18 research outputs found

    The ethical contours of research in crisis settings: five practical considerations for academic institutional review boards and researchers.

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    The number of research studies in the humanitarian field is rising. It is imperative, therefore, that institutional review boards (IRBs) consider carefully the additional risks present in crisis contexts to ensure that the highest ethical standards are upheld. Ethical guidelines should represent better the specific issues inherent to research among populations grappling with armed conflict, disasters triggered by natural hazards, or health-related emergencies. This paper seeks to describe five issues particular to humanitarian settings that IRBs should deliberate and on which they should provide recommendations to overcome associated challenges: staged reviews of protocols in acute emergencies; flexible reviews of modification requests; addressing violence and the traumatic experiences of participants; difficulties in attaining meaningful informed consent among populations dependent on aid; and ensuring reviews are knowledgeable of populations' needs. Considering these matters when reviewing protocols will yield more ethically sound research in humanitarian settings and hold researchers accountable to appropriate ethical standards

    Rubrics on Scoring English Tests for Four Language Skills

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    All language programs in instruction/education institution cover some components like input, process, and output. Input is materials to be  processed, process is teaching and learning program and output is the result of process. One of teaching and learning programs is assessment or evaluation of the program. Assessment is carried out by testing/examining language learners. The test is done by objective test and or subjective test and referring to four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each of them can be done by holistic scoring system or analytic scoring system. The holistic scoring system is done by scoring language skills by single score, without referring to every element of language skills. The analytic scoring system, on the contrary, is scoring every language element of language skills, then totaling all scores to get final score. This is also done from the simplest step to the most complex one and from the micro-skills to the macro-skills. Instructors/teachers then may have one of those alternatives, and or combine of both.Keywords : assessment, objective test, subjective test, holistic scoring system, and analytic scoring syste

    Interface for diagnostic of TV sets

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací zařízení, které obsahuje převodník ze sběrnice USB na sběrnice I2C a SPI. Zařízení primárně navrženo jako rozhraní mezi PC a TV přijímačem značky Panasonic. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část popisuje funkce sběrnic I2C a SPI a funkci převodníku FT4232H od firmy FTDI. V praktické části jsou popsány základní příkazy pro ovládání převodníku, schéma zapojení a samotná realizace zařízení.Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologieObhájenoThis master?s thesis deals with designing and implementation of device which contains a converter from the USB bus to the I2C and SPI buses. The device is primarily designed as interface between a PC and TV set made by Panasonic. The project is separated to a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the functions of the I2C and SPI buses and the function of the converter FT4232H from FTDI Company. There are described the primary commands of the converter, the wiring and realization of device in the practical part