8 research outputs found

    Computing the associatied cycles of certain Harish-Chandra modules

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    Let GRG_{\mathbb{R}} be a simple real linear Lie group with maximal compact subgroup KRK_{\mathbb{R}} and assume that rank(GR)=rank(KR){\rm rank}(G_\mathbb{R})={\rm rank}(K_\mathbb{R}). In \cite{MPVZ} we proved that for any representation XX of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 12dim(GR/KR)\frac{1}{2}\dim(G_{\mathbb{R}}/K_{\mathbb{R}}), the polynomial on the dual of a compact Cartan subalgebra given by the dimension of the Dirac index of members of the coherent family containing XX is a linear combination, with integer coefficients, of the multiplicities of the irreducible components occurring in the associated cycle. In this paper we compute these coefficients explicitly

    Coproducts for Clifford algebras

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    Dirac cohomology and the bottom layer K-types

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