23 research outputs found

    Determination and theoretical analysis of the differential cross sections of the <sup>2</sup>H(d,p) reaction at energies and detection angles suitable for NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis)

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    The accurate determination of deuteron depth profile presents a strong analytical challenge for all the principal IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) techniques. As far as NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis) is concerned, the 2H(d,p) reaction, seems to be a promising candidate, especially in the case of complex matrices, or for the study of deep-implanted deuteron layers. In the present work differential cross-section values for the 2H(d,p) reaction have been determined at 140°, 160° and 170°, for Ed,lab=900-1600 keV, with an energy step of 50 keV, using a well-characterized, thin C:D target deposited on a polished Si wafer. The experimental results were analyzed using the R-matrix calculations code AZURE

    Determination of the

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    The cross section of the 193Ir(n, 2n)192Ir reaction has been determined by means of the activation technique, relative to the 27Al (n,α \alpha) and 197Au(n, 2n) reference reactions cross sections, at neutron beam energies ranging from 10 to 21 MeV. The quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams were produced at the 5.5 MV Tandem T11/25 Accelerator Laboratory of NCSR “Demokritos” via the 2H(d, n) and 3H(d, n) reactions. The induced γ \gamma-ray activity of the irradiated target and reference foils was measured with high resolution HPGe detectors. In order to correct for the contribution of the 191Ir(n,γ \gamma)192Ir reaction, which is open to low energy parasitic neutrons, a recently developed analysis method was implemented and it is presented in great detail. Furthermore, cross section theoretical calculations were carried out using the EMPIRE and TALYS codes over a wide energy range

    Electronic stopping of slow protons in oxides: Scaling properties

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    Electronic stopping of slow protons in ZnO, VO2 (metal and semiconductor phases), HfO2, and Ta2O5 was investigated experimentally. As a comparison of the resulting stopping cross sections (SCS) to data for Al2O3 and SiO2 reveals, electronic stopping of slow protons does not correlate with electronic properties of the specific material such as band gap energies. Instead, the oxygen 2p states are decisive, as corroborated by density functional theory calculations of the electronic densities of states. Hence, at low ion velocities the SCS of an oxide primarily scales with its oxygen density.Financial support of this work by the FWF (FWF-Project No. P22587-N20 and FWF-Project No. P25704-N20) is gratefully acknowledged. M. A. and J. I. J. acknowledge financial support by the Gobierno Vasco-UPV/EHU Project No. IT756-13, and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grants No. FIS2013-48286-C02-02-P and FIS2016-76471-P). Fabrication and characterization of VO2 films at Vanderbilt University (CMG and RFH) was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DMR-1207507). A research infrastructure fellowship of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) under Contract No. RIF14-0053 supporting accelerator operation is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe