78 research outputs found

    Effect of shape anisotropy on transport in a 2-dimensional computational model: Numerical simulations showing experimental features observed in biomembranes

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    We propose a 2-d computational model-system comprising a mixture of spheres and the objects of some other shapes, interacting via the Lennard-Jones potential. We propose a reliable and efficient numerical algorithm to obtain void statistics. The void distribution, in turn, determines the selective permeability across the system and bears a remarkable similarity with features reported in certain biological experiments.Comment: 1 tex file, 2 sty files and 5 figures. To appear in Proc. of StatPhys conference held in Calcutta, Physica A 199

    Quantification of the energy required for the destruction of Balanus amphitrite larva by ultrasonic treatment

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    Ultrasonic treatment, a relatively less explored technology in water disinfection, was used to quantify the energy required for the destruction of larvae of barnacle Balanus amphitrite, which is a major marine fouling and a potential invasive organism. Since the power used and treatment time for disinfection are economically, and practically, the most important parameters, the energy required to pulverize the larvae into pieces ≤30 μm was determined as a function of the acoustic power density. The present investigation suggests that an ultrasonic system operating at 20 kHz and 0.0975 W/cm3 can effectively pulverize barnacle larvae having length (~440 μm) and breadth (~350 μm) within 45 seconds using 0.1 mJ/larva of pulverization energy. It was also observed that following pulverization of the larvae, the bacterial abundance increased and the rate of release of bacteria was dependent on power level and treatment time, which in turn decided the pulverization rate and hence the rate of release of bacteria

    Solar Energy powered active Greenhouse for the cultivation of Fresh Food during winter in Trans Himalayan Cold Arid Region, India

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    The Trans-Himalayan Cold arid high altitude region of Ladakh have hostile climatic conditions particularly lowtemperature (-20°C to -45°C). The region shares international borders with two countries viz. China and Pakistanand hence large numbers of Army personnel are deployed in the region due to their strategic importance. Production of fresh food locally is difficult due to low atmospheric temperatures. The region remains cut off from the external world during the winter period for almost 6-8 months due to the closure of roads, which causes an acute shortage of fresh food. Some supply from other regions through the air is carried out but available only to a limited population and costly also, hence beyond the pocket of the common’s man. The inhabitants hence mostly have to survive on packaged food containing food preservatives and harmful chemicals, which are the causes of many diseases. In addition, the unavailability of fresh food causes nutritional deficiency in the inhabitants of the region. Production of fresh food locally seems possible and realistic in closed structures, only if the temperature is maintained. The objective of this study is to prove fresh food production by maintaining suitable temperatures in structures during peak winter using solar energy. Solar energy is available in plenty in the region and stood at 4 th position in India in terms of irradiation. A variety of fresh foods were produced by maintaining temperature in the coldest and largest existing structure using commercially available heating units successively from 2016-2019 during the winter period. The heating units were supplied energy from a Solar PV-based system. An average of 1500kgs-1800kgs of a variety of fresh vegetables were produced and supplied for the first time in the region during the peak winter period of 2016 to 2019. The survival percentage of 92.5% to 100% is found in a structure with an area of 3600 2 feet.Fresh foods were produced and supplied to the user by maintaining minimum survival temperature using solar energy as a source with commercially available heating technology in the largest and coldest existing structure

    Случай раннего выявления метастазов в бедренной кости у больного раком полового члена

