13 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of protein-nanotube conjugates

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    This chapter describes methods of immobilizing proteins on carbon nanotubes, using two different routes—physical adsorption and covalent attachment. We also provide an overview on how such conjugates can be characterized with the help of various techniques, such as Raman, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence spectroscopies, in addition to the standard enzyme kinetic analyses of activity and stability. Both the attachment routes—covalent and noncovalent—could be used to prepare protein conjugates that retained a significant fraction of their native structure and function; furthermore, the protein conjugates were operationally stable, reusable, and functional even under harsh denaturing conditions. These studies therefore corroborate the use of these immobilization methods to engineer functional carbon nanotube-protein hybrids that are highly active and stable

    Adhesion induced mesoscale instability patterns in thin PDMS-metal bilayers

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    We show that the surface of a thin elastomer-metal (aluminum) hybrid bilayer becomes spontaneously patterned when brought in adhesive contact with a rigid surface. The self-organized surface patterns show three distinct morphological phases-columns, labyrinths, and holes-depending on the area of contact. The characteristic wavelength of these patterns is found to be 2.94±0.20 times the total film thickness, independent of the morphological phase and the surface properties of the contacting surface. Interestingly, the metal films 60-120 nm thick showed the same scaling, but the bilayers with thicker metal films were completely stable. This observation demonstrates for the first time a "hard" transition to the instability as the elastic stiffness of the film is varied. We also report a protocol for alignment of the instability patterns and for transferring the metal patterns to another surface

    Self-organized meso-patterning of soft solids by controlled adhesion: elastic contact lithography

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    The surface of a soft elastic film becomes unstable and deforms when a rigid flat plate is brought into its contact proximity, without application of any external pressure. These isotropic undulations have a characteristic wavelength, lamda∌3H, where H is the film thickness. The wavelength is independent of the adhesive interactions and the mechanical properties of the film. We present here a mini-review of our recent work on techniques of aligning, modulating, and ordering the instability structures by the use of simple 1-D patterned stamps, by changing the stamp-surface separation, by slow shearing of a flat stamp and by confining the instability in soft narrow channels. The generality of the technique for different soft materials is illustrated by patterning cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), aluminum coated PDMS and hydrogels films. Use of a flexible stamp such as a metal foil provides enhanced conformal contact by adhesive forces, which aids large area patterning without critically maintaining a parallel configuration and uniform pressure between the stamp and the film. The technique has the potential to develop into a new soft lithography tool—“Elastic Contact Lithography” suitable for rapid, large area micron and sub-micron self-organized patterning of a variety of soft materials without any special equipments

    Self-organized meso-patterning of soft solids by controlled adhesion: elastic contact lithography

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    The surface of a soft elastic film becomes unstable and deforms when a rigid flat plate is brought into its contact proximity, without application of any external pressure. These isotropic undulations have a characteristic wavelength, λ ˜ 3H, where H is the film thickness. The wavelength is independent of the adhesive interactions and the mechanical properties of the film. We present here a mini-review of our recent work on techniques of aligning, modulating, and ordering the instability structures by the use of simple 1-D patterned stamps, by changing the stamp-surface separation, by slow shearing of a flat stamp and by confining the instability in soft narrow channels. The generality of the technique for different soft materials is illustrated by patterning cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), aluminum coated PDMS and hydrogels films. Use of a flexible stamp such as a metal foil provides enhanced conformal contact by adhesive forces, which aids large area patterning without critically maintaining a parallel configuration and uniform pressure between the stamp and the film. The technique has the potential to develop into a new soft lithography tool-"Elastic Contact Lithography" suitable for rapid, large area micron and sub-micron self-organized patterning of a variety of soft materials without any special equipments

    Structure, Function, and Stability of Enzymes Covalently Attached to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We describe the structure, activity, and stability of enzymes covalently attached to single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). Conjugates of SWNTs with three functionally unrelated enzymeshorseradish peroxidase, subtilisin Carlsberg, and chicken egg white lysozymewere found to be soluble in aqueous solutions. Furthermore, characterization of the secondary and tertiary structure of the immobilized proteins by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies, respectively, and determination of enzyme kinetics revealed that the enzymes retained a high fraction of their native structure and activity upon attachment to SWNTs. The SWNT−enzyme conjugates were also more stable in guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) and at elevated temperatures relative to their solution counterparts. Thus, these protein conjugates represent novel preparations that possess the attributes of both soluble enzymeshigh activity and low diffusional resistanceand immobilized enzymeshigh stabilitymaking them attractive choices for applications ranging from diagnostics and sensing to drug delivery

    Spaceflight promotes biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Understanding the effects of spaceflight on microbial communities is crucial for the success of long-term, manned space missions. Surface-associated bacterial communities, known as biofilms, were abundant on the Mir space station and continue to be a challenge on the International Space Station. The health and safety hazards linked to the development of biofilms are of particular concern due to the suppression of immune function observed during spaceflight. While planktonic cultures of microbes have indicated that spaceflight can lead to increases in growth and virulence, the effects of spaceflight on biofilm development and physiology remain unclear. To address this issue, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was cultured during two Space Shuttle Atlantis missions: STS-132 and STS-135, and the biofilms formed during spaceflight were characterized. Spaceflight was observed to increase the number of viable cells, biofilm biomass, and thickness relative to normal gravity controls. Moreover, the biofilms formed during spaceflight exhibited a column-and-canopy structure that has not been observed on Earth. The increase in the amount of biofilms and the formation of the novel architecture during spaceflight were observed to be independent of carbon source and phosphate concentrations in the media. However, flagella-driven motility was shown to be essential for the formation of this biofilm architecture during spaceflight. These findings represent the first evidence that spaceflight affects community-level behaviors of bacteria and highlight the importance of understanding how both harmful and beneficial human-microbe interactions may be altered during spaceflight

    <i>P.aeruginosa</i> biofilms cultured during spaceflight display column-and-canopy structures.

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    <p>Confocal laser scanning micrographs of 3-day-old biofilms formed by wild type, <i>ΔmotABCD</i>, and <i>ΔpilB</i> comparing normal gravity and spaceflight culture conditions. All strains were grown in mAUMg with 5 mM phosphate. No significant differences in structure or thickness were observed with mAUMg containing 5 or 50 mM phosphate. (<b>A</b>) Representative side-view images. (<b>B</b>) Representative 5.8 ”m thick slices generated from partial <i>z</i> stacks. Maximum thickness is indicated in the upper right corner of the top slice for each condition.</p

    Spaceflight increases biofilm formation by <i>P. aeruginosa</i>.

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    <p>Wild-type <i>P. aeruginosa</i> was cultured under normal gravity (black bars) and spaceflight (grey bars) conditions in mAUM or mAUMg containing 5 or 50 mM phosphate. (<b>A</b>) The number of surface-associated viable cells per cellulose ester membrane. (<b>B</b>) Biofilm biomass and (<b>C</b>) mean biofilm thickness were quantified by analysis of CLSM images. Error bars, SD; N = 3. *<i>p≀0.05</i>, **<i>p</i>≀<i>0.01</i>.</p