212 research outputs found

    An XMM-Newton look at the strongly variable radio-weak BL Lac Fermi J1544-0639

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    Fermi J1544-0639/ASASSN-17gs/AT2017egv was identified as a gamma-ray/optical transient on May 15, 2017. Subsequent multiwavelength observations suggest that this source may belong to the new class of radio-weak BL Lacs. We studied the X-ray spectral properties and short-term variability of Fermi J1544-0639 to constrain the X-ray continuum emission mechanism of this peculiar source. We present the analysis of an XMM-Newton observation, 56 ks in length, performed on February 21, 2018. The source exhibits strong X-ray variability, both in flux and spectral shape, on timescales of ~10 ks, with a harder-when-brighter behaviour typical of BL Lacs. The X-ray spectrum is nicely described by a variable broken power law, with a break energy of around 2.7 keV consistent with radiative cooling due to Comptonization of broad-line region photons. We find evidence for a `soft excess', nicely described by a blackbody with a temperature of ~0.2 keV, consistent with being produced by bulk Comptonization along the jet.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Hard X-ray selected giant radio galaxies - I. The X-ray properties and radio connection

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    We present the first broad-band X-ray study of the nuclei of 14 hard X-ray selected giant radio galaxies, based both on the literature and on the analysis of archival X-ray data from NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, Swift and INTEGRAL. The X-ray properties of the sources are consistent with an accretion-related X-ray emission, likely originating from an X-ray corona coupled to a radiatively efficient accretion flow. We find a correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the radio core luminosity, consistent with that expected for AGNs powered by efficient accretion. In most sources, the luminosity of the radio lobes and the estimated jet power are relatively low compared with the nuclear X-ray emission. This indicates that either the nucleus is more powerful than in the past, consistent with a restarting of the central engine, or that the giant lobes are dimmer due to expansion losses.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    FERMI transient J1544-0649: a flaring radio-weak BL Lac

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    On May 15th, 2017, the \emph{FERMI}/LAT gamma-ray telescope observed a transient source not present in any previous high-energy catalogue: J1544-0649. It was visible for two consecutive weeks, with a flux peak on May 21st. Subsequently observed by a \emph{Swift}/XRT follow-up starting on May 26, the X-ray counterpart position was coincident with the optical transient ASASSN-17gs = AT2017egv, detected on May 25, with a potential host galaxy at zz=0.171. We conducted a 4-months follow-up in radio (Effelsberg-100m) and optical (San Pedro M\'artir, 2.1m) bands, in order to build the overall Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of this object. The radio data from 5 to 15 GHz confirmed the flat spectrum of the source, favoring a line of sight close to jet axis, not showing significant variability in the explored post-burst time-window. The Rx ratio, common indicator of radio loudness, gives a value at the border between the radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN populations. The CaII_{\rm{II}} H\&K break value (0.29±\pm0.05) is compatible with the range expected for the long-sought intermediate population between BL Lacs and FRI radio galaxies. An overall SED fitting from Radio to γ\gamma-ray band shows properties typical of a low-power BL Lac. As a whole, these results suggest that this transient could well be a new example of the recently discovered class of radio-weak BL Lac, showing for the first time a flare in the gamma/X-ray bands.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The SXI telescope on board EXIST: scientific performances

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    The SXI telescope is one of the three instruments on board EXIST, a multiwavelength observatory in charge of performing a global survey of the sky in hard X-rays searching for Supermassive Black Holes. One of the primary objectives of EXIST is also to study with unprecedented sensitivity the most unknown high energy sources in the Universe, like high redshift GRBs, which will be pointed promptly by the Spacecraft by autonomous trigger based on hard X-ray localization on board. The recent addition of a soft X-ray telescope to the EXIST payload complement, with an effective area of ~950 cm2 in the energy band 0.2-3 keV and extended response up to 10 keV will allow to make broadband studies from 0.1 to 600 keV. In particular, investigations of the spectra components and states of AGNs and monitoring of variability of sources, study of the prompt and afterglow emission of GRBs since the early phases, which will help to constrain the emission models and finally, help the identification of sources in the EXIST hard X-ray survey and the characterization of the transient events detected. SXI will also perform surveys: a scanning survey with sky coverage of about 2pi and limiting flux of 5x10^{-14}cgs plus other serendipitous. We give an overview of the SXI scientific performance and also describe the status of its design emphasizing how it has been derived by the scientific requirements.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Proc. of SPIE, vol 7435-11, 200

    Physical properties of the nuclear region in Seyfert galaxies derived from observations with the European VLBI Network

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    We report on sensitive dual-frequency (1.7 and 5 GHz) European VLBI Network observations of the central region of nine Seyfert galaxies. These sources are among the faintest and least luminous members of a complete sample of nearby (d<22 Mpc) low luminosity AGNs. We detect radio emission on milliarcsecond scale in the nuclei of 4 galaxies, while for the other five sources we set an upper limit of <~100 microJy. In three sources, namely NGC 3227, NGC 3982, and NGC 4138, radio emission is detected at both 1.7 and 5 GHz and it is resolved in two or more components. We describe the structural and spectral properties of these features; we find that in each of these three nuclei there is one component with high brightness temperature (typically T_B >10^7.5 K) and flat/intermediate spectral index (0.3\leq alpha \leq 0.6, S(nu) \sim nu^(-alpha), accompanied by secondary steep spectrum extended components. In these cases, non-thermal emission from jets or outflows is thus the most natural explanation. A faint feature is detected in NGC 4477 at 5 GHz; keeping in mind the modest significance of this detection (~5sigma), we propose the hot corona as the origin of non-thermal emission, on the basis of the unrealistic magnetic field values required by synchrotron self-absorption. Finally, the five non-detected nuclei remain elusive and further observations on intermediate scales will be necessary to investigate their nature.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA