1,270 research outputs found

    Study of the Flux and Spectral Variations in the VHE Emission from the Blazar Markarian 501, with the MAGIC Telescope

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    The blazar Markarian 501 (Mrk 501) was observed above 100 GeV with the MAGIC Telescope during May, June and July 2005. The high sensitivity of the instrument made possible the detection of the source with high significance in each of the observing nights. During this observational campaign, the emitted gamma-ray flux from Mkn 501 was found to vary by one order of magnitude, and showed a high correlation with spectral changes. Intra-night flux variability was also observed, with flux-doubling times of ~2 minutes. The data showed a clear evidence of a spectral peak (in the nuFnu representation) during the nights when the gamma-ray activity was highest. The location of this spectral feature was found to be correlated with the emitted gamma-ray flux. In these proceedings we discuss some of the results of this unprecedented spectral and temporal analysis of Mrk 501 observations in the very high energy range.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, manuscript submitted on behalf of the MAGIC collaboration to the First GLAST Symposium (oral presentation

    A novel approach to identify blazar emission states using clustering algorithms

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    Even after decades of multi-wavelength (MWL) observations, blazars still remain mysterious objects. Their extreme variability and variety of emission characteristics observed during different time periods make it hard to understand the fundamental processes behind their emission. Thus, a robust identification and characterization of the different emission states among blazars is vital to investigate the underlying processes causing the observed emission. In this contribution, we present a novel technique to determine emission states across MWL lightcurves (LCs) of blazars using a clustering algorithm. Using the Extreme Deconvolution algorithm, we apply a Gaussian Mixture model to the 12-year long-term LC of one of our archetypal blazars, Mrk 501. The two main advantages of the method are that, compared to more conventional methods, such as the Bayesian block algorithm, it considers multiple wavebands simultaneously and it is not dependent on the order in time of the data points. This allows to assign data points to the same emission state even though they are separated by other states in time. The well sampled gamma-ray, X-ray and radio LCs used as input allow to identify six clusters. The clustering is mainly driven by the X-ray flux, showing different levels of quiescent, intermediate and high flux states. However, the radio flux reveals a more complicated pattern, dividing some of the X-ray flux levels in low and high-radio flux states. This suggests that multiple emission regions maybe responsible for the radio to gamma-ray flux.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 202

    A method to measure the mirror reflectivity of a prime focus telescope

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    We have developed a method to measure the mirror reflectivity of telescopes. While it is relatively easy to measure the local reflectivity of the mirror material, it is not so straightforward to measure the amount of light that it focuses in a spot of a given diameter. Our method is based on the use of a CCD camera that is fixed on the mirror dish structure and observes simultaneously part of the telescope's focal plane and the sky region around its optical axis. A white diffuse reflecting disk of known reflectivity is fixed in the telescopes focal plane. During a typical reflectivity measurement the telescope is directed to a selected star. The CCD camera can see two images of the selected star, one directly and another one as a spot focused by the mirror on the white disk. The ratio of the reflected starlight integrated by the CCD from the white disk to the directly measured one provides a precise result of the product of (mirror area x mirror reflectivity)

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Detection of Two Very-High-Energy (E>100 GeV) Gamma-ray Photons from the z = 1.1 Blazar PKS 0426-380

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    We report the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) detection of two very-high-energy (VHE, E>100 GeV) gamma-ray photons from the directional vicinity of the distant (redshift, z = 1.1) blazar PKS 0426-380. The null hypothesis that both the 134 and 122 GeV photons originate from unrelated sources can be rejected at the 5.5 sigma confidence level. We therefore claim that at least one of the two VHE photons is securely associated with the blazar, making PKS 0426-380 the most distant VHE emitter known to date. The results are in agreement with the most recent Fermi-LAT constraints on the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) intensity, which imply a z1z \simeq 1 horizon for \simeq 100 GeV photons. The LAT detection of the two VHE gamma-rays coincided roughly with flaring states of the source, although we did not find an exact correspondence between the VHE photon arrival times and the flux maxima at lower gamma-ray energies. Modeling the gamma-ray continuum of PKS 0426-380 with daily bins revealed a significant spectral hardening around the time of detection of the first VHE event (LAT photon index \Gamma\ \simeq 1.4) but on the other hand no pronounced spectral changes near the detection time of the second one. This combination implies a rather complex variability pattern of the source in gamma rays during the flaring epochs. An additional flat component is possibly present above several tens of GeV in the EBL-corrected Fermi-LAT spectrum accumulated over the ~8-month high state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 4 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    A Novel Approach in Constraining Electron Spectra in Blazar Jets: The Case of Markarian 421

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    We report results from the observations of the well studied TeV blazar Mrk 421 with the Swift and the Suzaku satellites in December 2008. During the observation, Mrk 421 was found in a relatively low activity state, with the corresponding 2-10 keV flux of 3×10103 \times 10^{-10} erg/s/cm^2. For the purpose of robust constraining the UV-to-X-ray emission continuum we selected only the data corresponding to truly simultaneous time intervals between Swift and Suzaku, allowing us to obtain a good-quality, broad-band spectrum despite a modest length (0.6 ksec) exposure. We analyzed the spectrum with the parametric forward-fitting SYNCHROTRON model implemented in XSPEC assuming two different representations of the underlying electron energy distribution, both well motivated by the current particle acceleration models: a power-law distribution above the minimum energy γmin\gamma_{\rm min} with an exponential cutoff at the maximum energy γmax\gamma_{\rm max}, and a modified ultra-relativistic Maxwellian with an equilibrium energy γeq\gamma_{\rm eq}. We found that the latter implies unlikely physical conditions within the blazar zone of Mrk 421. On the other hand, the exponentially moderated power-law electron distribution gives two possible sets of the model parameters: (i) flat spectrum dNe/dγγ1.91dN'_e/d\gamma \propto \gamma^{-1.91} with low minimum electron energy γmin<103\gamma_{\rm min}<10^3, and (ii) steep spectrum γ2.77\propto \gamma^{-2.77} with high minimum electron energy γmin2×104\gamma_{\rm min}\simeq 2\times10^4. We discuss different interpretations of both possibilities in the context of a diffusive acceleration of electrons at relativistic, sub- or superluminal shocks. We also comment on how exactly the gamma-ray data can be used to discriminate between the proposed different scenarios.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Novel technique for monitoring the performance of the LAT instrument on board the GLAST satellite

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    The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) is an observatory designed to perform gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range 20 MeV to 300 GeV, with supporting measurements for gamma-ray bursts from 10 keV to 25 MeV. GLAST will be launched at the end of 2007, opening a new and important window on a wide variety of high energy astrophysical phenomena . The main instrument of GLAST is the Large Area Telescope (LAT), which provides break-through high-energy measurements using techniques typically used in particle detectors for collider experiments. The LAT consists of 16 identical towers in a four-by-four grid, each one containing a pair conversion tracker and a hodoscopic crystal calorimeter, all covered by a segmented plastic scintillator anti-coincidence shield. The scientific return of the instrument depends very much on how accurately we know its performance, and how well we can monitor it and correct potential problems promptly. We report on a novel technique that we are developing to help in the characterization and monitoring of LAT by using the power of classification trees to pinpoint in a short time potential problems in the recorded data. The same technique could also be used to evaluate the effect on the overall LAT performance produced by potential instrumental problems.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, manuscript submitted on behalf of the GLAST/LAT collaboration to First GLAST symposium proceeding