study: Clinical study with transversal cohort. Method: Research subjects were 50 school children between 7 and 12 years old, from a public school of Piracicaba city, during the years 2004 and 2005. The procedure was based on: anamnesis; otorrinolaryngologic evaluation; audiologic evaluation and vestibular evaluation. Results: All children assessed, 62.0% did not have school difficulties and 38.0% had school difficulties. Dizziness was the most common general complaint (36.0%). Migraine was the most common symptom regarding the school environment (50.0%). We found a high rate of normal vestibular condition (74.2%) in children without school difficulties and low normality rate in those with school difficulties (31.6%). All found vestibular alterations, both unilateral and bilateral, had been of peripheral irritative origin, accounting for 68.4% of cases for children with school difficulties and 25.8% for children without school difficulties. Conclusion: Dizziness, nausea, reading and copying difficulties presented a statistically significant relationship between the studied variables. All found vestibular alterations had been of peripheral irritative origin. Data showed a statistically significant relationship among variables. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.736803815Polity, E., (2003) Dificuldade de Ensinagem: Que história é essa? Fonoaudiologia Atual, pp. 60-68Undheim, A.M., Dyslexia and psychosocial factors. A follow-up study of young Norwegian adults with a history of dyslexia in childhood (2003) Nord J Psychiatry, 57, pp. 221-226Mathes, P.G., Denton, C.A., The prevention and identification of reading disability (2002) Semin Pediatr Neurol, 9, pp. 185-191Schirmer, C.R., Fontoura, D.R., Nunes, M.L., Distúrbios da aquisição da linguagem e da aprendizagem. (2004) J Pediatr, 80, pp. 95-103Farias, L.S., Toniolo, I.F., Coser, P.L., P300: Avaliação eletrofisiológica da audição em crianças sem e com repetência escolar. (2004) Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol, 70, pp. 194-199Campos, M.I., Ganança, F.F., Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Prevalência de sinais de disfunção vestibular em crianças com vertigem e/ou outros tipos de tontura. RBM-ORL (1996), 3, pp. 165-170Ganança, M.M., Caovilla, H.H., Labirintopatias na infância (1999) Caldas N, Caldas S, Sih T. Otologia e audiologia em pediatria, pp. 277-286. , São Paulo: Revinter;Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Munhoz, M.S.L., Silva, M.L.G., Ganança, F.F., Frazza, M.M., Vertigem paroxística benigna da infância (2000) Silva MLG, Munhoz MSL, Ganança MM, Caovolla HH. Quadros clínicos otoneurológicos mais comuns, pp. 109-117. , São Paulo: Atheneu;Lavinsky, L., Abelin, C.A., D'Avila, C., Lavinsky, M., Exame otoneurológico na infância (1999) Caldas N, Caldas S, Sih T. Otologia e audiologia em pediatria, pp. 287-295. , São Paulo: Ed. Revinter;Formigoni, L.G., (1998) A avaliação vestibular na criança, pp. 117-126. , Ganança MM. Vertigem tem cura? São Paulo: Lemos;Frank, J., Levinson, H., Dysmetric dyslexia and dyspraxia (1973) J Am Acad Child Psychiatry, 12, pp. 690-701Quirós JB de. Diagnosis of vestibular disorders in learning disabled. J Learn Desabil 1976;9:50-8Horak, F.G., Shumway-Cook, A., Crowe, T.K., Black, F.O., Vestibular function and motor proficiency of children with impaired hearing, or with learning disability and motor impairment (1988) Dev Med Child Neurol, 30, pp. 64-79Hoyt, C.S., Visual training and reading (1999) Am Orthopt J, 49, pp. 23-23Ganança, M.M., (1989) Da vestibulometria em crianças com distúrbio de linguagem, , Tese de Doutorado] São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, EPM;Glorig, A., Davis, H., Age, noise and hearing loss (1961) Ann Otol (St. Louis), 70, pp. 556-574Mangabeira Albernaz, P., Mangabeira Albernaz, P.L., Mangabeira Albernaz, L.G., Mangabeira, Albernaz Filho, P., (1981) Otorrinolaringologia prática, , 10a Edição. São Paulo: Sarvier;Mangabeira Albernaz, P.L., Ganança, M.M., Caovilla, H.H., Ito, Y.I., Novo, N.F., Juliano, I., Aspectos Clínicos e Terapêuticos das Vertigens (1986) Acta WHO, 5 (SUPL 2), pp. 49-109Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Munhoz, M.S.L., Silva, M.L.G., (1999) Equilibriometria Clínica, , São Paulo: Atheneu;Ganança, C.F., Souza, J.A.C., Segatin, L.A., Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Limites de normalidade dos parâmetros de avaliação a vectonistagmografia digital neurograff Acta AWHO 2000?2, 105Vieira, S., (2004) Bioestatística: Tópicos avançados, , Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier;Callegari-Jacques, S.M., (2003) Bioestatística: Princípios e aplicações, , Porto Alegre: Artmed

    The Constitution Of Subjectivity In Autistic Adolescents: A Glance At Life Stories [a Constituição Da Subjetividade De Adolescentes Autistas: Um Olhar Para As Histórias De Vida]

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    Human development is a result of social relations that are mediated, experimented and internalized by the individual. Thus, the way the subject is included in their social group has definite impacts on their constitution. Due to changes in social interaction, language and the presence of stereotyped behaviors, autistic subjects can have their participation in social and cultural life restricted, making their difficulties more pronounced. The objective of this study was to analyze the dialogic processes of five autistic adolescents focusing on: evidence taken from experiences lived by them in their daily lives and from social enunciations impregnated in their oral discourses, attempting to find subsides for the therapeutic process of such subjects. The empirical material was collected from two individual speech-language therapy sessions, which were recorded and transcribed, with three autistic adolescents. The sessions were addressed by looking at subjects' life stories and personal photographs were used as therapeutic resources. The analyses were qualitative and supported by microgenetic analysis. Results show that the subjects' experiences are provided by their school and family, and are related to leisure, trips, birthday parties, contact with more distant relatives, church. We also observed that parents and professionals extend the autistic person's childhood, representing them as children even during adolescence. Autistic subjects were observed to have relationships restricted to their families, with little opportunity for close contact with other people. We conclude that autistic subjects go through important and significant cultural experiences. However, they have little contact with peers from their age group.162231250Assumpção Jr., F.B., Kucznski, E., (2007) Conceito E Diagnóstico, pp. 1-17. , In: ASSUMPC ̧ÃO JUNIORKUCZNSKI, E. Autismo infantil: novas tendências e perspectivas. São Paulo: AtheneuBagarollo, M.F., (2005) A (re)significação Do Brincar Das Crianças Autistas, 150, p. 2005. , Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba. PiracicabaBakhtin, M., (2004) Marxismo E Filosofia Da Linguagem, , 11, São Paulo: Editora HucitecBock, A.M.B., A perspectiva histórico-cultural de Leontiev e a crítica a naturalização da formação do ser humano: A adolescência em questão (2004) Caderno Cedes, 24 (62), pp. 26-43Cardoso, C., Fernandes, F.D.M., Relação entre aspectos sócio-cognitivos e perfil funcional da comunicação de um grupo de adolescentes do espectro autístico (2006) Pró-fono Revista De Atualização Científica, 18 (1), pp. 89-98Coudry, M.I., (1996) O Diário De Narciso, , São Paulo: Companhia das LetrasFávero, M.A.B., Santos, M.A., DOS Autismo infatil e stress familiar: Uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Psicologia e Reflexão Crítica (2005) Porto Alegre, 18 (3), pp. 358-369Fernandes, F.D.C., Fonoaudiologia e autismo: Resultado de três diferentes diferentes modelos de terapia de linguagem. Pró Fono Revista de Atualização Científica (2008) Barueri, 20 (4), pp. 267-272Ginzburg, C., (2003) Mitos, Emblemas, Sinais: Morfologia E História, , 2, São Paulo: Companhia das LetrasGóes, M.C.R., A abordagem microgenética na matriz histórico-cultural: Uma perspective para o estudo da constituição da subjetividade (2000) Caderno Cedes, 20 (50), pp. 9-25Góes, M.C.R., (2002) Relações Entre Desenvolvimento Humano, Deficiência E Educação: Contribuições Da Abordagem Histórico-cultural, pp. 95-114. , In: OLIVEIRA, M.K.SOUZA, D.T.R.REGO, T.C. Psicologia, educação e as temáticas da vida contemporânea. São Paulo: Editora ModernaKanner, L., (1997) Os Distúrbios Autísticos Do Contanto Afetivo, pp. 111-170. , In: ROCHA, P. S. Autismos. São Paulo: EscutaKlin, A., Autismo e síndrome de Asperger: Uma visão geral (2006) Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria, 28 (1), pp. 3-11Leite, G.A., Monteiro, M.I.B., A construção da identidade de sujeitos deficientes no grupo terapêutico-fonoaudiológico (2008) Revista Brasileira De Educação Especial, 14 (2), pp. 189-200Manfezolli, R.R., (2004) Olha Eu Já Cresci: A Infantilização De Jovens E Adultos Com Deficiência Mental, , Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Piracicaba, 2004Minayo, M.C.S.O., (2004) Desafio Do Conhecimento, , 3., São Paulo: Editora HucitecPastorello, L.M., (2007) Perspectivas Do Estudo Da Linguagem No Autismo, pp. 131-145. , In: ASSUMPÇÃO JUNIORKUCZNSKI, E. Autismo Infantil: novas tendências e perspectivas. Atheneu: São PauloPino, A., (2005) As Marcas Do Humano: Às Origens Da Constituição Cultural Da Criança Na Perspective De Lev A. 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Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria (2001) São Paulo, 59 (2 A), pp. 230-237de Tagliaferre, R.C.S., Formas E Funções Da Repetição No Contexto Das Afasias, p. 2008. , Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística) - Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2008Tamanaha, A.C., Perissinoto, J., Chiari, B.M., Evolução da criança a partir da resposta materna ao Autism Behavior Cheklist (2008) I, 20 (3), pp. 165-170. , Pró Fono Revista de Atualização Científica. BaruerVigotski, L.S., (2000) A Formação Social Da Mente, , São Paulo: Martins FontesVigotski, L.S., (1997) Fundamentos De Defectologia, 5. , In: VYGOTSKI, L.S. Obras escogidas, Madri: Viso

    Vestibular Function In Children Underperforming At School [pesquisa Da Função Vestibular Em Crianças Com Queixa De Dificuldades Escolares]

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    Learning is a complex, dynamic process, structured from motor and perception skills which, when cortically processed, give birth to cognition. Balance is a fundamental neurological function that helps us maintain proper postures, an essential factor in learning and a sign or neurologic maturity. Aim: this paper aims to study vestibular function in children underperforming at school. Study design: this is a cross-sectional study. Materials and method: eighty-eight children with ages ranging between 7 and 12 years attending the public schools of Piracicaba from 2004 to 2006 were enrolled. All children were interviewed, submitted to ENT examination, hearing tests, and vestibular examination. Results: fifty-one percent of the participants had no reported difficulties at school, whereas 49.0% were underperforming at school. Under vestibular examination, 73.3% of the children performing well at school had normal findings, whereas 32.6% of the underperforming children had normal test results. Unilateral and bilateral irritative peripheral vestibular alterations were found in 67.4% of the underperformers and in 26.7% of the children not experiencing difficulties at school. Conclusion: all vestibular alterations found had an irritative peripheral origin. There was a statistically significant association between vestibular alteration and poor performance at school. 2009 © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia.746815825Rotta, N.T., Guardiola, A., Distúrbios de aprendizagem (1996) Neurologia Infantil. 3.Ed., pp. 1062-1074. , Diament A, Cypel S. 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São Paulo: AtheneuTuma, V.C., Gananca, C.F., Gananca, M.M., Caovilla, H.H., Oculomotor evaluation in patients with peripheral vestibular dysfunction (2006) Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, 72 (3), pp. 407-413. , http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rboto/v72n3/a19v72n3.pdfGanança, C.F., Pupo, A.C., Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Disfunção vestibular em crianças e adolescentes com mau rendimento escolar (2000) Revista Fono Atual, 11, pp. 21-27Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Munhoz, M.S.L., Silva, M.L.G., (1999) Equilibriometria Clínica, , São Paulo: AtheneuMarchesin, V.C., Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Dos movimentos oculares sacádicos em crianças com desordens do processamento auditivo (2005) Acta ORL, 23 (2), pp. 7-12Hoyt, C.S., Visual training and reading (1999) Am Orthopt J, 49, pp. 23-123Frank, J., Levinson, H., Dysmetric dyslexia and dyspraxia (1973) J Am Acad Child Psychiatry, 12, pp. 690-701Horak, F.B., Shumway-Cook, A., Crowe, T.K., Black, F.O., Vestibular function and motor proficiency of children with impaired hearing, or with learning disability and motor impairments (1988) Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 30 (1), pp. 64-79Ganança, M.M., Caovilla, H.H., Munhoz, M.S.L., Silva, M.L.G., Frazza, M.M., As etapas da equilibriometria (1999) Equilibriometria Clínica, 68. , Caovilla HH, Ganança MM, Munhoz MSL, Silva MLG. 