5 research outputs found

    Pattern of statin use in several Hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study

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    A preliminary, cross-sectional study on the pattern of statins use in three hospitals in Jakarta was conducted to see the responder rate of the patients who took statins. Data were taken from the Medical Records from May-July 2004 of each hospital. The inclusion criteria were outpatients diagnosed with dyslipidemia treated with statins either as first choice or add-on therapy to the other lipid-lowering drugs given. Two hundred and forty three cases were recorded during the 3-month period of examination, 127 male and 116 female. The average age of both group of patients were 56 ± 12 years (male) and 55 ± 12 years (female). The most commonly used statins as first choice and as add-on was atorvastatin (38.1%, and 1.6%, respectively), followed by rosuvastatin (20.5%), fluvastatin (11.5%), pravastatin (10.7%); whereas lovastatin (0.4%) and simvastatin (3.7%) were least prescribed. Patients’ total cholesterol levels were reduced significantly (241 ± 57 vs 207 ± 38 mg/dL, p less than 0.0001), whereas triglyceride levels were not significantly reduced (174 ± 86 vs 160 ± 71 mg/dL). Around 46% cases (72 out of 243 cases) met the NCEP ATP III goals on total cholesterol level. The most common combinations used, with respect to atorvastatin, were fenofibrate (11.3%), pravastatin (9.3%), rosuvastatin (3%), gemfibrozil (2%), whereas, with regard to rosuvastati, were gemfibrozil (9%), ciprofibrate (5%), and atorvastatin (3%). Large numbers of patients were not regularly checked up or low in compliance. In conclusion, statins usage in some hospitals in Jakarta had been inappropriately used, due to multiple factors, such as, prescribers, patients’ aspects, and the national health system. Therefore, in order to observe the efficacy of statins in clinical setting, a large scale study on the pattern of statin use should be conducted

    Pattern of statin use in several Hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study

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    A preliminary, cross-sectional study on the pattern of statins use in three hospitals in Jakarta was conducted to see the responder rate of the patients who took statins. Data were taken from the Medical Records from May-July 2004 of each hospital. The inclusion criteria were outpatients diagnosed with dyslipidemia treated with statins either as first choice or add-on therapy to the other lipid-lowering drugs given. Two hundred and forty three cases were recorded during the 3-month period of examination, 127 male and 116 female. The average age of both group ofpatients were 56 :t 12 years (male) and 55 :t 12 years (female). The most commonly used statins as first choice and as add-on was atorvastatin (38.1 %, and 1.6%, respectively), followed by rosuvastatin (20.5%), fluvastatin (11.5%), pravastatin (10.7%); whereas lovastatin (0.4%) and simvastatin (3.7%) were least prescribed. Patients' total cholesterol levels were reduced significantly (241 :t 57 vs 207 :t 38 mg/dL, p < 0.0001), whereas triglyceride levels were not significantly reduced (174 :t86 vs 160:t 71 mg/dL). Around 46% cases (72 out of 243 cases) met the NCEP ATP III goals on total cholesterol level. The most common combinations used, with respect to atorvastatin, were fenofibrate (11.3%), pravastatin (9.3%), rosuvastatin (3%), gemfibrozil (2%), whereas, with regard to rosuvastati, were gemfibrozil (9%), ciprofibrate (5%), and atorvastatin (3%). Large numbers of patients were not regularly checked up or low in compliance. In conclusion, statins usage in some hospitals in Jakarta had been inappropriately used, due to multiple factors, such as, prescribers, patients' aspects, and the national health system. Therefore, in order to observe the efficacy of statins in clinical setting, a large scale study on the pattern of statin use should b


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    Digitalisasi memungkinkan merubah segala sesuatu menjadi bentuk yang bisa disimpan di semua media digital, seperti compact disk, hard disk, sertaI flash disk, dan bisa di transfer ke berbagai tempat di seluruh tempat dengan hanya memakan waktu yang sangat singkat melalui jaringan telekomunikasi berupa internet. Desa Digital merupakan sebuah program kerja yang bertujuan untuk memetakan kembali Desa Bambulung di peta digital dengan menggunakan google maps, agar desa mudah untuk ditemukan. Titik koordinatnya antara lain: Kantor Desa, Puskesmas, TK, SD, SMP, SMA, Instansi Lembaga dan masih banyak lagi. Serta Membuat social media desa bambulung (facebook, instagram, email, dll.). Desa digital bertujuan mempermudah memperkenalkan produk ke jangka yang lebih luas, dan masyarakat mudah dalam menemukan titik koordinat di Desa Bambulun

    Evaluasi Kinerja Internet Kampus Universitas Tanjungpura dengan Analisis Quality of Service dan User Acceptance Test

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    Paper ini membahas tentang evaluasi kualitas layanan internet di Universitas Tanjungpura. Penulis menggunakan dua metode analisis, yaitu Quality of Service (QoS) dan User Acceptance Test (UAT) untuk mengukur kinerja internet di kampus Universitas Tanjungpura. Pada analisis QoS, penulis mengukur beberapa parameter kinerja internet, seperti throughput, delay, packet loss, dan jitter, untuk setiap fakultas di kampus. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa throughput tertinggi berada di Fakultas Teknik (FT) dengan nilai rata-rata 87,90 MB, sementara delay dan packet loss terendah terdapat di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) dengan nilai rata-rata 0,16 ms dan 0,00% secara berturut-turut. Sementara itu, pada analisis UAT, penulis melakukan survei terhadap mahasiswa untuk mengetahui penggunaan internet di kampus dan kepuasan mereka terhadap layanan internet yang disediakan. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa menganggap internet di kampus memadai dan lancar, serta sering digunakan untuk belajar dan mengakses media sosial

    Serum and urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as a predictor of rat kidney histopathology in an early ischemia-reperfusion model

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    <p><strong>Background:</strong> The severity of ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) kidney injury is highly correlated with mortality and morbidity rate. Research on human and animal prove that NGAL predicts kidney injury at early phase. The objective of this study is to prove that the increase in serum and urinary NGAL are correlated with kidney tubular epithelial damage, and this increase has occurred in initiation phase, indicated by rat kidney histopathology in an early I/R model.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> Twenty eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups: 4 hour sham (Sham 4), 8 hour sham (Sham 8), 10 minute ischemia 4 hour reperfusion (I/R 4) and 10 minute ischemia 8 hour reperfusion (I/R 8). Blood, urine and kidney samples were collected. Serum creatinine level was analyzed with Jaffe method, while serum and urinary NGAL level were analyzed with direct sandwich ELISA method. Evaluation of kidney damage were measured semi quantitatively in tissue stained with HE. Further evaluation to confirm cellular changes on kidney was performed by electron microscope and immunohistochemistry.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Serum NGAL was found significantly correlated with degree of kidney tissue damage (ρSpearman NGAL serum = 0.701, p &lt; 0.001), also urinary NGAL (ρSpearman = 0.689, p &lt; 0.001). NGAL expression differs significantly between I/R group and sham (t-test, t = -26635.056, p &lt; 0.001), also kidney damage (t-test, t = -5.028, p &lt; 0.001), and serum and urinary NGAL levels (Mann-Whitney, U = 0, p &lt; 0.001). With cutoff points of 136.95 ng/mL and 58.69 ng/mL subsequently for serum and urinary NGAL , it is found that sensitivity = 1, specificity = 1.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Elevation of serum and urinary NGAL are significantly correlated with epithelial tubular kidney damage on rat undergoing early ischaemia reperfusion. <em><strong>(Med J Indones. 2012;21:208-13)</strong></em></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em> Early I/R kidney injury, kidney histopathology, NGAL</em></p