535 research outputs found

    A review on systematic study of cellulose

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    This review attempts to bring together basic and systematic information which has been gathered on cellulose structure, types, principally that of native cellulose, over the last few decades. Even though advances have been made in the field of crystallography, powder crystallography cannot yield a definitive cellulose structure and single crystal diffraction is not possible due to the lack of suitable crystals. Knowledge obtained on the biosynthesis of native cellulose and on the polymorphy of cellulose and its derivatives help our understanding of ultrastructure. Many inconsistencies between early crystallographic studies of native cellulose have been clarified by the discovery that two polymorphs (á and â) of cellulose I exist. Models of the possible ultrastructural arrangements within native cellulose have been put forward over the decades; with advancement in technology, computer simulations of small and large systems are being created to test the viability of these ultrastructural models. It is hoped that this review will aid in the understanding of the complexity and uncertainties that still exist in this subject

    Toward the sequence-based breeding in legumes in the post-genome sequencing era

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    Efficiency of breeding programs of legume crops such as chickpea, pigeonpea and groundnut has been considerably improved over the past decade through deployment of modern genomic tools and technologies. For instance, next-generation sequencing technologies have facilitated availability of genome sequence assemblies, re-sequencing of several hundred lines, development of HapMaps, high-density genetic maps, a range of marker genotyping platforms and identification of markers associated with a number of agronomic traits in these legume crops. Although marker-assisted backcrossing and marker-assisted selection approaches have been used to develop superior lines in several cases, it is the need of the hour for continuous population improvement after every breeding cycle to accelerate genetic gain in the breeding programs. In this context, we propose a sequence-based breeding approach which includes use of independent or combination of parental selection, enhancing genetic diversity of breeding programs, forward breeding for early generation selection, and genomic selection using sequencing/genotyping technologies. Also, adoption of speed breeding technology by generating 4–6 generations per year will be contributing to accelerate genetic gain. While we see a huge potential of the sequence-based breeding to revolutionize crop improvement programs in these legumes, we anticipate several challenges especially associated with high-quality and precise phenotyping at affordable costs, data analysis and management related to improving breeding operation efficiency. Finally, integration of improved seed systems and better agronomic packages with the development of improved varieties by using sequence-based breeding will ensure higher genetic gains in farmers’ fields

    Molecular markers and genomic resources for disease resistance in peanut-A review

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    Recent polyploidation of peanut genome and geographical isolation has rendered peanut to be a highly monomorphic species. Due to its narrow genetic base, cultivated peanut has been susceptible to various diseases, causing economic loss to farmers. Availability of only a few disease resistance sources in cultivated peanut has resulted in limited success using the conventional breeding practices. Also, scarcity of markers has been the major limiting factor to precisely identify the disease resistance genomic regions. Recent identification of large number of molecular markers using advanced genomic resources and high throughput sequencing technologies has and will continue to assist in improvement of peanut diversity and breeding. This review gives an update on recent discovery of molecular markers associated with major diseases and the available genomic resources in peanut

    Does improved oleic acid content due to marker-assisted introgression of ahFAD2 mutant alleles in peanuts alter its mineral and vitamin composition?

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    Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) with high oleic acid content have extended shelf life and several health benefits. Oleic, linoleic, and palmitic acid contents in peanuts are regulated by ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B mutant alleles. In the present study, ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B mutant alleles from SunOleic 95R were introgressed into two popular peanut cultivars, GG-7 and TKG19A, followed by markers-assisted selection (MAS) and backcrossing (MABC). A total of 22 MAS and three MABC derived lines were developed with increased oleic acid (78–80%) compared to those of GG 7 (40%) and TKG 19A (50%). Peanut kernel mineral and vitamin composition remained unchanged, while potassium content was altered in high oleic ingression lines. Two introgression lines, HOMS Nos. 37 and 113 had over 10% higher pooled pod yield than respective best check varieties. More than 70% recurrent parent genome recovery was observed in HOMS-37 and HOMS-113 through recombination breeding. However, the absence of recombination in the vicinity of the target locus resulted in its precise introgression along with ample background genome recovery. Selected introgression lines could be released for commercial cultivation based on potential pod yield and oleic acid content

    `Zwicky's Nonet': a compact merging ensemble of nine galaxies and 4C 35.06, a peculiar radio galaxy with dancing radio jets

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    We report the results of our radio, optical and infra-red studies of a peculiar radio source 4C~35.06, an extended radio-loud AGN at the center of galaxy cluster Abell 407 (z=0.047z=0.047). The central region of this cluster hosts a remarkably tight ensemble of nine galaxies, the spectra of which resemble those of passive red ellipticals, embedded within a diffuse stellar halo of ∼\sim1~arcmin size. This system (named the `Zwicky's Nonet') provides unique and compelling evidence for a multiple-nucleus cD galaxy precursor. Multifrequency radio observations of 4C~35.06 with the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 610, 235 and 150 MHz reveal a system of 400~kpc scale helically twisted and kinked radio jets and outer diffuse lobes. The outer extremities of jets contain extremely steep spectrum (spectral index -1.7 to -2.5) relic/fossil radio plasma with a spectral age of a few ×(107−108)\,\times (10^7 - 10^8) yr. Such ultra-steep spectrum relic radio lobes without definitive hot-spots are rare, and they provide an opportunity to understand the life-cycle of relativistic jets and physics of black hole mergers in dense environments. We interpret our observations of this radio source in the context of the growth of its central black hole, triggering of its AGN activity and jet precession, all possibly caused by galaxy mergers in this dense galactic system. A slow conical precession of the jet axis due to gravitational perturbation between interacting black holes is invoked to explain the unusual jet morphology.Comment: Published in MNRAS | No. of pages 12, 10 figures and 4 tables. Comments are welcom

    Identification of two major quantitative trait locus for fresh seed dormancy using the diversity arrays technology and diversity arrays technology-seq based genetic map in Spanish-type peanuts

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    Seed quality for both germination in the next generation and for human consumption is adversely affected due to preharvest sprouting in peanut. It also makes seeds more vulnerable to infection by a number of pathogens. Therefore, it is desirable to have 2–3 weeks of fresh seed dormancy (FSD) in the peanut varieties. In this context, one F2 population was developed from a cross between non-dormant (ICGV 00350) and dormant (ICGV 97045) genotypes. Phenotyping of this population showed control of the trait by two recessive genes. In parallel, genotyping of the population with Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) and DArT-seq markers provided a genetic map with 1152 loci covering a map distance of 2423.12 cM and map density of 2.96 cM/loci. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified two major QTLs, namely qfsd-1 and qfsd-2 explaining 22.14% and 71.21% of phenotypic variation, respectively. These QTLs, after validation in different genetic backgrounds, may be useful for molecular breeding for FSD in peanut

    Marker-assisted introgression of a QTL region to improve rust resistance in three elite and popular varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg, is one of the major devastating diseases in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). One QTL region on linkage group AhXV explaining upto 82.62 % phenotypic variation for rust resistance was validated and introgressed from cultivar ‘GPBD 4’ into three rust susceptible varieties (‘ICGV 91114’, ‘JL 24’ and ‘TAG 24’) through marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC). The MABC approach employed a total of four markers including one dominant (IPAHM103) and three co-dominant (GM2079, GM1536, GM2301) markers present in the QTL region. After 2–3 backcrosses and selfing, 200 introgression lines (ILs) were developed from all the three crosses. Field evaluation identified 81 ILs with improved rust resistance. Those ILs had significantly increased pod yields (56–96 %) in infested environments compared to the susceptible parents. Screening of selected 43 promising ILs with 13 markers present on linkage group AhXV showed introgression of the target QTL region from the resistant parent in 11 ILs. Multi-location field evaluation of these ILs should lead to the release of improved varieties. The linked markers may be used in improving rust resistance in peanut breeding programmes

    Comparative transcriptome analysis identified candidate genes for late leaf spot resistance and cause of defoliation in groundnut

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    Late leaf spot (LLS) caused by fungus Nothopassalora personata in groundnut is responsible for up to 50% yield loss. To dissect the complex nature of LLS resistance, comparative transcriptome analysis was performed using resistant (GPBD 4), susceptible (TAG 24) and a resistant introgression line (ICGV 13208) and identified a total of 12,164 and 9954 DEGs (differentially expressed genes) respectively in A- and B-subgenomes of tetraploid groundnut. There were 135 and 136 unique pathways triggered in A- and B-subgenomes, respectively, upon N. personata infection. Highly upregulated putative disease resistance genes, an RPP-13 like (Aradu.P20JR) and a NBS-LRR (Aradu.Z87JB) were identified on chromosome A02 and A03, respectively, for LLS resistance. Mildew resistance Locus (MLOs)-like proteins, heavy metal transport proteins, and ubiquitin protein ligase showed trend of upregulation in susceptible genotypes, while tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR), pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR), chitinases, glutathione S-transferases, purple acid phosphatases showed upregulation in resistant genotypes. However, the highly expressed ethylene responsive factor (ERF) and ethylene responsive nuclear protein (ERF2), and early responsive dehydration gene (ERD) might be related to the possible causes of defoliation in susceptible genotypes. The identified disease resistance genes can be deployed in genomics-assisted breeding for development of LLS resistant cultivars to reduce the yield loss in groundnut

    Genomic tools in groundnut breeding program: Status and perspectives

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    Groundnut, a nutrient-rich food legume, is cultivated world over. It is valued for its good quality cooking oil, energy and protein rich food, and nutrient-rich fodder. Globally, groundnut improvement programs have developed varieties to meet the preferences of farmers, traders, processors, and consumers. Enhanced yield, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and quality parameters have been the target traits. Spurt in genetic information of groundnut was facilitated by development of molecular markers, genetic, and physical maps, generation of expressed sequence tags (EST), discovery of genes, and identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for some important biotic and abiotic stresses and quality traits. The first groundnut variety developed using marker assisted breeding (MAB) was registered in 2003. Since then, USA, China, Japan, and India have begun to use genomic tools in routine groundnut improvement programs. Introgression lines that combine foliar fungal disease resistance and early maturity were developed using MAB. Establishment of marker-trait associations (MTA) paved way to integrate genomic tools in groundnut breeding for accelerated genetic gain. Genomic Selection (GS) tools are employed to improve drought tolerance and pod yield, governed by several minor effect QTLs. Draft genome sequence and low cost genotyping tools such as genotyping by sequencing (GBS) are expected to accelerate use of genomic tools to enhance genetic gains for target traits in groundnut
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