2,212 research outputs found

    Shape and Alignment Effects in Xe Nuclei

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    Correlation and prediction of dynamic human isolated joint strength from lean body mass

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    A relationship between a person's lean body mass and the amount of maximum torque that can be produced with each isolated joint of the upper extremity was investigated. The maximum dynamic isolated joint torque (upper extremity) on 14 subjects was collected using a dynamometer multi-joint testing unit. These data were reduced to a table of coefficients of second degree polynomials, computed using a least squares regression method. All the coefficients were then organized into look-up tables, a compact and convenient storage/retrieval mechanism for the data set. Data from each joint, direction and velocity, were normalized with respect to that joint's average and merged into files (one for each curve for a particular joint). Regression was performed on each one of these files to derive a table of normalized population curve coefficients for each joint axis, direction, and velocity. In addition, a regression table which included all upper extremity joints was built which related average torque to lean body mass for an individual. These two tables are the basis of the regression model which allows the prediction of dynamic isolated joint torques from an individual's lean body mass

    Diferencijalni udarni presjeci za rašprsenje elektrona atomima iterbija

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    Electron scattering by ytterbium atom is studied at energies 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 eV, by applying a parameter-free complex optical potential. The real part of the complex optical potential includes the static potential Vst(r), the polarization potential Vpol(r) that consists of the short range correlation and long-range polarization effects and Vex(r) term consisting of electron exchange interaction which is modelled by assuming the electron charge cloud as a free electron gas. The loss of flux into the inelastic channels is included via a phenomenological absorption potential. Our results are compared with the recent experimental measurements.Proučavamo raspršenje elektrona na enegijama 10, 20, 40, 60 i 80 eV primjenom bezparametarskog kompleksnog optičkog potencijala. Realni dio optičkog potencijala uključuje statički potencijal Vst(r), polarizacijski potencijal Vpol(r) koji se sastoji od kratko-dosežnih korelacija i dugo-dosežnih polarizacijskih efekata i član Vex(r) koji se sastoji od elektronskog međudjelovanja izmjene, a izražen je pretpostavivši oblak elektronskog naboja kao slobodan elektronski plin. Gubitak toka u neelastične kanale uključuje se preko fenomenološkog apsorpcijskog potencijala. Postignuti ishodi uspoređuju se s nedavnim eksperimentalnim podacima

    Ukupni (elastični i neelastični) udarni presjeci raspršenja elektrona na molekulama N2O, CF4, NO I F2

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    Electron impact total (elastic + inelastic) cross sections and total ionization cross sections are calculated for N2O, CF4, NO and F2 molecules from the thresholds to 5 keV. A model complex optical potential is calculated for each collision system from the corresponding molecular wave function at the Hartree-Fock level. The resulting complex optical potential, free from any adjustable parameter, is treated exactly in a variable-phase approach to calculate scattering complex phase shifts and the total cross sections. The present results are found to be consistent with the existing experimental measurements.Izračunali smo ukupne elektronske sudarne (elastične i neelastične) i ukupne ionizacijske udarne presjeke za molekule N2O, CF4, NO i F2 za energije od praga do 5 keV. Modelske kompleksne optičke potencijale smo izračunali za svaki sustav na osnovi odgovarajućih molekulskih Hartree-Fockovih valnih funkcija. Postignute optičke potencijale, bez parametara za podešavanje, primijenili smo egzaktno s promjenljivim fazama u računima kompleksnih faznih pomaka i ukupnih udarnih presjeka. Ishodi računa su u skladu s dostupnim rezultatima mjerenja

    Diferencijalni udarni presjeci za rašprsenje elektrona atomima iterbija

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    Electron scattering by ytterbium atom is studied at energies 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 eV, by applying a parameter-free complex optical potential. The real part of the complex optical potential includes the static potential Vst(r), the polarization potential Vpol(r) that consists of the short range correlation and long-range polarization effects and Vex(r) term consisting of electron exchange interaction which is modelled by assuming the electron charge cloud as a free electron gas. The loss of flux into the inelastic channels is included via a phenomenological absorption potential. Our results are compared with the recent experimental measurements.Proučavamo raspršenje elektrona na enegijama 10, 20, 40, 60 i 80 eV primjenom bezparametarskog kompleksnog optičkog potencijala. Realni dio optičkog potencijala uključuje statički potencijal Vst(r), polarizacijski potencijal Vpol(r) koji se sastoji od kratko-dosežnih korelacija i dugo-dosežnih polarizacijskih efekata i član Vex(r) koji se sastoji od elektronskog međudjelovanja izmjene, a izražen je pretpostavivši oblak elektronskog naboja kao slobodan elektronski plin. Gubitak toka u neelastične kanale uključuje se preko fenomenološkog apsorpcijskog potencijala. Postignuti ishodi uspoređuju se s nedavnim eksperimentalnim podacima