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    Life Stories Of Autistic Adolescents: Contributions To Speech-language Therapy And Pediatrics [história De Vida De Adolescentes Autistas: Contribuições Para A Fonoaudiologia E A Pediatria]

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    Objective: To analyze the dialogic processes of six autistic adolescents during speech-language therapy about their life stories, searching for support for pediatricians and speech-language therapists to work with their families in order to improve their development. Methods: Data collection was carried out from video recordings of two speech-language therapy sessions with six subjects diagnosed with global development delay (three with autistic disorder and three with Asperger's disorder). The recordings were transcribed and data were separated into five themes. The analyses were based on qualitative research approach, in the context of the historical-cultural theory and the semiotic-indiciary paradigm. Results: The following categories emerged from data collection: leisure, school level, social group, childhood facts, adolescence experiences and interests. Such categories reflected the experiences lived by the subjects and the way they signify the world and are signified by others. These categories allowed us to list the difficulties experienced by these subjects and their families. Conclusions: The patients' indications reveal the need for continuous guidance about the aspects outlined in the categories, from the very moment that diagnosis is received, allowing the individual to have a more effective social participation and linguistic-cognitive development. The pediatrician and the speech-language therapist are the professionals to provide such guidance, once they are the first to work with autistic children and to actively participate of their lives, from the moment of diagnosis until adolescence.291100107Assumpção Jr., F.B., Kucznski, E., Conceito e diagnóstico (2007) Autismo Infantil: Novas Tendências E Perspectivas, pp. 1-17. , In: Assumpc ̧ão Júnior FB, Kucznski E, São Paulo: AtheneuTamanaha, A.C., Perissinoto, J., Chiari, B.M., A brief historic review of the conceptions of Autism and Asperger syndrome (2008) Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol, 13, pp. 296-299(2002) DSM-IV-TR: Manual Diagnóstico E Estatístico De Transtornos Mentais, pp. 99-103. , American Psychiatric Association, 4a edição. Porto Alegre: ArtmedSprovieri, M.H., AssumpçÃo, F.B., Dinâmica familiar de crianças autistas (2001) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 59, pp. 230-237Fávero, M.A., Santos, M.A., Autismo infantil e estresse familiar: Uma revisão sistemática de literatura (2005) Psicol Reflex Crit, 18, pp. 358-369Schmidt, C., Dell'aglio, D.D., Bosa, C.A., Estratégias de coping de mães de portadores de autismo: Lidando com dificuldades e com a emoção (2007) Psicol Reflex Crit, 20, pp. 124-131Fernandes, F.D., Families with autistic children: International literature (2009) Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol, 14, pp. 427-432Barbosa, M.R., Fernandes, F.D., Qualidade de vida dos cuidadores de crianças com transtorno do espectro autístico (2009) Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol, 14, pp. 482-486Coelho, A.C., Iemma, E.P., Lopes-Herrera, S.A., Case report - deprivation of sensory stimuli and autistic behaviors (2008) Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol, 13, pp. 75-81Góes, M.C., Relações entre desenvolvimento humano, deficiência e educação: Contribuições da abordagem histórico-cultural (2002) Psicologia, Educação E As Temáticas Da Vida Contemporânea, pp. 95-114. , In: Oliveira MK, Souza DT, Rego TC, São Paulo: ModernaPino, A., (2005) As Marcas Do Humano: As Origens Da Constituição Cultural Da Criança Na Perspectiva De Lev S. 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