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    Background. Bone metastasis is very common in the advanced stage of numerous carcinomas. In penile carcinoma, lymph nodes metastasis is somehow common but it is very rare reported to be secondary from penile cancer. till the date, there are only few cases of penis carcinoma reported bone metastasis in literature worldwide.Case Presentation. Herein, We presented a 51-year-old Nepalese male with squamous cell carcinoma of penis. computed tomography (ct) scan of the patient revealed that there was carcinoma involving glans penis and precure with bilateral external & internal inguinal lymphadenopathies. After then, the patient was under gone for partial penectomy and bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy and complete 6-cycle chemotherapy. After one year of treatment, patient developed thigh pain and headache and he advised to have magnetic Resonance imaging (mRi) of brain, 99mTc-MDP whole body bone scan and ct scan of pelvis and thigh. The examination report reveals that there was a sclerotic change in vertex of skull bone and moderate 99mTc-MDP uptake in right proximal shaft of femur just below the neck d/d metastasis. The histopathological examination of the true cut biopsy taken from the lesion of the femur showed metastatic keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma which is rare case of femoral shaft bone metastasis secondary from penile carcinoma. Then patient was sent for surgical reconstruction of femur. Based on the case studies review femur shaft bone metastasis from penile cancer is extremely rare.Conclusion. The best of our knowledge; this is the first early detected bone metastases to shaft of the femur in a patient with penile cancer. early diagnosis helps to radical treatment as well as palliative treatment. surgery is the preferred option of the treatments, especially for metastatic foci in the long bones.Аннотация Метастазы в кости часто встречаются на поздних стадиях разных злокачественных новообразований. Для рака полового члена характерно лимфогенное метастазирование, костные метастазы встречаются очень редко. На данный момент в мировой литературе зарегистрировано лишь несколько случаев рака полового члена с метастазами в кости.Описание клинического случая. Мы представляем описание клинического случая плоскоклеточного рака полового члена у 51-летнего мужчины из Непала. Компьютерная томография (КТ) выявила рак полового члена, локализованный на головке и крайней плоти с двусторонней паховой лимфаденопатией. Пациенту выполнена частичная пенэктомия, двусторонняя паховая лимфаденэктомия, проведено 6 курсов адъювантной химиотерапии. Через один год после завершения лечения у пациента появились боли в бедре и головная боль, рекомендована МРТ головного мозга, сканирование костей скелета с 99mTc-MDP и КТ таза и бедра. Обследование показало наличие склеротических изменений в теменной кости черепа и умеренное накопление 99mTc-MDP в проксимальном отделе правом бедренной кости ниже шейки. Гистологическое исследование биоптата, взятого из очага в бедренной кости, выявило метастаз ороговевающего плоскоклеточного рака, что является редким случаем метастазирования рака полового члена в диафиз бедренной кости. Пациент был направлен на хирургическую реконструкцию бедренной кости. Согласно обзору клинических исследований, метастазы в диафизе бедренной кости при раке полового члена встречаются крайне редко.Заключение. Представлен первый случай раннего выявления костных метастазов в диафизе бедренной кости у пациента с раком полового члена. Ранняя диагностика помогает как радикальному, так и паллиативному лечению. Хирургическое вмешательство является предпочтительным вариантом лечения, особенно при метастатических очагах в длинных костях

    Effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on zooplankton: a tool for disinfection

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    Application of hydrodynamic cavitation for disinfection of water is gaining momentum, as it provides environmentally and economically sound options. In this effort, the effect of cavitating conditions created by differential pump valve opening and that created by flowing through a cavitating element (orifice plates) on the microbes (zooplankton in sea water) is described. The experimental results are compared with modelling of cavitating conditions that includes cavity dynamics, turbulence generated by individual oscillating cavity, cell wall strength and geometrical and operating parameters of cavitation device. Theoretical model for quantifying the cavitationally generated turbulent shear and extent of microbial disinfection has been developed. Experimental results indicated that cavitation and/or turbulent fluid shear dominantly originating from cavitation are effective tools for sea water disinfection as more than 80% of the zooplankton present in the sea water were killed. It was also observed that shock waves generated due to cavitation is not the sole cause for zooplankton disruption. A correct physical mechanism accounting fluid turbulence and shear, generated from stable oscillation of cavity, significantly contribute towards the disruption. Further refinement of the model presented will serve as a basis for higher degree of disinfection and provide a practical tool for sea water disinfection

    An Open Randomized Comparison of Gatifloxacin versus Cefixime for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Enteric Fever

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of gatifloxacin versus cefixime in the treatment of uncomplicated culture positive enteric fever. DESIGN: A randomized, open-label, active control trial with two parallel arms. SETTING: Emergency Room and Outpatient Clinics in Patan Hospital, Lagankhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with clinically diagnosed uncomplicated enteric fever meeting the inclusion criteria. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were allocated to receive one of two drugs, Gatifloxacin or Cefixime. The dosages used were Gatifloxacin 10 mg/kg, given once daily for 7 days, or Cefixime 20 mg/kg/day given in two divided doses for 7 days. OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was fever clearance time. The secondary outcome measure was overall treatment failure (acute treatment failure and relapse). RESULTS: Randomization was carried out in 390 patients before enrollment was suspended on the advice of the independent data safety monitoring board due to significant differences in both primary and secondary outcome measures in the two arms and the attainment of a priori defined endpoints. Median (95% confidence interval) fever clearance times were 92 hours (84-114 hours) for gatifloxacin recipients and 138 hours (105-164 hours) for cefixime-treated patients (Hazard Ratio[95%CI] = 2.171 [1.545-3.051], p<0.0001). 19 out of 70 (27%) patients who completed the 7 day trial had acute clinical failure in the cefixime group as compared to 1 out of 88 patients (1%) in gatifloxacin group(Odds Ratio [95%CI] = 0.031 [0.004 - 0.237], p<0.001). Overall treatment failure patients (relapsed patients plus acute treatment failure patients plus death) numbered 29. They were determined to be (95% confidence interval) 37.6 % (27.14%-50.2%) in the cefixime group and 3.5% (2.2%-11.5%) in the gatifloxacin group (HR[95%CI] = 0.084 [0.025-0.280], p<0.0001). There was one death in the cefixime group. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this study, gatifloxacin is a better treatment for uncomplicated enteric fever as compared to cefixime. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN75784880