648 research outputs found

    Kekuatan Riset Multiskala Dalam Membentuk Teknologi Infrastruktur Masa Depan

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    . Multiscale research is a subject that exploits various physical and chemical phenomena at different observation scales. In this research, the emphasis is that the observation scale influences our level of understanding regarding a physical or chemical phenomenon. A deeper understanding is usually acquired by making observations at smaller scales (micon- or nano-meter) that can be done towards man-made or natural materials/systems. Multiscale research is known to produce breakthrough inventions in science and technology. Some real examples include the non wetting coating that is developed by engineering a surface that allows for the liquid contact angle to be less than 900 (non wetting), the thermal barrier coating which can withstand exposures tovery high temperature environment, and the pollutant consuming cement containing titanium oxide which allows for decomposition of pollutants in air. These examples can inspire the development of multiscale research for infrastructure technology. This paper highlights the results of multiscale research, especially those that is relevant to the development of infrastructure technology. It is desired that what is presented can be developed further at ITB

    Analisis Kemampuan Public Speaking Anggota Dprd Kota Makassar Masa Bakti 2009-2014

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    This resereach bas aimed : 1) do analyze the knowledge level of public speakings for DPRD Jember of Makassar City: 2 ) do analyze the public speakings skills for DPRD Jember of Makassar City, Ana 3) do analyze the public speakings personalitas for DPRD Jember of Makassar City in playing the part of self as profesional political communicator. This resereach bas carried in DPRD Office of Makassar City South Sulawesi, between May until August 2010. Procedural of resereach Bay anayzing data descriptively Thar resulted from in-depth interview and observation on researched respondents. The technique to choose respondents by purpossive sampling where respondents determined accord with the given kriteria which made accord with the purpose of resereach. Result of resereach showed that knowledge level of public speaking for DPRD members inversely proportional to the knowledge ability to speak in front of public. Then, skills level particularly in communicate of DPRD members tend to emotional and frequently high voice tone, this matter influenced by individual character which temperamen and Buol political-interest in term the personality level for largely DPRD members of Makassar City is considered less attention for attitude and good behavior in court bor speak in front of public

    Influence of Chinese Culture on the Development of Mosques in Indonesia

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    Islam in Indonesia is experiencing a history and cultural development that is quite unique. Where in the history of the spread of Islam in Indonesia began in 1389. During the era  of the leadership of the Kingdom of  Majapahit, many majapahit areas were released, so Majapahit owed the Ming Dynasty from China, because at that time many kingdoms were controlled by China. It was at this time that  Admiral  Cheng Ho  sailed to the archipelago and performed Islamic shiar in Java. Ethnic  Cina is an ethnicity that is able to maintain its existence. Seen from the ornaments they use on the buildings they build, ranging from colors and ornaments of typical Chinese shapes. This is as a form of their identity and as a sign of the territorythey live in to influence  the  existence of mosque architecture. Until now Arsitektur  Cina is still seen invariousmosques in Indonesia, asa form of respect for the ancestors of branda who have spread shiar  Islam or asa beto unite the communityantara  Muslim Chinese

    Rumah Sakit Paru-paru Di Manado - Eco Friendly Design

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    Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang termasuk dalam 10 peringkat tertinggi angka kesakitan (morbiditas) penyakit paru di dunia. Tingginya morbiditas penyakit paru di Indonesia, khususnya Sulawesi Utara secara umum disebabkan oleh kualitas udara yang tidak sehat (debu, asap, kelembaban, suhu, dll), bertambahnya jumlah perokok, Perubahan gaya hidup, penularan melalui virus, bakteri, tingkat pengetahuan yang rendah, tingginya angka kemiskinan dan sedikitnya jumlah fasilitas khusus kesehatan paru di tengah lingkungan urban kota. Karakteristik penyakit paru yang menular atau tidak menular dan mudah menyebabkan komplikasi pada organ tubuh lainnya, merupakan alasan kuat mengapa penyakit ini perlu ditangani secara khusus dan intensif. Selain itu proses penyembuhannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (alami maupun buatan) yang sehat, nyaman dan udara yang bersih dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan pencahayaan alami. Melihat kompleksnya permasalahan diatas dan semakin kuatnya isu global warming, maka perlu dipertimbangkan kehadiran rumah sakit paru-paru dengan pendekatan desain yang ramah lingkungan (eco friendly design) di Manado. Pendekatan “eco friendly design” pada rumah sakit paru merupakan strategi desain untuk menghadirkan rancangan rumah sakit yang ramah lingkungan dan untuk mempertahankan kondisi lingkungan yang hijau, natural dan selaras atau serasi dengan alam. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memberikan rasa nyaman dan aman bagi pasien rawat jalan dan rawat inap, sekaligus sebagai sarana relaksasi bagi seluruh pengunjung dan pegawai rumah sakit sendiri, sehingga secara tidak langsung mempercepat proses penyembuhan (Natural Healing)

    Kegagalan Yunani Memanfaatkan Bailout dalam Upaya Mengatasi Krisis Ekonomi Tahun 2008

