44 research outputs found
The evolutionary operator in the genetic algorithm (GA) does not guarantee that the quality of individuals from generation to generation is always good. Elitism maintains the preservation of the best individual traits from generation to generation by multiplying the best set of individuals. In this paper, it is determined the number of copies that need to be done on the best individual. Tests were carried out on five nonlinear functions with two variables and the result was that the best individual multiplication was able to provide the best solution.Operator evolusi dalam algoritma genetika (AG) tidak menjamin kualitas individu dari generasi ke generasi selalu baik. Elitisme menjaga pelestarian sifat-sifat individu terbaik dari generasi ke generasi dengan cara menggandakan sekumpulan individu terbaik. Pada tulisan ini ditentukan banyaknya penggandaan yang perlu dilakukan terhadap individu terbaik. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap lima fungsi nonlinear dua peubah dan dihasilkan satu penggandaan individu terbaik mampu memberikan solusi terbaik
Approach to chest pain and acute myocardial infarction
Patient history, physical examination, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac biomarkers are key components of an effective chest pain assessment. The first priority is excluding serious chest pain syndromes, namely acute coronary syndromes (ACSs), aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, cardiac tamponade and tension pneumothorax. On history, the mnemonic SOCRATES (Site Onset Character Radiation Association Time Exacerbating/relieving factor and Severity) helps differentiate cardiac from non-cardiac pain. On examination, evaluation of vital signs, evidence of murmurs, rubs, heart failure, tension pneumothoraces and chest infections are important. A 12-lead ECG should be interpreted within 10 minutes of first medical contact, specifically to identify ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). High-sensitivity troponins improve the rapid rule-out of myocardial infarction (MI) and confirmation of non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI). ACS (STEMI and NSTEMI/unstable angina pectoris (UAP)) result from acute destabilisation of coronary atheroma with resultant complete (STEMI) or subtotal (NSTEMI/UAP) thrombotic coronary occlusion. The management of STEMI patients includes providing urgent reperfusion: primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) if available, deliverable within 60 - 120 minutes, and fibrinolysis if PPCI is not available. Essential adjunctive therapies include antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, P2Y12 inhibitors), anticoagulation (heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin) and cardiac monitoring
One of the factors of failure in the field of credit business is the lack of accurate assessment of the ability of the debtor, thus resulting in errors in credit decisions that culminate in credit congestion. Data mining techniques can be used to assess customer ability based on past data. Debtor data that has been through the stages of data mining is then processed using Naive Bayes data mining algorithm. Naive Bayes is a simple probabilistic based prediction technique based on the application of bayes rules. Implementation using Weka 3.8 with a total of 3018 records yields a truth level of 94%
The Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Police Service Model at the Border of Indonesia and Timor Leste
The purpose of this study is to show the concept of effective and efficient services for the police service function at the border between the Republic of Indonesia and the Democratic Timor Leste. This study uses a mixed research method (mix method). The data obtained quantitatively are then described qualitatively. The number of samples was determined using the Slovin equation, as many as 100 respondents, while the composition of the sample was obtained through the strata field sampling technique. Quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire, analyzed using the community satisfaction index approach and then tested statistically with t test paired sample t test, while the effectiveness and efficiency of services were analyzed descriptively. The results of hypothesis testing with the t test show that the working hypothesis is accepted, that is, there are significant differences when using the combined service model (online) and the standard service model (conventional). The significant difference is also shown by the increase in the community satisfaction index when using the online service model by 66.32% compared to using the conventional service model of 60.52%. The results of the discussion conclude that the online service model is feasible because it can increase the quality of police services effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Border, Challenge effectiveness, Efficiency, Police, Service DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-9-11 Publication date:September 30th 202
Case Based Reasoning Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Kehamilan Menggunakan Cosine Similarity
The application of case-based reasoning in diagnosing pregnancy deseases is motivated by the lack of number of obstetricians. The use of CBR aims to solve new problems by adapting the solutions contained in the previous case, by calculating the level of similarity. Calculation of similarity value using cosine similarity method, with threshold equal to 100%. This system can diagnose 6 diseases, 28 existing symptoms. System outbreaks of illness experienced by patients based on symptoms induced by non-specialist medical personnel, as well as handling solutions accompanied by a presentation of similarities with previous cases to indicate the degree of truth of possible diagnosis. Based on the results of case testing, the results obtained: the system can retrieve the exact old case and have used the cosine similarity methodology correctly, shown with 100% accuracy results, and using 104 cases is optimal enough to diagnose 6 illnesses shown with average results Similarity to 20 cases is 90%
Factors Affecting The Use of Intra Uterine Device in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara
Background: The Intra Uterine Device (IUD) is a type of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) that goes in the uterus. It has some preferable features: (1) More than 99% effective; (2) Works for up to 10 years; (3) ‘Fit and forget’ contraception users do not need to do anything. There are two types of IUD: one with hormones, one without hormones. The menstrual period might change. There might be more or less bleeding. This study aimed to determine factors affecting the use of IUD in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.
