4 research outputs found

    Dampak Merokok Terhadap Pola Tidur

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    : Sleep/rest is one of human needs, sleep disorder such as insomnia can interfere our daily activities. In Indonesia, the prevalence reached 10% of people with insomnia, one primary causes of insomnia is smoking. In Indonesia, smoking population aged ≥ 15 years old reached up to 34,7%. This research is based on analytic survey with cross sectional analytic study. This research aimed to determine the association between insomnia with active smokers. The Population of this study is all of public transport drivers who live in Manado, North Sulawesi. Sample of this study is part of the public transport drivers with total samples 52 participants.The results showed that 23% of active smokers with insomnia. The result of chi-square test showed that there is a significant correlation (p < 0.05) between insomnia and duration of smoking (p = 0.004), insomnia and active smokers (p = 0.023). There is an association between insomnia and active smokers

    Hubungan Diabetes Melitus Dengan Kualitas Tidur

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    : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious problem with the incidence rising sharply. DM can affect almost all segments of society throughout the world. The number of people with diabetes continues to grow from year to year due to poor lifestyle. People today are less likely to move and have unhealthy eating patterns. High blood sugar levels are disturb concetration to sleep, due to frequent urge to urinate during the night. Sleep disorder is a common problem that occurs in patients with DM and DM reverse can also cause sleep disturbance due to nocturia and pain complaints. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the DM with the quality of sleep in out patients with DM who in the Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado. This research is descriptive analytic with cross-sectional study. The study population was the out patients with DM in Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado totaling 456 people. Samples were taken using total sampling technique as much as 78 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. The data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation to determine whether there is a correlation between diabetes mellitus and sleep quality by using the application of computer programs. There is a correlation between Diabetes Mellitus with the quality of sleep in patients of Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado