12,331 research outputs found

    Analysis of Uranium in the Uranium Ores of India

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    The processing of Uranium Ore from Jaduguda, Bhatin and Narwapahar and Uranium concentrates from Surda, Rakha and Mosaboni copper concentrator plant tailings to produce mangesium Di-uranate commonly known as yellow cake invol-ves different stages and needs to be analysed for its U308 content. The methods used for the analysis depends on the uranium content in the sample

    Electronic states of PrCoO3_3: X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and LDA+U density of states studies

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    Electronic states of PrCoO3_3 are studied using x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. Pr 3d5/2_{5/2} core level and valence band (VB) were recorded using Mg Kβ_\beta source. The core level spectrum shows that the 3d5/2_{5/2} level is split into two components of multiplicity 4 and 2, respectively due to coupling of the spin states of the hole in 3d5/2_{5/2} with Pr 4f holes spin state. The observed splitting is 4.5 eV. The VB spectrum is interpreted using density of states (DOS) calculations under LDA and LDA+U. It is noted that LDA is not sufficient to explain the observed VB spectrum. Inclusion of on-site Coulomb correlation for Co 3d electrons in LDA+U calculations gives DOS which is useful in qualitative explanation of the ground state. However, it is necessary to include interactions between Pr 4f electrons to get better agreement with experimental VB spectrum. It is seen that the VB consists of Pr 4f, Co 3d and O 2p states. Pr 4f, Co 3d and O 2p bands are highly mixed indicating strong hybridization of these three states. The band near the Fermi level has about equal contributions from Pr 4f and O 2p states with somewhat smaller contribution from Co 3d states. Thus in the Zaanen, Sawatzky, and Allen scheme PrCoO3_3 can be considered as charge transfer insulator. The charge transfer energy Δ\Delta can be obtained using LDA DOS calculations and the Coulomb-exchange energy U' from LDA+U. The explicit values for PrCoO3_3 are Δ\Delta = 3.9 eV and U' = 5.5 eV; the crystal field splitting and 3d bandwidth of Co ions are also found to be 2.8 and 1.8 eV, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; to appear J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Quasielastic electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering in a continuum random phase approximation approach

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    We present a continuum random phase approximation approach to study electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections, in the kinematic region where quasielastic scattering is the dominant process. We show the validity of the formalism by confronting inclusive (e,e′e,e') cross sections with the available data. We calculate flux-folded cross sections for charged-current quasielastic antineutrino scattering off 12^{12}C and compare them with the MiniBooNE cross-section measurements. We pay special emphasis to the contribution of low-energy nuclear excitations in the signal of accelerator-based neutrino-oscillation experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Beam Facilities (NUFACT-2014

    Electron-neutrino scattering off nuclei from two different theoretical perspectives

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    We analyze charged-current electron-neutrino cross sections on Carbon. We consider two different theoretical approaches, on one hand the Continuum Random Phase Approximation (CRPA) which allows a description of giant resonances and quasielastic excitations, on the other hand the RPA-based calculations which are able to describe multinucleon emission and coherent and incoherent pion production as well as quasielastic excitations. We compare the two approaches in the genuine quasielastic channel, and find a satisfactory agreement between them at large energies while at low energies the collective giant resonances show up only in the CRPA approach. We also compare electron-neutrino cross sections with the corresponding muon-neutrino ones in order to investigate the impact of the different charged-lepton masses. Finally, restricting to the RPA-based approach we compare the sum of quasielastic, multinucleon emission, coherent and incoherent one-pion production cross sections (folded with the electron-neutrino T2K flux) with the charged-current inclusive electron-neutrino differential cross sections on Carbon measured by T2K. We find a good agreement with the data. The multinucleon component is needed in order to reproduce the T2K electron-neutrino inclusive cross sections

    Post-spinel transformations and equation of state in ZnGa2O4: Determination at high-pressure by in situ x-ray diffraction

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    Room temperature angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction measurements on spinel ZnGa2O4 up to 56 GPa show evidence of two structural phase transformations. At 31.2 GPa, ZnGa2O4 undergoes a transition from the cubic spinel structure to a tetragonal spinel structure similar to that of ZnMn2O4. At 55 GPa, a second transition to the orthorhombic marokite structure (CaMn2O4-type) takes place. The equation of state of cubic spinel ZnGa2O4 is determined: V0 = 580.1(9) A3, B0 = 233(8) GPa, B0'= 8.3(4), and B0''= -0.1145 GPa-1 (implied value); showing that ZnGa2O4 is one of the less compressible spinels studied to date. For the tetragonal structure an equation of state is also determined: V0 = 257.8(9) A3, B0 = 257(11) GPa, B0'= 7.5(6), and B0''= -0.0764 GPa-1 (implied value). The reported structural sequence coincides with that found in NiMn2O4 and MgMn2O4.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 2 Table
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