Subjects and Method: A cross sectional study carried out in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. A sample of women of reproductive age was selected for this study, consisting of IUD users and non users. The dependent variable was IUD use. The independent variables were age, education, maternal attitude, and maternal belief. IUD data were taken from maternal and child health record. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression.
Results: Older age, higher education, favorable maternal attitude, and positive maternal belief, were associated with the use of IUD.
Conclusion: Age, education, maternal attitude, and maternal belief, are associated with the use of IUD.
Keywords: intrauterine device, age, education, maternal attitude, maternal belie
Implementasi Penetapan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Ubah Bentuk pada Samsat Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan
The problem in doing the majoring in SAMSAT of sub-province of Timor Tengah Selatan can be solved by using information system. In a month SAMSAT of sub-province of Timor Tengah have served 3.131 taxpayer, that means for a day SAMSAT of sub-province of Timor Tengah served approximately reach 150 taxpayer and total vehicles in registration is 39.492 vehicles. The system that is developed to maintain vehicles data, types of vehicle data, vehicles brands data, dumps data, vehicles price data, registration data, and to count vehicles tax determining rightly dan quickly and can gain the report of all registration data, specific report of the vehicles, specific report of vehicles tax determining and receipt tax payments of vehicles transform. This system capable to answered the hypothesis H0 about contentment of service with satisfaction level more than 70% viz 78%.
Implementasi Algoritma K-Means untuk Mengenali Pola Jemaat dalam Kegiatan Pelayanan Gereja
Gereja adalah sebuah institusi yang tidak hanya mengelola kerohanian jemaatnya, namun juga merupakan wadah organisasi yang mengayomi dan melindungi jemaat serta menjamin keberlangsungan kehidupan sosial masyarakat jemaatnya. Data statistik juga menunjukkan jumlah pemeluk agama Kristen Protestan di kota Kupang mencapai angka 209.438 orang atau sebanyak 61,08% dari jumlah total penduduk di kota Kupang. Jumlah gereja Kristen Protestan sebanyak 150 gereja sehingga diasumsikan setiap gereja memiliki jemaat rata-rata 1.396 jemaat per gereja. Data mining merupakan proses yang mempekerjakan satu atau lebih teknik pembelajaran komputer (machine learning) untuk menganalisis dan mengekstrasi pengetahuan sehingga didapat pola tertentu. Penelitian ini akan mengimplementasikan algoritma data mining K-Means Clustering untuk mengenali pola jemaat yang menjadi salah satu target kegiatan pelayanan gereja yaitu jemaat yang belum dibaptis padahal sudah melewati usia baptis pada umumnya sebanyak . Luaran utama yaitu berupa rumusan/pola jemaat dan hasil rumusan itu akan dipakai oleh pihak gereja untuk melakukan pendekatan kepada jemaat dengan ciri/pola tersebut