    Ukupni (elastični i neelastični) udarni presjeci raspršenja elektrona na molekulama N2O, CF4, NO I F2

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    Electron impact total (elastic + inelastic) cross sections and total ionization cross sections are calculated for N2O, CF4, NO and F2 molecules from the thresholds to 5 keV. A model complex optical potential is calculated for each collision system from the corresponding molecular wave function at the Hartree-Fock level. The resulting complex optical potential, free from any adjustable parameter, is treated exactly in a variable-phase approach to calculate scattering complex phase shifts and the total cross sections. The present results are found to be consistent with the existing experimental measurements.Izračunali smo ukupne elektronske sudarne (elastične i neelastične) i ukupne ionizacijske udarne presjeke za molekule N2O, CF4, NO i F2 za energije od praga do 5 keV. Modelske kompleksne optičke potencijale smo izračunali za svaki sustav na osnovi odgovarajućih molekulskih Hartree-Fockovih valnih funkcija. Postignute optičke potencijale, bez parametara za podešavanje, primijenili smo egzaktno s promjenljivim fazama u računima kompleksnih faznih pomaka i ukupnih udarnih presjeka. Ishodi računa su u skladu s dostupnim rezultatima mjerenja

    Scripting human animations in a virtual environment

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    The current deficiencies of virtual environment (VE) are well known: annoying lag time in drawing the current view, drastically simplified environments to reduce that time lag, low resolution and narrow field of view. Animation scripting is an application of VE technology which can be carried out successfully despite these deficiencies. The final product is a smoothly moving high resolution animation displaying detailed models. In this system, the user is represented by a human computer model with the same body proportions. Using magnetic tracking, the motions of the model's upper torso, head and arms are controlled by the user's movements (18 degrees of freedom). The model's lower torso and global position and orientation are controlled by a spaceball and keypad (12 degrees of freedom). Using this system human motion scripts can be extracted from the user's movements while immersed in a simplified virtual environment. Recorded data is used to define key frames; motion is interpolated between them and post processing adds a more detailed environment. The result is a considerable savings in time and a much more natural-looking movement of a human figure in a smooth and seamless animation

    Relationship between genetic divergence and phenotypic stability in chickpea

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    In this investigation, by and large, genotypes included in the same cluster had identiea means but the linear responses were not the same. However, genotypes included in the same cluster had almost identical non-linear responses. Therefore, grouping of material into different clusters based on regression analysis was found to be reliable as that of Mahalanobis' D2 Statisti

    Genetic divergence in chickpea

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    The grouping of genotypes from different ecogeographical areas in the same cluster confirmed that there is no parallelism between genetic diversity and geographical distribution. The pattern of clustering was highly influenced by environment and while making general statement on this aspect, the experimental conditions should be taken into consideration. To make worthwhile improvement in chickpea, 100-seed weight, pods per plant, flowering period and harvest index, in that order, should be taken into account. The clustering pattern of genotypes has revealed that Desi and Kabuli types are different from each other. Hence, crossing among these two types may provide more desirable segregant

    Comparison of new drug approval by regulatory agencies of US, EU and India

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    Background: As per World Trade Organisation (WTO), from the year 2005, India granted product patent recognition to all new chemical entities (NCEs). This may affect the new drug approvals in India. The purpose of this study was to compare the new drug approvals in India with the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) regions.Methods: We obtained information about regulatory approval of new drugs in the US, EU, or India of last 5 years (from 2011 through 2015) from the publicly accessible databases of three regulatory agencies. For the drug products identified, the drugs were classified into fourteen main Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) groups, review classification and approval date.Results: There were 509 new drugs approved from 2011 through 2015 by one or more of the three regulatory agencies. Total 182 new drugs were approved in US during the period of 2011 to 2015, with an average of 36.4 new drugs approved per year. For the same period a total of 257 new drugs were approved in the EU, with an average of 51.4 new drugs approved per year and in India a total of 70 new drugs were approved, with an average of 14 new drugs approved per year. There were more number of new drug approvals in antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (L) ATC group in all the three regions (US= 66; EU= 61 and India= 17).Conclusions: For new drugs approved between 2011 and 2015, India has lagged behind the US and the EU in approval of new drugs. There was no difference in the patterns of new drug approvals with respect to the therapeutic areas