171 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium W immunotherapy for treating pulmonary tuberculosis : a systematic review

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    Includes bibliographical references.Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major health problem in the developing world, accounting for approximately 2 million deaths per year. The search for appropriate and applicable therapies to reduce the burden of TB is essential. Mycobacterium w (M w) is a heat-killed immune-modulating vaccine designed to attenuate the effects of TB infection and reduce the time to sputum negativity, thereby improving cure rates and decreasing transmission rates

    Drug-drug interactions between antiretrovirals and bedaquiline

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. People living with HIV are particularly susceptible to TB infection, and treatment of HIV-TB co-infection is challenging for multiple reasons, including potential drug-interactions. Drug-resistant TB is difficult to treat and is associated with high treatment failure rates, mainly because the antimycobacterial drugs currently available are ineffective against drug-resistant TB. Bedaquiline is a new antimycobacterial drug which has shown great promise through its excellent efficacy for treating drug-resistant TB. Being a new drug, however, potential drug interactions with antiretrovirals are a major concern. Bedaquiline is metabolized in the liver by an enzyme called cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A). The antiretrovirals nevirapine, efavirenz, and lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) can affect the activity of this enzyme, and consequently affect the concentration of bedaquiline in the patient's blood. Nevirapine and efavirenz increase the activity of CYP3A, which may result in increased metabolism of bedaquiline, thus decreasing the concentration of bedaquiline, with consequent risk of treatment failure or the further development of drug-resistance. LPV/r inhibits the CYP3A enzyme, which may result in decreased bedaquiline metabolism, thus causing high concentration of bedaquiline in the blood, with consequent risk of toxicity. We conducted a pharmacokinetic study in 43 adult patients with drug-resistant TB to evaluate the drug-interactions between bedaquiline and the antiretrovirals nevirapine and LPV/r. We did serial measurements of the bedaquiline concentration in their plasma over 48 hours, and compared these concentrations in patients who were on antiretroviral and those who were not on antiretrovirals. Our results showed that nevirapine had no significant effect on bedaquiline concentrations, while patients on LPV/r had bedaquiline concentrations 2 fold higher than patients not on antiretrovirals. We could not determine the clinical significance of this, but recommend that patients receiving LPV/r and bedaquiline in combination must be closely monitored for side-effects

    William James' Concept of Religion: An Empirical Theory and Its Implementation in the Religious Context of Indonesia

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    Abstract: The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the concept of religion from the perspective of William James. This paper refers to James's framework of thinking about the way of religion and its urgency for religions that are adhered to by humans. As explained by James that being a religious person means belief in an invisible order that really exists, so that it produces a real effect in the world. The method used in this research is literature study which refers to references related to the topic raised. In this study, researchers found that the concept of William James can be implemented in Indonesia because it opens the framework of the Indonesian people's thinking about the way of religion through experience, knowledge, moral awareness and acceptance that leads to peace. Keywords: priest, single, church, ministry, vocation The Concept of Religion, Empirical Theory, William James

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny. A. F di puskesmas Noemuke periode 30 april - 23 juni 2019”.

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    Latar Belakang : Asuhan Kebidanan adalah proses pengambilan keputusan dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh bidan sesuai wewenang dan ruang lingkup praktiknya. Berdasarkan Survey Demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia terakhir tahun 2017 AKI di Indonesia sebesar 359/100.000 kelahiran hidup, sedangkan AKB sebesar 40/1.000 kelahiran hidup. Komplikasi maternal lain yang dijumpai di puskesmas Noemuke antara lain partus lama, PEB tidak ada kasus dan komplikasi Neonatal 1 kasus. Tujuan : Memberikan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada ibu A.F di Puskesmas Noemuke. Metode : Dalam Pelaksanaan Laporan Tugas Akhir menggunakan hasil studi kasus (case study). Lokasi pengumpulan data di Puskesmas Noemuke, subyek studi kasus Ny.A.F menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil, persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir dan KB dengan menggunakan metode SOAP. Hasil : Berdasarkan asuhan yang telah diberikan, didapatkan keadaan ibu dan bayi sehat dengan proses pemulihan berjalan lancar dan tidak terjadi infeksi masa nifas, keadaan bayi sehat dan mendapatkan ASI ekslusif dan ibu berencana menggunakan KB Inplant

    Development of Flight Multifunctional Indicator Based on A320 and B737 NG Flight Indicator

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    The objectives of this research are: to know the concept of modeling and simulation the cockpit display based on disadvantages and differences between A320 and B737NG; to offer the development and new technology to design the development (new) flight instruments of the display based on Airbus A320 and Boeing B737 NG flight instrument technology. Methodologies that have been used in this research are literature review, interview/discussion/questionnaire, and descriptive analysis. Questionnaire towards the users/pilots who flies airplane A320 or B737 NG. For the questionnaire, the Likert-scale method is utilized to collect data and information. This research result’s in finding that: 1. the technology of flight instrument system between A320 and B737 NG visually displays similarity with several differences such as ergonomic side, ECAM technology, and VSD technology. 2. Based on works of literature review and response from the users/pilots, the author finds and proposes several technologies or requirements to apply in the new type model of PFD and Multi-function Display, they are including: PFD and MFD merged into one display only with some additional menu buttons; ECAM + engine warning display, ECAM + systems display, and digital instruction to solve the problem merged into one display only with some additional buttons; display design is using the fully digital display, computerized system, LCD technology, VSD, and EHSI technology, and layout display is using configuration “basic T”; standby flight instrument merged into one display only with some additional menu button


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    Superior product are one of the things that concern an area in the local revenues, therefore, in determining the superior product herewith the goal is to build a decision support system by applying simple multi attribute rating technique. SMART is a multi- criteria decision making method. This multi-criteria decision-making technique is based on the theory that each alternative consists of a number of criteria that have values and each criterion has a weight that describes how important the criterion is compared to other criteria. This weighting is used to assess each alternative in order to obtain the best alternative. In this study, sensitivity testing was also used to measure the level of weight sensitivity of the criteria for business units, labor, investment value and production value. From the results of sensitivity testing using 62 superior product data on each tested weighting criterion whose weights are increased by 0.5 and 1, the criterion that has the highest sensitivity level or in other words has experienced more changes in ranking is the criteria for investment value with a percentage. Amounting to 95.16% for the addition of the initial weight with 0.5 and 96.77% for the addition of the initial weight by 1

    Application of Shepherd Leadership to the Spiritual Growth of Christian Youth in the Digital Age

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    Writing this article aims to describe the pastor's strategy in educating, fostering and guiding young people to experience spiritual growth. This article refers to the role of pastors in formulating the right strategy to solve the spiritual problems of young people which are slowly declining due to the pace of technology. Where, young people ignore worship and other spiritual activities such as a lack of interest in worship both in public worship, household worship, youth worship, and worship activities on church holidays. The, method used in this research is literature study which refers to references related to the topic raised. In this study, the authors found that pastors have a strategy to apply their leadership to grow the spirituality of youth through Teaching God's Word with contextual topics, Bible study, coaching and guidance through counseling and the use of digital media. The achievement of pastoral leadership in the spiritual growth of young people is seen in terms of their quality of life. The proof of the spiritual growth of young people is that they will be diligent in participating in fellowship services at church and are able to practice the value of the truth of God's Word to their surroundings
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