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    Most of the Europen countries has been cautiously observing the contraction of the Greek system which is closely tied to their own economies. It has capture the attention of the world and continued to send warning signs to countries about system of the governance and public finance. Thus, the case of the Greek crisis has been an good example of how bad management of public finances, Regional Institutions, and domestic politics condition can lead to an economic catastrophe. This research is aimed to explain the failure of Greece on overcoming the debt crisis and also its failure using the bailout aid from European Union.This research theoretically has built with rasionalism perspectives on International Relations and supported by Complex Interdepence theories, and also the concept of Diplomatic Bailout in International Politcal-economy. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Scope of this research is Greeces Failure applying the bailout aid from European Union on overcoming its economic crisis.Researcher has formulated an answered-hypothesis which reveals the facts that Greece failure is caused by the complexity of the bailout itself. The complexity came from first, high level of financial interest of European Union to overcome its financial stability than the Greece financial interest itself. Second, the domestic politics condition in Greece and the third is the gap between intergovernmental aspects and national sovereignty within Euro-zone States after crisis.Keywords: European Crisis, Greece Debt Crisis, Greece, European Union, Bailout

    Confinement of Reinforced-Concrete Columns with NonCode Compliant Confining Reinforcement Plus Supplemental Pen-Binder

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    . One of the important requirements for earthquake resistant building related to confinement is the use of seismic hooks in the hoop or confining reinforcement of reinforced-concrete column elements. However, installation of a confining reinforcement with a 135-degree hook is not easy. Therefore, in practice, many construction workers apply a confining reinforcement with a 90-degree hook (non-code compliant). Based on research and records of recent earthquakes in Indonesia, the use of a non-code compliant confining reinforcement for concrete columns produces structures with poor seismic performance. This paper presents a study that introduces an additional element that is expected to improve the effectiveness of concrete columns confined with a non-code compliant confining reinforcement. The additional element, named a pen-binder, is used to keep the non-code compliant confining reinforcement in place. The effectiveness of this element under pure axial concentric loading was investigatedcomprehensively.The specimens tested in this study were 18 concrete columns,with a cross-section of 170 mm x 170 mm and a height of 480 mm. The main test variables were the material type of the pen-binder, the angle of the hook, and the confining reinforcement configuration.The test results indicate that adding pen -binders can effectively improve the strength and ductility of the column specimens confined with a non-code compliant confining reinforcement

    Respons Pertumbuhan Kedelai Terhadap Pemangkasan Dan Pemberian Kompos Tkks Pada Lahan Ternaungi

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    Response growth of soybean by cutting and giving empty fruit bunches of oil palm compost inshaded area.Using of shaded area for soybean plantation faced trouble such yield decreasing.For that purpose cutting and giving empty fruit bunches of oil palm (EFBOP) compost aimed toincrease growth of soybean in shaded area. This research was conducted at experimental field ofFakultas Pertanian USU in January-April 2013 using factorial randomized block design with twofactor, i.e. time of cutting (no cutting, cutting in V5, cutting in R1) and dose of EFBOP compost(0, 10, 20 and 30 ton per ha). Parameter observed were plant height, summarize of leaf area, stemdiameter, and shoot root ratio. The result showed that cutting significantly decreased plant heightbut increase all parameter observed. Dose of EFBOP compost significantly increased summarize ofleaf area and stem diameter. The interaction of two factor significantly increased summarize of leafarea. The best result were showed by cutting in V5 and giving 30 ton per ha EFBOP compost

    Jenis Rotan, Produk Rotan Olahan Dan Analisis Ekonomi Pada Industri Pengolahan Rotan Komersial Di Kota Medan Type Rattan, Rattan Products Processed and Economic Analysis on Commercial Rattan Manufacturing in Medan

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    Rattan processing as non-timber forest production creates a range of activities for a variety of rattan industry. This reasearch aim to describe the existence and development of rattan processing industry in the city of Medan, the type and price of raw materials processed rattan and rattan products are traded, and analyze the feasibility of rattan processing industry in the city of Medan. Data obtained through the census rattan processing industry in 21 districts in the city of Medan and guided interviews with selected rattan processing industry and analyze the feasibility in CV Haramas and UD Citra Rotan. The results of reasearch showed that the rattan processing industry is only found in five districts namely 15 industries in Medan Petisah, 3 industries in Medan Helvetia, 3 industries in Medan Sunggal, 2 industries in Johor and 1 industry in Medan Tuntungan. The type and price of the type genera of Calamus rattan and Daemonorops have Rp.2.000-Rp 20,000 per stem or per kg. Processed rattan products are tables, chairs, baskets, hoods serving, place parcel rattan, wicker mirror and semi-finished table with selling prices between 8,000-Rp.400.000 per unit. Based on the R/C ratio and the BEP of both products in the CV. Haramas viable and economically beneficial to the R/C ratio >1 and the lowest BEP 219 of the 300 units (chair products) in CV. Haramas and UD. Citra Rotan the lowest BEP 90 of 100 units from ratttan basket
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